Monday, February 28, 2011

[rti4empowerment] Re: Construction Vehicles Of Rutomjee


2011 MAR 01

The Project Manager
The Quality Control Manager
the Human Resources Manager
Chirag Construction RMC

Dear Madames, Sirs,


In reference to your building construction sites, in particular, at road number 1, JVPD, MCGM Ward K West, DN Nagar Traffic Chowkie jurisdiction, NMMIS site.

It is observed that many times, the cement concrete mixers, etc., on contract by Chirag Construction RMC, are frequently and regularly violating traffic rules while loading, unloading, such as

01 Double parking
02 Wrong side parking
03 Going against traffic, in wrong direction
04 Obstructing traffic, specially since both sites are near the corners and junctions of main roads
05 Drivers speaking on mobile while driving, these huge vehicles, not wearing seat belts, etc
06 Not complying with many, if not most of CMVR, pertaining to tyres, lights, horns, PUC, etc

It is earnestly kindly requested, if not expected, that Chirag Construction RMC, a name in the construction and development sector, to follow the laws of the land in all aspects of building from ground breaking, excavation, till completion and occupation, especially since the area is full of students, as on date they are all tense due to their exams, they are highly inconvenienced by the huge vehicles obstructiing their BEST bus stops, entrances, etc.

Unless and until, construction vehicles are given blanket permission to move, stop, halt, load, unload, without heed to traffic rules, etc., again, it is expected Chirag Construction RMC should direct all contractors and sub contractors to strictly adhere to the same.

Surely vehicles and equipment associated with Chirag Construction RMC  can't and shouldn't be compared with those irresponsible drivers who have made traffic on Mumbai's roads the mess it is, and give Chirag Construction RMC  a bad name

As you are giving buildings and projects of certain standards, you will agree, its not only the final finishes, amenities, and facilities that make them such, but all the inputs done before and during construction also.


Jagdeep DESAI

Founder Trustee
Forum for Improving Quality of Life in Mumbai Suburbs


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1 comment:

  1. شركة تركيب باركيه بالرياض

    أولاً : ماهية الباركيه يمكننا تعرف الباركيه بإنهُ عبارة عن نوع من الأرضيات التي يستخدمها الناس في وقتنا المعاصر لتجميل البيوت والمنازل والفلل وهي ذات أشكال هندسية رائعة ومتنوعة يتم تركيبها في منازلنا وبيوتنا, وتتميز أشكال الباركيه وألوان الباركيه باللون البني المتدرج , ويتم صناعة الباركيه من الأخشاب والفانيل ويعطي ساحرًا ورونقًا رائعًا دائمًا عندما يتم تركيبهُ في منازلنا يعطي الطمآنينة والدفء والشكل الأرستقراطي في المنازل. حقًا هُناك العديد من الأشكال الرائعة والجميلة التي يمكن إستخدامها بالشكل الذي يحلو لك, بفضل الله وحده أولاً شركة تركيب باركيه بالرياض هي الأولى في مجال تركيب وتنفيذ أعمال الباركيه المختلفة.

    ارقام مبلطين بالرياض
    شركة تركيب باركيه بالرياض
    شركات مقاولات بالرياض

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