Tuesday, March 1, 2011

[rti4empowerment] Re: Permit CNG Filling Only Between 23h00 and 07h00


Dear Jagdeep and everybody,

This is an interesting discussion. My thoughts are:

1) There is some amount of bias in the positions for an against filling in the night. Has anybody done the decibel counts for a truck being filled say at 1 am? What is the real versus perceived advantage/disadvantage. Do we have data on the number of filling instances all across the city? Or even for a pilot CNG station? Time taken to do a full tank etc. Data collection really is primary I think.

2) I find this discussion very interesting from the development plan point of you. These are exactly the kind of needs which have grown in the past two decades which need to be featured in the Development Plan of the city. Thus there should be provision for fuelling stations in the Plan.

3) With so many government authorities marked on this email I would expect them to respond to this discussion. What good is good governance and e-governance if those marked on such discussions do not respond? I would take it as a display of disinterest and disregard for all of us who put in so much of our time thinking on these issues completely gratis.

4) I think any of the authorities marked in this email can convene a meeting on this subject. I look forward to a data gathering program and further action to be discussed at such a meeting.


On 1 March 2011 10:41, Jagdeep DESAI <jagdeep.desai1@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Ajit,

CNG filling does not increase noise pollution in any extraordinary way at night to the extent there may be violation of noise pollution norms.

Autos fill their tanks during the day, peak hours, after noon to evening.

You can see the obstructions at all CNG stations on S V Road and LBS Marg throughout the day.

This is a very serious traffic obstacle, and makes the pedestrian movement very unsafe.

If the authorities are earnest to reduce congestion and air and noise pollution, the timings should be changed to the night as suggested.




2011/2/28 A.V.Shenoy <shenoyav@gmail.com>
Dear Jagdeep
Normally Rickshaws fill up CNG in the evening around 8 p.m. when there is a end / change of shift. Asking them to fill up after 11 pm is not a good suggestion. If they fill up in the morning after 6 am you can't object as this is after the noise pollution restriction is over.
2011/2/28 Jagdeep DESAI <jagdeep.desai1@gmail.com>

Traffic doesn't stop at night.

Noise pollution comes from indiscriminately blowing horns, many of then illegal pressure, musical, air, multi tone, poor engine tuning, dysfunctional  silencers, body rattle,etc., and no check by RTA or MTP.

Not when vehicles queue up to fill CNG when there is less traffic all round, and blowing horns by impatient drivers will reduce, engines will not be idle, less wastage of fuel by all other vehicles waiting in jams, etc.

Noise pollution has to be checked by MTP and RTA, throughout the day and night, and not only during some drive or other, and mostly it is some annual formality.

Noise pollution is a menace due to non road worthy vehicles being allowed to ply and race on Mumbai's roads freely without check.

Everybody's nerves are on edge throughout the day, hence good sleep is required, which is absolutely accepted.

In fact, night time filling of CNG will not increase noise pollution to the extent that one one's sleep is adversely affected.

Before vehemently opposing the suggestions, maybe a fair and reasoned analysis of both scenarios can be done, and there are many such suggestions which should be considered in all respects.




On 28 February 2011 12:46, Jagdeep DESAI <jagdeep.desai1@gmail.com> wrote:

In reference to this report, Hindustan Times, 2011 FEB 28

The menace of indisciplined auto, taxi, LMV, LCV, MCV, HCV, contract buses standing any where, any how, any time, is seen at all CNG filling stations.

They block entrances to buildings, even fire stations, BEST bus stops, roads, double park, etc., obstruct safe movement of pedestrians and so on.

In short, they contribute adversely to the traffic, and cause considerable delay in the daily commute when aggregated together.

This can easily be overcome by permitting such filling between 23h00 and 07h00 only.

This will benefit all concerned

01 Less congestion during day working hours,

02 Faster filling due to cooler and quieter conditions on the whole

03 The tanks are filled completely for the whole day

04 No hold ups in traffic, pedestrians can walk on the footpaths, and wait at BEST bus stops, as against not where they have to make way for autos, etc

05 Less noise pollution due to incessant honking by other vehicles trying to make the wrongly parked vehicles waiting for filling, and by default, pedestrians, move out of the way

06 CNG tankers also create major traffic hazards when they come to refill the stations, these, along with all fuel tankers should be allowed only in the night

A GR to this effect is in order


Jagdeep DESAI

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