Monday, April 11, 2011

Re: [rti4empowerment] Re: Re: Anna Hazare lights a spark??


Incidently, this also amounts to say that, as in the last line our cricketers should have shunned their corrupt bosses and boycotted the matches!  This is proof enough to say that every elemeent in the syndicate who close their eyes to wrong doings too are corrupt, players included! 

As you say it is a difficult proposition but like bitter medicines which ultimately cures the ailment shunning corrupt would be difficult initially  but that could be an effective medicine to cure the ailment of "corruption"  

--- On Mon, 11/4/11, Rahul <> wrote:

From: Rahul <>
Subject: [rti4empowerment] Re: Re: Anna Hazare lights a spark??
To:, "ajayshooda" <>
Date: Monday, 11 April, 2011, 3:17 PM


Completely agree with The last line
Its the most difficul and also the most effective way
to fight corruption.

Following the advice in the last line will actually ensure that
corrupt people and corruption will never get a foothold in Life

With best wishes,
Owner/Moderator - The CYBUGLE & 60seconds
Co-Moderator - TRADESMART

--- On Mon, 4/11/11, ajayshooda <> wrote:

From: ajayshooda <>
Subject: [rti4empowerment] Re: Anna Hazare lights a spark??
Date: Monday, April 11, 2011, 5:43 AM


All western democratic countries & we follow the same or similar model of governance ...have some independent institution to catch the corrupt , confiscate their assets & to punish them in a timely manner ...usually within two years the investigation & trial are completed. We still have no law to confiscate the stolen property in all our laws against corruption .

If we had real bureaucratic reforms , police reforms & judicial reforms , we would not have been ranked among the most corrupt countries regularly & would not need the JLP Bill.

We have not ratified the UN Convention on Corruption , nor taken any real steps to investigate overseas accounts of Indians or stop the corruption & crime money being routed back thru Mauritius a gift of Sinha , Chidambram & Paranab Da to the nation .

If we were not as corrupt & badly governed as we are , we would not be host to the largest poor , malnourished , illiterate mass of people , who are denied even a semblance of justice....ruled by one of the most prosperous MPs & MLAs . Even councilors become crore-patis faster than most business men. We do not have the heart or the honesty to see that our poor are the biggest shame to to us all. It is the biggest continuing tragedy for quite a few centuries now ....we thought would be over when we get independence... but the corrupt among us have ensured that the tragedy continues while they fatten on the loot.

We have a very devious variety of democracy where the elections are fought with crores of black money stolen from the taxpayers & then the winner steals enough to ensure the future of his next seven generations. The EC rubber stamps the show dutifully.

As we have a good number of criminals in the houses , they will not want to act against their criminal interests . They do not want the Jan Lok Pal Bill as Sharad Pawars of today will be the first one behind bars in once the JLPB is enacted.

Our current system has a lot of laws , lots of checks , but no balance ...that is why we are the most corrupt & hypocritical nation .

If we shun corruption , shun the corrupt who ever they are , even if they our brothers , sisters , father , mother, Uncles , Aunts & friends ...we will not need any bill .

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