Thursday, January 27, 2011

[rti4empowerment] Time for Action - Editorial


Good day Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Its Thursday, January 27th, 2011

Click for Mumbai, India Forecast

I didn't post an editorial like I used to every
year for Republic day or Independance day

I've had it

Its that time of the Year again
Mere desh ki dharti sona uglay wala time

Only, the Dharti is spawning increasing corruption and politicians
So much so that now even our Homes are not safe

I open the Newspaper and the headlines greet me
Addl District Collector burnt alive by Oil Mafia.
He had caught them red handed and was done to death
in Broad daylight ...

Not a kind of News one expects on Republic day morning.
Kudos at least to the newspapers that sacrificed Republic
day celebrations even at the cost of seeming spoilsports

So no editorials this year.
Enough talk.

Its time to do it this year

All that has to be done has been talked to death.
Its Time to get down on our knees and do the the dirty work.

Stand up for what is wrong
Say it aloud if you can't change it
Hold it in derision in your heart if you can't even speak it out
So long it remains as a splinter in your brain, it'll not allow
you to relax or become complacent.

Which is the bigger danger.

Start small, I don't care .
Start with yourself and your family.

Are you doing things you know are bad or wrong??
STOP doing them this instant.
SAY it out aloud that what you are doing or living is wrong.
At most, you'll be ridiculed, but you would have stood for
that which is right, something the ridiculars don't have the guts
to do and therefore ridicule the one who does it.

Its a sign you are doing the right thing.
For if you were wrong, Their ridicule would have come
with an admonition, and guidance showing why
you are wrong and how to correct it.

Listen to the advice of your critics
Listen to that objectively.
If they are right, change your stand
Have the courage to accept correction.
You cannot have it if your ego is still in the equation.
Take it out.

Knowledge and the road to self improvement has no place
for ego and arrogance except that it prevents you from stooping to lowliness.

Yes, Arrogance has its use that way.
It prevents some of us from doing the wrong thing because we
considers that task lowly, against our grain.

But keep a watch on your arrogance.
Cut it too loose a deal, and soon it'll be back where it was
Lording over you, and generally making you lock yourself
into inaction over "perceived" slights.

I know, A shallow reason for doing the right thing.
But where results matter, methods are expendable

So do it.
Don't wait for the pefect moment.
Before you do something right,
you first need to do it.

You cannot refine a non-action

Do it cheerfully though
With belief, with Love, with conviction.
Or else it'll become a chore and drain you
A sure reason for you to give it up halfway

You need to be on the move
Physically, emotionally, mentally.
Movement is Life.
Stagnation is death
And you cannot do all of this, unless you first desire
to change your current position.
If you are happy there, you ain't getting out baby.

You'll be stuck and before you know it,
have become a cranky old Man.

Like I said, time to DO IT NOW.
Believe in yourself and do it.
There will come time when you will feel like giving up.
In those times, believe in yourself.
Go over the reaons why you started it

Time to put that knowledge to some use.

If you got anything to add to this,
write in to me.


Author - Rahul D
( )
Your comments and feedbacks always welcome
at  as well as at

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Working for God on earth does not pay much,  
but His Retirement plan isoutofthisworld.
Help someone have a nice day,
With best wishes,

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