Saturday, December 10, 2011

[rti4empowerment] Nominations for Third IRDS Awards



This is to request you that Institute for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences (IRDS), a Non-governmental organization from Lucknow shall be presenting the Third IRDS awards to young achievers for their works in 2011  in the fields of Print Media, Electronic Media,  Human Rights, Law, Medicine, Management and Government services.

These awards are named respectively after Alok Tomar, Surendra Pratap Singh, Safdar Hashmi, V N Shukla, Anandi Bai Joshi, Manjunath Shanmugam and Satyendra Dubey, who died while being in the prime of their youth with a long promising career ahead. The awards shall be given with the hope that these awardees shall fulfill those left promises.

The awards are open to all Indians and Non-Resident Indians who are 45 or below on 31 January 2012. Only individuals are eligible for the awards and not any society or organization. You are requested to send the nominationsat or before 31 January, 2012 while the awards shall be announced on 15 February 2012.

Amitabh Thakur,
President, IRDS,
# 94155-34526

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