How Much or What to Govern
Any Governance which empowers itself, than the public is useless and defeating its own purpose, because the smaller the Governance the batter the public.
There are five fundamental problems in our structure of Governance they are as follows. Our Government wishes to control each and every aspects of our life for its citizen than empower to act freely. Basic problem with this type of Governance is as soon as the freedom to act is taken away creativity of public is lost in jungle of laws rules etc. Planned control atmosphere does not work always as planned because of limitation of the people who planned it. There should be public opinion should be taken and also consider what is feasibility to govern and how much I will cost and can we afford and it is serving the majority.
1. Trust
2. Duplications
3. Overlapping
4. Accountability
5. Separation
Now let us see what we mean by all above fundamentals taken one at a time.
In our country Bharat (India) All our rules which are there to serve the public are based on mistrust. You as public had to prove that you are right and prove your innocence or even a simple statement. Which is fundamentally wrong ? Why anybody will make a wrong statement to Governance. If one found making a wrong statement the system should be able to quickly take a appropriate action against the person. In our system this is absent. Money spent in Transfer is useless and it does not serve public and its cost is very large in term of resources and physical and emotional toll on people who are transferred and its breed's corruption who does these transfers. Basically each of us can work whatever we have or change the personal who can't deliver the services.
Now look at another example why any new minister comes or Governance comes they transfer hundreds of people. Question is why we all are Indians and can't work with each other? It is simple people also don't trust each other and if rules are robust anybody should be able to implement provided there is resolve. Hence there is a urgent need of a administrative reform commission which should look in each and every rules and laws there are some 3700+ I was told. Remember there is no sacred cows including IAS DM CEO Commissioners Governor etc. why these are not require will be covered in duplication. Public opinion is must to change the rules as it directly involves public hence their opinions and input at right time should be taken a must and sure sign of good governance. Our Many Prime Ministers had promised that budget will made public before presenting in parliament , but never done so far. In Age of computers and competent administration it should not be a problem and it should start very early not at nick of time.
Now let us talk of duplication. It is difficult for me where to start. Let me try why there is Central Public works department and state public works department, and local self Government Public works department. Do we need this three tier system only to serve one public? And cost of doing business is much different as CPWD is most costly and last one was least costly why as public we have live with this. These three agencies can never work in cooperation with each other, otherwise we don't have to live with three time road digging for different times and inconvenience.
Now come to city level we have Mayor of city elected by residents but still have DM CEO Commissioner, and have more power just because they are selected and appointed? It is a biggest joke of democracy in India. I one time asked this question during All India DM's meeting in 2005 why we need them nobody could give answer nor I could find the same system any democratic or dictatorial type of Governance in world over. So we certainly don't need in our India. That is why we immediately need a administrative reform Commission headed by public not IAS or representatives (MP , MLA) They all are over worked who finds difficult to even go to their own sessions. We may not be require so called expert and intelligent just after passing an exam and training of few months and expert in all fields be it agriculture, engineering or costing judiciary etc. remember these are not cheap any more each one pay and benefits cost very dearly say in lakhs of rupees per month. So very serious thought is requires to think a fresh for this type of duplications. We have banks and traders to control for a free market every one Below Poverty Line be given money in their bank accounts each month rather than supply the fixed amount and price rice wheat and sugar kerosene etc. Why have two tier system of pricing of same thing in one country, but poor should be protected and supported all the time. The rationing system is rotten and corrupt to the core and every ody can tell you horror stories. Ration cards are made for the illegal person for want of vote bank.
Let us see how funny it looks we have highest paid public servant Presidents in center and Governors in States who do nothing and in their name PM or CM takes care of Administration. Bhayya a man Can't do his own job (One man One job) principle PM had to control Legislations and as well Administration and President do nothing. Is it fair for public funds. Will you pay two people for one a job as your personal job to be complete. Hence need a Administration Reform Commission As soon as possible. Why public had to pay two pay checks for one and same job. It is not very effective way to spend public money.
Let us talk in details about the situation of Governors. Why they are there as mere monitors of central Government in various states. There are two or little more that in big mansions left behind the governors place left behind by masters British. They still live same way some few hundred people with a budget of few corers a month in salary and perks like free food and pay and most of these are retired IAS or part people a rewards. Everyone knows we don't need them but who wants to say because one day I may get such a perk like Governor of states a public expanses. Same thins can be said for DM CEO or Commissioner of City But who will Talk against IAS it will be killing the chance of my own son or daughter not be an IAS officer one day in future, who knows may be they could be another Einstein or Columbus instead of an mere IAS . IAS and IPS both are selected out of best of Indian boys and Girls but why they are not allowed
to work independent of each other one maintaining law and other peace and security of public? Public will not shed a tear not democracy will be undermine as they are appointed not elected and they have no daily contact with general public some handful see them everyday it comes in local papers even our name came one time when I see one governor with my family. These are reward post for faithful to party not to public.
If you have three tier system and two people doing the same job one in name other actually doing through chain of ten commands to control a small job or a big job will be able to fixed any accountability. That is why we can not fix any accountability for an error, always there are other someone else to blame. Biggest joke is we have millions of clerk who are expected to work but no authority to dispense the lowest ordinary cases of administration and than we talk about trust. How you can feel part of a team where you have no clear cut laws and powers to dispense the cases and still feel part of team. Rules are discriminatory and not at all robust, office head can change the noting on file at his or her whims. No two cases which are similar had same outcome in our system why and how nobody seems to have answer, but is looking for answer and solution is administrative reform commission as soon as possible. but all party should be included in this not merely administrative people or representatives only specially grieved public. Governance should be as much as public can handle no more no less. There are few places where public need to be control like public safety and defense of country but not all te places but it need to be served by governance.
Why Government had to have a supply department permit department, Rationing, fair pricing system, shop timings, military canteen, treasury, railway , air India, rehabilitation, power production and distribution, education and thousands of public undertakings of states and central. Our esteem business houses can't do what Governance is doing. Answer is this question is very simple but it may not look good for no. of IAS officers. Governance job is to manage the system but required to do it make laws and implement those. Why every personnel had be in New Delhi all the time sitting in vicinity of secretary, in ministry building. With advent of computers these can be sitting in district level offices and communicate with their bosses daily as well serve the public batter. IN each ministry there are secretary and there are personal secretary to minister why? It is clear cut duplication and time wasting and wasting of public funds.
Why public had to travel and waste time and money when they need the services rather than these people come to public to serve. Secretary and these staff need not be sitting next to each other on daily basis where as public need these personnel's every day so they be close and available to public more.
There are three parts of Governance everybody knows, Legislation, Administration and Judicial. They must be able to work in unison and as well as separate and interdependently all the time for the benefit of public not for their own benefits pay and perks and promotion only. In our
system this is not possible PM had to see all no sharing of powers. Some of the junior Ministers have no file to see but a big spacious office and staff. PM should not be in charge of Legislative functions and administration as well. Ministers should not be from legislative members. He should appoint them or work with Secretary of departments where they grow from ranks, why not? After all we are all Indians and should be able to work under a set of rules and regulations if at all we are talking about same thing – serving the public interests over our own smaller personal agendas. For efficient system of governance we need strong and robust rules and balanced budget which means within budget and tools to work independently without interference of each other. Legislation make s or amend rules and make laws. Administration apply law of land and maintain law and order. And Judiciary should see the laws are not only followed in spirit and letters but serve the public and encourages them to meet the administration for help they need time to time and within time. Judicary should see the public get justice at relatively ease and timely and it has respect of administration and legislation as well. Similarly administration also has respect of legislation and judiciary in applying laws and maintaining order with public trust and service with regards for their hard work. Legislative will have the satisfaction that the administration and judiciary are following what they are expecting to serve the public.
This can all be done when there is interference to each other work but admiration only in order to serve public. And public had to be supportive whenever and wherever to all three wings of Governance. Public will only do that when it get encouragement from all three wings as the supreme and service. Public will be happy and so the three parts Governance and their personnel viz, Legislators, Administrators and Judges as they are some or other time recipients of these services as well.
One thing must be clear to all of us United public will be served and divided as we are today for any issue will be ruled by the same governance system no matter what.
United public for a cause becomes a revolution and this is only way WE know a revolution can be brought in By United public. United public for a cause becomes a clear cut public opinion and its will be revolution.
We have to demand new things and small which can bring a big change as well in future Governance.
One all public servants will move all their files to next place after their job is done. All public servants to have their own vehicles to attend to governance duty, a loan to buy vehicles may be provided. No house all will be apid the market value rent for their official homes provided.
ALL MP /MLA etc pay for their safety if you fearful don't come to serve public. Most of the representative are good to their wards and they need
worry about safety. Those who are not need not be provided the security as they are them self can take care of their safety, I know what you means as already in groups and like goondas can save them self so these MLA /MP's, and police thus spared will be able to take care of public safety.
All peons will be sent back to their place of birth or a village and will be part of Planning Commission and will be paid same amount of money as pay but their job will be similar taking care of water needs cleanliness of village and how each and every family can have a house of their own also how lagan money be used to start a school in village.
In office paper should be banned all over India. Let people take care of themselves like make their own tea and clean after themselves in public servants As we only keep able body person in our Governance job and this much sacrifice they should be able to do for their country.
Planning commission will be more effective when planning will start from bottom most unit a village, a peon who is part of Governance, will have the rope to have funds allotted to his or her village.
This all above small changes will bring a mobile change in immobile stagnant Governance system and does not need economic layout but Government will be accessible to majority of population. Argument can be brought that it will not work. Ask that question to BPL people IS present system is working ? Answer need not be given to me which is off course YES. If we go on doing what we were doing we will go on getting the same results will be getting in future but small steps will help as NGO are helping to fulfill Governance job and fulfill the dream of public Governance.
By: Umesh rashmi rohatgi 24161 Nilan drive Novi MI 48375 USA
"rurohatgi@yahoo.comn" ( 248)-471-5786 22nd jan 2012
NB : You can read writer other articles in detail about the governance pl ask for details.
1. Akhand Bharat Chale dhire Ethlake ABCDE
2. Separation
3. Change the system
4. Transfer
5. Governance
6. Why public feels helpless
7. Let me work and act freely
8. Vichar manch
9. Trap
10. Shrinkage
11. Discriminatorily rules etc etrc. Ask for full set of articles from write it will mailed m immediately.
12. Frustration removing actions
13. GAP Vs GAP
14. Lagan Villages School (LVS)
15. Railways
16. India Governance- Issues IGI
17. Blunders in Indian Constitution
18. GOVT.
19. Sir name fraud
20. Story of 3p
21. Why public feels helpless
22. Nya Nara Neta ji
23. WAS to Now
24. Is politics profession or Corruption
25. PUMP (potentioal of uniting motionlless Public) etc. etc.
Any Governance which empowers itself, than the public is useless and defeating its own purpose, because the smaller the Governance the batter the public.
There are five fundamental problems in our structure of Governance they are as follows. Our Government wishes to control each and every aspects of our life for its citizen than empower to act freely. Basic problem with this type of Governance is as soon as the freedom to act is taken away creativity of public is lost in jungle of laws rules etc. Planned control atmosphere does not work always as planned because of limitation of the people who planned it. There should be public opinion should be taken and also consider what is feasibility to govern and how much I will cost and can we afford and it is serving the majority.
1. Trust
2. Duplications
3. Overlapping
4. Accountability
5. Separation
Now let us see what we mean by all above fundamentals taken one at a time.
In our country Bharat (India) All our rules which are there to serve the public are based on mistrust. You as public had to prove that you are right and prove your innocence or even a simple statement. Which is fundamentally wrong ? Why anybody will make a wrong statement to Governance. If one found making a wrong statement the system should be able to quickly take a appropriate action against the person. In our system this is absent. Money spent in Transfer is useless and it does not serve public and its cost is very large in term of resources and physical and emotional toll on people who are transferred and its breed's corruption who does these transfers. Basically each of us can work whatever we have or change the personal who can't deliver the services.
Now look at another example why any new minister comes or Governance comes they transfer hundreds of people. Question is why we all are Indians and can't work with each other? It is simple people also don't trust each other and if rules are robust anybody should be able to implement provided there is resolve. Hence there is a urgent need of a administrative reform commission which should look in each and every rules and laws there are some 3700+ I was told. Remember there is no sacred cows including IAS DM CEO Commissioners Governor etc. why these are not require will be covered in duplication. Public opinion is must to change the rules as it directly involves public hence their opinions and input at right time should be taken a must and sure sign of good governance. Our Many Prime Ministers had promised that budget will made public before presenting in parliament , but never done so far. In Age of computers and competent administration it should not be a problem and it should start very early not at nick of time.
Now let us talk of duplication. It is difficult for me where to start. Let me try why there is Central Public works department and state public works department, and local self Government Public works department. Do we need this three tier system only to serve one public? And cost of doing business is much different as CPWD is most costly and last one was least costly why as public we have live with this. These three agencies can never work in cooperation with each other, otherwise we don't have to live with three time road digging for different times and inconvenience.
Now come to city level we have Mayor of city elected by residents but still have DM CEO Commissioner, and have more power just because they are selected and appointed? It is a biggest joke of democracy in India. I one time asked this question during All India DM's meeting in 2005 why we need them nobody could give answer nor I could find the same system any democratic or dictatorial type of Governance in world over. So we certainly don't need in our India. That is why we immediately need a administrative reform Commission headed by public not IAS or representatives (MP , MLA) They all are over worked who finds difficult to even go to their own sessions. We may not be require so called expert and intelligent just after passing an exam and training of few months and expert in all fields be it agriculture, engineering or costing judiciary etc. remember these are not cheap any more each one pay and benefits cost very dearly say in lakhs of rupees per month. So very serious thought is requires to think a fresh for this type of duplications. We have banks and traders to control for a free market every one Below Poverty Line be given money in their bank accounts each month rather than supply the fixed amount and price rice wheat and sugar kerosene etc. Why have two tier system of pricing of same thing in one country, but poor should be protected and supported all the time. The rationing system is rotten and corrupt to the core and every ody can tell you horror stories. Ration cards are made for the illegal person for want of vote bank.
Let us see how funny it looks we have highest paid public servant Presidents in center and Governors in States who do nothing and in their name PM or CM takes care of Administration. Bhayya a man Can't do his own job (One man One job) principle PM had to control Legislations and as well Administration and President do nothing. Is it fair for public funds. Will you pay two people for one a job as your personal job to be complete. Hence need a Administration Reform Commission As soon as possible. Why public had to pay two pay checks for one and same job. It is not very effective way to spend public money.
Let us talk in details about the situation of Governors. Why they are there as mere monitors of central Government in various states. There are two or little more that in big mansions left behind the governors place left behind by masters British. They still live same way some few hundred people with a budget of few corers a month in salary and perks like free food and pay and most of these are retired IAS or part people a rewards. Everyone knows we don't need them but who wants to say because one day I may get such a perk like Governor of states a public expanses. Same thins can be said for DM CEO or Commissioner of City But who will Talk against IAS it will be killing the chance of my own son or daughter not be an IAS officer one day in future, who knows may be they could be another Einstein or Columbus instead of an mere IAS . IAS and IPS both are selected out of best of Indian boys and Girls but why they are not allowed
to work independent of each other one maintaining law and other peace and security of public? Public will not shed a tear not democracy will be undermine as they are appointed not elected and they have no daily contact with general public some handful see them everyday it comes in local papers even our name came one time when I see one governor with my family. These are reward post for faithful to party not to public.
If you have three tier system and two people doing the same job one in name other actually doing through chain of ten commands to control a small job or a big job will be able to fixed any accountability. That is why we can not fix any accountability for an error, always there are other someone else to blame. Biggest joke is we have millions of clerk who are expected to work but no authority to dispense the lowest ordinary cases of administration and than we talk about trust. How you can feel part of a team where you have no clear cut laws and powers to dispense the cases and still feel part of team. Rules are discriminatory and not at all robust, office head can change the noting on file at his or her whims. No two cases which are similar had same outcome in our system why and how nobody seems to have answer, but is looking for answer and solution is administrative reform commission as soon as possible. but all party should be included in this not merely administrative people or representatives only specially grieved public. Governance should be as much as public can handle no more no less. There are few places where public need to be control like public safety and defense of country but not all te places but it need to be served by governance.
Why Government had to have a supply department permit department, Rationing, fair pricing system, shop timings, military canteen, treasury, railway , air India, rehabilitation, power production and distribution, education and thousands of public undertakings of states and central. Our esteem business houses can't do what Governance is doing. Answer is this question is very simple but it may not look good for no. of IAS officers. Governance job is to manage the system but required to do it make laws and implement those. Why every personnel had be in New Delhi all the time sitting in vicinity of secretary, in ministry building. With advent of computers these can be sitting in district level offices and communicate with their bosses daily as well serve the public batter. IN each ministry there are secretary and there are personal secretary to minister why? It is clear cut duplication and time wasting and wasting of public funds.
Why public had to travel and waste time and money when they need the services rather than these people come to public to serve. Secretary and these staff need not be sitting next to each other on daily basis where as public need these personnel's every day so they be close and available to public more.
There are three parts of Governance everybody knows, Legislation, Administration and Judicial. They must be able to work in unison and as well as separate and interdependently all the time for the benefit of public not for their own benefits pay and perks and promotion only. In our
system this is not possible PM had to see all no sharing of powers. Some of the junior Ministers have no file to see but a big spacious office and staff. PM should not be in charge of Legislative functions and administration as well. Ministers should not be from legislative members. He should appoint them or work with Secretary of departments where they grow from ranks, why not? After all we are all Indians and should be able to work under a set of rules and regulations if at all we are talking about same thing – serving the public interests over our own smaller personal agendas. For efficient system of governance we need strong and robust rules and balanced budget which means within budget and tools to work independently without interference of each other. Legislation make s or amend rules and make laws. Administration apply law of land and maintain law and order. And Judiciary should see the laws are not only followed in spirit and letters but serve the public and encourages them to meet the administration for help they need time to time and within time. Judicary should see the public get justice at relatively ease and timely and it has respect of administration and legislation as well. Similarly administration also has respect of legislation and judiciary in applying laws and maintaining order with public trust and service with regards for their hard work. Legislative will have the satisfaction that the administration and judiciary are following what they are expecting to serve the public.
This can all be done when there is interference to each other work but admiration only in order to serve public. And public had to be supportive whenever and wherever to all three wings of Governance. Public will only do that when it get encouragement from all three wings as the supreme and service. Public will be happy and so the three parts Governance and their personnel viz, Legislators, Administrators and Judges as they are some or other time recipients of these services as well.
One thing must be clear to all of us United public will be served and divided as we are today for any issue will be ruled by the same governance system no matter what.
United public for a cause becomes a revolution and this is only way WE know a revolution can be brought in By United public. United public for a cause becomes a clear cut public opinion and its will be revolution.
We have to demand new things and small which can bring a big change as well in future Governance.
One all public servants will move all their files to next place after their job is done. All public servants to have their own vehicles to attend to governance duty, a loan to buy vehicles may be provided. No house all will be apid the market value rent for their official homes provided.
ALL MP /MLA etc pay for their safety if you fearful don't come to serve public. Most of the representative are good to their wards and they need
worry about safety. Those who are not need not be provided the security as they are them self can take care of their safety, I know what you means as already in groups and like goondas can save them self so these MLA /MP's, and police thus spared will be able to take care of public safety.
All peons will be sent back to their place of birth or a village and will be part of Planning Commission and will be paid same amount of money as pay but their job will be similar taking care of water needs cleanliness of village and how each and every family can have a house of their own also how lagan money be used to start a school in village.
In office paper should be banned all over India. Let people take care of themselves like make their own tea and clean after themselves in public servants As we only keep able body person in our Governance job and this much sacrifice they should be able to do for their country.
Planning commission will be more effective when planning will start from bottom most unit a village, a peon who is part of Governance, will have the rope to have funds allotted to his or her village.
This all above small changes will bring a mobile change in immobile stagnant Governance system and does not need economic layout but Government will be accessible to majority of population. Argument can be brought that it will not work. Ask that question to BPL people IS present system is working ? Answer need not be given to me which is off course YES. If we go on doing what we were doing we will go on getting the same results will be getting in future but small steps will help as NGO are helping to fulfill Governance job and fulfill the dream of public Governance.
By: Umesh rashmi rohatgi 24161 Nilan drive Novi MI 48375 USA
"rurohatgi@yahoo.comn" ( 248)-471-5786 22nd jan 2012
NB : You can read writer other articles in detail about the governance pl ask for details.
1. Akhand Bharat Chale dhire Ethlake ABCDE
2. Separation
3. Change the system
4. Transfer
5. Governance
6. Why public feels helpless
7. Let me work and act freely
8. Vichar manch
9. Trap
10. Shrinkage
11. Discriminatorily rules etc etrc. Ask for full set of articles from write it will mailed m immediately.
12. Frustration removing actions
13. GAP Vs GAP
14. Lagan Villages School (LVS)
15. Railways
16. India Governance- Issues IGI
17. Blunders in Indian Constitution
18. GOVT.
19. Sir name fraud
20. Story of 3p
21. Why public feels helpless
22. Nya Nara Neta ji
23. WAS to Now
24. Is politics profession or Corruption
25. PUMP (potentioal of uniting motionlless Public) etc. etc.
From: Jagdeep DESAI <>
To:; Sucheta Dalal <>; Veeresh Malik <>; Vinita Vishwas Deshmukh <>; ashok datar <>; IAC - Mumbai <>; jagrut nagrik manch movement <>; Janhit Manch <>; rti4emp yahoo <>; its-my-right <>; Chetan Bordawekar <>; Milind Vaze <>; animish thaker <>; RRUC Team <>; Sameer Buddha <>; Vivek Ratna <>; Bimal Bhatia <>; Navin <>;; Puneet Sachdeva <>;; Sujit Patwardhan <>; Anil Nagrath <>; iac.pune <>; utpal mehta <>; Ratna Mehta <>; mihir mehta <>; sandeep ohri <>
Cc:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Indian Express <>;;;;;;;;;;
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 10:58 AM
Subject: [rti4empowerment] Re: deficiency in service
The latest in the total indiscipline and deterioration of Mumbai Pune Expressway, now called Dharvai T Junction Two
Pathetic situation.
We will take strict action against the contractor.
How about against the Maharashtra Cricket Association, the franchise company, against the MPE, MSRDC, against the HTP, who allow this and say, we didn't know about this.
Breach craft turns deadly
Gahunje Stadium developers' game of hide-and-seek with authorities —illegally breaching the E-way so their trucks can take short cut to construction site — claims life of woman driving on the correct side
Nadeem Inamdar
Posted On Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 07:58:11 AM
One person was killed on Thursday and four were injured when their car was hit by a truck carrying heavy construction equipment that took an illegal turn on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway to access the under-construction Gahunje Stadium via a breach in the E-way boundary wall, located around 35 km from Pune.
Killer breach: The ill-fated Wagon R was travelling to Mumbai when this truck entered the one-way (L) and above, the breach in the MSRDC-built E-way boundary wall gives easy access to the stadium The stadium is being built by the Maharashtra Cricket Association (MCA) and is intended to be the home ground for the city's Indian Premier League (IPL) team, Pune Warriors India. Despite repeated repairs and warnings from authorities, the wall is breached by the stadium developers so that trucks carrying construction equipment and material can cut across the E-way, break into the one-way traffic from Pune to Mumbai and reach the stadium without taking the mandatory U-turn some distance ahead.
Police reports say there was another mishap under the same circumstances at the same spot around two weeks back, in which two persons were injured. In Thursday's incident, a Maruti Wagon R with five passengers was heading to Mumbai when the truck entered the one-way traffic. Police said the driver was unable to control the car and rammed into the truck. The deceased has been identified as Salma Abbas Vakharia (66) while the injured are Abbas Vakharia (73), Huzaifa Vakharia (40), Meshram Sanai (35) and Shivkumar Kardilkar (31), all residents of Dhankawadi. Police said that Huzaifa was at the wheel and Salma, his mother, was in the passenger seat while father Abbas and their two employees were sitting in the rear seat. Huzaifa is a building construction contractor.
Highway police said the truck bearing registration number MWN 2545 was on its way to Gahunje Stadium, but the truck driver is absconding. According to the highway police, the truck was negotiating an illegal turn by breaching a portion of the Expressway and was heading towards Gahunje stadium at 9.55 am when the accident took place. Salma's daughter Rafiqa told Pune Mirror, "We are shattered by this accident. It is unfortunate that the accident took place on the Expressway despite the driver being on the correct side. We demand strict action against the truck driver and a detailed investigation needs to be carried out as to how the safety of the E-way has been compromised." Another relative, Farooque Kanchwalla said that the breached road portion has become a virtual death trap with no action being taken by the police and other administrative agencies. PSI Dilip Talpe of the Highway Safety Patrol said, "The truck driver is at large and we don't have any details about the truck except its number." Talpe, however, did not elaborate as to how the truck was allowed to breach the high speed corridor. The Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC) has on record made it clear that they have not permitted the contractor, Shapoorji Pallonji and Co, to make a connecting road, with two bridges, from the E-way to the stadium. The distance of this illegal road is not known, but should be around 500 metres. Pune Mirror had reported that this could eventually obstruct traffic or even lead to accidents. The Maharashtra Cricket Association (MCA) is constructing a new cricket stadium at Gahunje, about 35 km from Pune and a concrete wall was constructed by the MSRDC around the stadium to prevent vehicles plying to and fro from the stadium from intruding on the E-way. Senior PI with Talegaon Dabhade police station, Sanjay Nikam said the police will take strict action against the suspect. "It has been found that the side fencing is broken and trucks are allowed to cross the E-way through the breach. We will not allow such a thing to happen and necessary instructions have been issued to the patrol team. We are yet to arrest driver Budappa Sangappa Ranjangi, a resident of Peth Road in Nashik. The contractor, Omprakash Narayanan who is carrying out the Gahunje road construction is also from Nashik. He too will be questioned in this case," Nikam said. |
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Jagdeep DESAI <> wrote:
The communications below are self explanatory.
The Mumbai Pune Expressway has become one dangerous road, and worse than Dharavi T junction.
The users are paying the toll fees only for the contractor to make money because the contractor is neither maintaining it as per contract, nor looking after safety of the users who are paying for it.
Such is the state of what was once the pride of Maharashtra.
>>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: sammeer <>
Date: Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 11:00 AM
Subject: deficiency in service
Cc:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Indian Express <>,,,,,,
HiDespite lot of emails and media coverage no plan has been drafted to ensure safety on mumbai pune expressway. Yesterday again there was a very serious accident where a wagon-r crashed into a truck. Reason was that the truck took a illegal U turn on the highway.There are no patrolling vehicles to ensure dangerous vehicles are fined and taken off the highway. How many more lifes have we to give before you have concrete plan. By saying that the contract is with someone else does not take your responsibility off.Regards,Sameer
Minister's car kills biker on expressway someone take action ?ToManaging DirectorMSRDCMumbaiSub.: Failure to improve safety of Mumbai Pune ExpresswayRef.: 1. Legal notice sent via email on 28-Feb-20072. Your reply dt. 06-Mar-2007 Ref: MSRDC/SE(Pune)/MPEW/283Sir,In reply to my legal notice your office had assured me that necessary action will be taken to prevent stray dogs and other animals from entering the expressway, however no efforts have been taken and due to which there was an accident on 31-May-2010 early morning at 0530hrs. A woman lost her life and her husband was seriously injured.The car [MH12DM7317] in which she was travelling hit a dead cow and broke down, on calling the control room the victim's family was told that there were 3 accidents that morning and only one crane was available and they could send the crane after one hour.While they waited for the crane to arrive a speeding van [MH12AN6492] hit the lady and her husband, killing the lady and injuring the husband seriously.After calling the control room they were informed about shortage of ambulance and said that it would take 30 mins for the ambulance to reach the accident spot.After reaching Parmar hospital in Lonavala which refused to administer the accident victim they were taken to another government hospital where doctor was unable for 3 hrs.After the above incident it is confirmed that your office has given me false information under RTI about ambulances and emergency services on expressway. Also my question on letter dt. 06-Mar-2007 Ref: MSRDC/SE(Pune)/MPEW/283 was easily avoided in that RTI.· On the complete stretch of expressway there are fewer ambulances and cranes.· Two ambulances are lying in non working condition at various Police Check posts.· Emergency phones on the highway are in non working condition and not checked.· IRB security is patrolling on bikes, not only risking their life but ours too· Mechanics are freely moving on their scooters and often seen going wrong side. They park their bikes at Lonavala Police Highway Chowky in the centre of the Ghat area.· Lonavala Police does not have jeeps to patrol the highway. This is evident from the number of bikes parked at Lonavala Highway Police Check Post before the Tunnel.· Patrolling Security men and Police Men are often seeing without helmet.· Their bikes and vehicles do not have emergency warning / flashing lights.· There is no supervision on the Company which has been given contract to maintain the highway.Your engineer from Pune responsible for the Mumbai Pune expressway had informed me that local villagers steal the side fencing and sell it due to which stay dogs and cows enter the highway. On inquiring he informed me that they have not registered any FIR for this theft. He said since cost of building a wall is too high and MSRDC was already in a big loss they are helpless to do anything regarding stray animals.On 26th June i informed the Highway Police Control Room on 9850026000 and 9822098220 about cattle heard which had entered on Expressway and goats were running on the expressway in the 3rd and 2nd lane. Officer assured me of sending a response team to clear that.Unfortunately in India till few thousand lives are not lost and media attention is not given on the subject no action is taken.You have working 5 working days to respond failing which I shall forward this letter to DG of Maharashtra Police to register a FIR against your company for negligence even after giving a warning and legal notice to your company.Thanking you.SameerCopies Sent to:CM of MaharashtraDCM of MaharashtraChief Secretary MaharashtraGovernor MaharashtraDG of Police MaharashtraDySp LonavalaStaff at MSRDC Pune / MumbaiMid-DayTimes of IndiaMumbai MirrorDNAHello,This and other reports regarding accidents on the Mumbai Pune Expressway are highly disturbing.Not so much for the gruesome results, but for the utter, total and wanton disrespect for traffic rules and regulations by the HCV, contract, MSRTC, tourist bus drivers, and the lack of strict enforcement by the authorities tyres and brakes only be checked for the MPE, or should they be in top condition at all times.Do the police or RTA ever check tyres any time any where, one look at most tyres on HCV, MSRTC, BEST and such vehicles, even new ones, we wonder where the new tyres all go.
Even if they are stolen, which HCV or bus has new tyres, so where do these good tyres go anyway.As it is, the MPE has degenerated to a condition equal to, if not worse, that Dharavi's roads, like the T junction area, etc.The photos attached show that MSRDC, nor IRB, nor Highway Police, nor Thane Polce, nor Pune police could care less about the illegal movement of two wheelers, HCV, illegal hawkers, huge amounts of litter and garbage strewn all over the sides of the MPE.The areas around the toll nakas, and food malls, is of particular concern, as already mentioned in the previous communications.Two wheelers are now using the MPE freely, even from Panvel side, see the photo.Trucks, trailers, bulk cement carriers, container trucks, private taxis, private vehicles now make it a point to halt for long durations both sides of both toll nakas, making a mockery of no stooping on the expressway rule.Do not litter the expressway.
What do these people care about this request.Check the garbage created near the toll nakas, and the food malls, as seen on the road and road sides.
Check out behind the food malls, it is Deonar garbage dump in the making, mounds of plastic cups and such non bio degradable waste.Who cares, not MSRDC, not IRB, not GOM, who.
So much for environment concerns.There are any number of explanations and clarifications passing the responsibility, so the public knows.Private access roads now connect the MPE for an educational institution near Lonavala from Pune side, to the industrial unit near Khalapur toll naka, and between Talegaon toll naka and NH 4 exit, a private cricket stadium for the Sahara Pune warriors is coming up, and the contractors and owners have very conveniently made an entry from the MPE Mumbai side, as well cutting the median green space from Pune sideThis news report was in 2011 JAN, the road is still there, and even a year ago this was the caseThe contractors Shapoorji Pallonji make great claims about the Vision, Mission, Quality Policy, and all thatIs it a joke.
If the construction work is being done in such a casual manner, what will happen when the spectators start arriving in their cars to the statdium, imagine.How very clever, and expressway is supposed to be without any side exits or entrances except as planned and well marked.Here open up the road for anything, pedestrians are bold and brave, more likely fool hardy and defiant, and walk on the MPE, even hawk goods on the ghat sections as they know there are traffic jams and they will get consumers.Bus drivers, MSRTC Shivneris, regular, KSRTC, Neeta, APSRTC, KSRTC, are totally unconcerned as to their wrong lane driving, forget speed limits.If they are exempt, and the passengers know the risks being taken by these drivers, and the organisations, then this point may be ignored
Are we looking at a total break down in traffic law and order on all roads in Maharashtra.Thanqx.
Jagdeep DESAIArchitectSecretaryFounder TrusteeForum for Improving Quality of Mumbai Suburbs>>>Images are not displayed.
Display images below[Attachment(s) from Jagdeep DESAI included below]Hello all,In reference to these excellent and extremely revealing reports on the Mumbai Pune ExpresswayThere is hardly anything to add to this, so here are a few pictures.
The MPE is very soon going to become another Dharavi T junction road, unauthorised parking on both sides at various places by HCV mostly, but even by contract buses, even though it is no parking anywhere, refreshment stalls, repair shops, etc.Now service roads are now connected directly with the MPE anywhere, even though internationally, expressways, highways, autobahns, autostradas, have connections only via well planned and thought out exits and entrances.There is a factory just adjacent to the Khalapur toll naka, heavy vehicles turn into the factory fromPune side, just as vehicles are about to accelerate after the toll, and these HCV, trailers, multi axle trucks, etc., and are extremely dangerous during the day, but in the night they are killers, since most of them have no lights, and vehicles are also coming in fast from Pune side, and don't expect a trailer to suddenly turn right to go towards the factory.Just before Lonavala, there is a private educational complex, which has been connected with an access road right at the turn towards Lonavala from Pune side, a private road having direct entry.On the MPE, there are any number of instances of two wheelers on stretches, even going the wrong way.
I saw pedestrians, looking like local residents, at many places on 2011 MAY 11.On the Mumbai side, trucks, contract buses, trailers, etc., have started parking just after the toll booths for toilet and snack breaks, even though the food court and conveniences were just a kilometre prior to the toll booth.The buses, trucks double park, and create obstructions to the accelerating vehicles, again in the night, highly dangerous.Besides, this area has become a garbage dump, waste and litter is strewn everywhere, plastic cups, plates, bags, etc.And worse, illegal hawkers have set up their stalls and are doing great business.
Mark my words, they will demand rehabilitation in the food court shortly, that too, at that spot.Even around, about and near, the authorised food courts, there is a free for all dumping of waste, soon there will be a garbage dump build up.
The food courts themselves over charge, and have no hygiene standards whatsoever, the staff have no apparent training in cleanliness, toilets are dirty and appear to have no regular housekeeping.The roads into and out of the food courts are not maintained, potholed and because of absence of lights or reflectors or road markings, very difficult to negotiate into and out of these places.Apart from that, road markings, cats eyes, reflectors, signs are not as desired and required as per international standards.Ever since the tunnels were operational, I have never seen all the internal and external lights functioning at all times, there are always some lights off, not working, resulting in uneven lighting, which again is dangerous.In any case the lighting is dismal, at the best of times, resulting in drivers putting on full beams, which again means dangerous conditions.Heavy vehicles keep in the extreme right lane, not a single Highway Patrol Police person is seen, at least I have never seen any one on duty except once when the radar guns were being used about three years ago.MSRTC buses, Shivneris, deluxe, semi deluxe, regular, Neeta Travels, APSRTC. KSRTC, all have the arrogant habit of keeping extreme right lanes, racing at 100 kmph or 120 kmph, well beyond the speed limit of 80 kmph, and then cut sharp left to get into the toll lane for buses.By all parameters, the MPE has deteriorated from being the pride of Maharashtra, to being just a glorified Dharavi T junction.Sorry, but that's how it is.Thanqx.Jagdeep DESAIArchitect
SecretaryFounder TrusteeForum for Improving Quality of Mumbai Suburbs>>>Mumbai-Pune Expressway toll collected so far: Around Rs1,000 crore. But why is maintenance so shoddy?
April 20, 2011 12:00 PM|
Vinita Deshmukh>>>Activists angry over Pune-Mumbai Expressway toll loot, plan protest action
April 02, 2011 02:55 PM|
Vinita Deshmukh
>>>Attachment(s) from Jagdeep DESAI4 of 4 Photo(s)>>>
2nd straight day of jam on E-way as truck keels over
By: Kaumudi Gurjar Date: 2011-07-04 Place: Pune
Highway police say heavy vehicles should be checked for brakes, tyre pressure before Expressway entry
For a second consecutive day the Pune-Mumbai Expressway witnessed a traffic jam at the crucial Amrutanjan Point near Lonavla, after a container carrying chemicals fell on its side. A major tragedy was averted as another truck driver suffered brake failure. The truck hit the roadside railings; the Borghat police said it could have been a major catastrophe had the truck hit the tanker carrying explosive chemicals that was in the middle of the road.
Not again! The accident on the Expressway at Amrutanjan Point
The traffic snarl-up that it caused. Pics/Vishal Suresh
4 hrs to clear road
Both incidents took place early in the morning, leading to a major traffic jam on the Mumbai lane for nearly four hours. Till June this year, nearly 18 fatal accidents have taken place at the same spot, leaving 30 people dead and 23 injured. The spot comes under the jurisdiction of the Borghat outpost, the responsibility of which extends from the Amrutanjan point to Khalapur toll naka on the Expressway and from Shil Phata to Amrutanjan Point on National Highway No. 4.The Borghat police say most of the accidents at the spot involve heavy vehicles. The reasons for most of the accidents are brake failure and tyre burst. "If heavy vehicles are checked for brakes and air pressure in tyres before they are allowed to ply on the Expressway, the number of accidents and casualties will reduce," said Sub-Inspector L V Bhosale of the Borghat outpost on the Expressway.Bhosale said yesterday's accident took place after the tyre of container carrying explosive chemicals burst in Borghat near Khandala and the container fell down hitting the road divider, partially blocking the Mumbai lane at the 47 km point. Another truck driver coming from behind hit the roadside railing after its brakes failed.
The traffic flow was eased after two IRB cranes were called in to clear the road.
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