Mr. Bimal Khemani Namaste. Thank you for taking up the RTI procedure. I will share with you a few disturbing facts. Please make RTI applications and submit to the office of Disaster Management Authority, Port Blair. Once you receive the response, I will be grateful and would highly appreciate if you can send to the postal address below a copy of their response. You may consider the following issues for RTI application. - Does the Disaster Management Authority in Port Blair - ANI - have a hotline with AIR and Doordarshan?
- Are they functional?
- Did AIR and DD receive intimation from NDMA and INCOIS, about the tsunami alert on 11th April?
- Why did AIR not broadcast the tsunami warning? (This question should be filed as separate RTI to AIR in PB).
- Did AIR receive clear written instructions about not broadcasting tsunami alert from the UT Administration?
- What are the equipments that DMA in Port Blair have and use for broadcast / mass communication of early warning?
- What were the equipment procured by DMA in PB after the DM Act was legislated?
- What were the equipment in possession of DMA at the time of the April 11th Tsunami?
- Has the DMA initiated the process of acquiring
- Does DMA have its own loudspeakers for broadcast of early warning?
- What is the protocol followed by DMA in Port Blair for inter agency coordination?
- How many air ambulances does DMA in PB possess?
- Does DMA have a blood bank proportionate to the village population in every tribal council of the Islands?
- Are the blood samples screened for HIV negativity?
- Does the DMA have its own mass transport system for evacuation?
- Which were the Islands in Nicobar group of Islands that were evacuated to safety?
- Does DMA in PB have fire hydrants, emergency staircase, air ambulance and mobile Operation Theatres?
- Has the DMA certified all storeyed buildings as earthquake safe or not in ANI?
Please make sure that these questions are addressed to DMA and AIR respectively. I would request you all to keep these questions and answers confidential, furnish me a copy of the response. Being a journalist I myself do not wish to file the RTI and seek your cooperation. In case you have more questions or doubts, please feel free to revert by cellphone, emails take a lot of time! My cellphone number is +91 9448055645. Best of luck Malini © The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be subject to legal privilege.The pictures and multimedia files attached herewith are meant for one time publication / broadcast alongwith the articles submitted by this journalist / photographer. Reprinting or republication in any form calls for written permission of the photographer. All content, and attachments with this e mail are copyright protected. This e-mail is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient please delete the message and notify the sender. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author. Malini Shankar CEO Weltanschauung Worldview Media Centre # 1 / 1 Amrutha" Police Station Road Basavanagudi Bangalore 560 004 Tel: +91 / 80 / 26677090 Cell: +91 944 805 5645 +91 948 070 2176 mailto:
-------Original Message------- Date: 10/07/2012 22:00:32 Subject: Re: Fw: [andamanicobar] non-utilization of Planned Funds by AIR in Andaman & Nicobar Islands Dear Malini , Our TRAP GROUP of RTI activists would like to work on it. Kindly provide us more leads in this regard BIMAL KUMAR KHEMANI, TRAP group of RTI activists ALIGARH (U.P.) Mob:09359724625 ****************************************** Officially Certified A Grade by DoPT *****************************************
On 10 July 2012 11:41, Urvi Sukul Singh <> wrote: Dear ALL, Warm regards Veeresh has been wonderful and offered to guide Malini Shankar Malini,I have cc-ed my rti online group and some other RTI activist friends who might be of future/further assistance-which,if they are in a position ,I am sure they will help. Warmly, Urvi Sukul Singh
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 5:25 PM Subject: Re: [andamanicobar] non-utilization of Planned Funds by AIR in Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Talking of under utilisation of funds, I would like someone here to guide me if RTI is the best option. Would anyone want to file RTI to the Disaster Management Authority in ANI? If yes please get in touch with me off list, I will provide many leads. Or if you folks think I should provide the leads on the list so be it.
During a recent investigation for my articles on disaster preparedness in the Andamans I discovered( quite to my horror) I must say, that the Disaster Management Office in Port Blair lacks its own set of loudspeakers. The DMA office in Port Blair itself does not have an emergency staircase or for that matter its own office premises. DMA works in a rented office space from the 2nd floor, and without an staircase!
After the crores and crores of Rupees allocated to the Islands, immediately after the tsunami of 2004, I wonder what blessed tender process might have delayed procurement of loudspeakers? During the April 11th emergency this year tsunami warnings were mounted / broadcast on police department sirens. The links below will take you to my 2 part series. In case you are interested that is...
http://www.ipsnews net/2012/06/indian-ocean-rim-countries-battered-by-disasters-part-2/
Cheers, Malini © The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be subject to legal privilege.The pictures and multimedia files attached herewith are meant for one time publication / broadcast alongwith the articles submitted by this journalist / photographer. Reprinting or republication in any form calls for written permission of the photographer. All content, and attachments with this e mail are copyright protected. This e-mail is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient please delete the message and notify the sender. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author.
Malini Shankar CEO Weltanschauung Worldview Media Centre # 1 / 1 Amrutha" Police Station Road Basavanagudi Bangalore 560 004 Tel: +91 / 80 / 26677090 Cell: +91 944 805 5645 +91 948 070 2176 mailto:
-------Original Message-------
From: Sajan G Date: 06/26/12 13:35:31 To: Subject: Re: [andamanicobar] non-utilization of Planned Funds by AIR in Andaman & Nicobar Islands
It is important to augment the capacity of both AIR and DD in the islands since it can play a vital role esp for disaster preparedness. Public opinion needs to be created for this sajan
On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 4:17 PM, sajan venniyoor <>wrote:
> > > Excerpt from the Report of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on > IT< > pdf > >(2011-2012), > May 2012 > * > * > *Under Utilization of Planned Fund in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands* > > 14. The [Parliamentary Standing] Committee are unhappy to note that out of > the planned allocation of Rs.300 crore for up-gradation of studios and > transmitters of All India Radio in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, only > Rs.1.8 crore has been spent. The Committee are not convinced with the > reasons cited by the Ministry that delay in approval of Schemes only on > 27th April, 2010 delayed procurement and implementation of the project > resulting in low expenditure. The Committee are of the considered view that > when the budgetary provision had already been made for the project, the > Ministry should have set the physical targets, closely monitored the > progress of physical targets and ensured full utilisation of funds in the > Island. The Committee take a serious note of the above underspending > and recommend the Ministry to take adequate measures during 2012-13 so > that projects are expedited and funds utilised optimally during the > current Financial Year. > > *Utilization of Planned Funds in Andaman & Nicobar Islands* > > 60. The [Parliamentary Standing] Committee undertook a Study visit to > Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the month of January, 2012. During the above > Study visit gross under-utilisation of plan funds in the A&N Islands came > to the notice of the Committee as per information provided. The Plan > Outlay for up-gradation of studios and transmitters during the last five > years for AIR was Rs.32.80 crore out of which only Rs.1.8 crore > had been spent. > > 61. The Committee desired to know the reasons for poor utilization of > outlay for AIR in the island, to which the Ministry in the written reply > has informed that the following four projects were approved in the > Eleventh Plan under Digitalization of AIR network: (i) Conversion of > existing 100 KW MW Transmitter to Digital (DRM) mode, (ii) > Digitalization of Studios, (iii) Digitalization of existing Radio News > Unit (RNU), and (iv) Start of News-on-Phone service. However, due to > approval of schemes on 27th April, 2010 procurement action and > implementation of the project got delayed and it resulted in low > expenditure. > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > >
-- G. SAJAN Doordarshan, Port Blair 09476046367
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