Small synopsis of Activists meet held on 12th May 2012: About 35 leading activists attended and introduced their work/ Mission and how they carry out same. Sharing was very useful and helpful to all others. Atmosphere was very friendly and full of enthusiasm. Most of them assured others of help if and when needed. Everyone's emphasis was on unity and increased interaction between activists. Shri Bahgwanjibhai Rayani chaired the meeting and their Forum for fast Justice hosted the dinner. We strongly recommend that a get-together of all activists must be organized in each city and increase their fellowship. Here r some of the comments / mail received post meet of activists in Mumbai.
Alok Tholiya
Forum for Fast Justice ✆ fastjustice@gmail
Dear Forum friends,
Alok Tholia, a wellknown activist and a Forum friend, organised a small conclave on 12fth May at his hall in Santacruz (E) for about 35 activists working in various fields. 6-30 to 9-00 was the time for interaction when almost everyone was given 5 minutes to speak on his/her respective activity.
The overall presentation was very impressive and educative. Our Indravadanbhai, Manoj, Rajubhai, Kashyap and Ashish also attended and spoke.
Alok welcomed and proposed vote of thanks while I chaired the meet and made the conclusion and suggested Alok and friends to form an Association of Activists. It was unanimously welcomed.
I further proposed that once every year on a larger scale such unique meeting be held which could be sponsored by Forum. The announcement was greeted with loud applause.
I appealed to all of them to support the SAVE JUDICIARY-SAVE NATION movement in the larger interest of the nation and the democracy.
The overall consesus appeared for joining the campaign of judicial reforms.
A sumptuous dinner was served and we all congratulated Alok for hosting such unique meeting.
With regards.
(Bhagvanji Raiyani)
Chairman and Managing Trustee,
Forum For Fast Justice.
| May 14 (4 days ago) | | ||
Thanks a lot for rarranging the get together meet of the rti Activists.It is really a wonderful idea.There is an exchange of ideas & we learn a lot from the experience of others.More &more people should be involved.We can give the updates & important information typed on A4 sheets so that people can read & use at a later stage.We can mail the details of the members who attend such meetings.This will help people come close to each other.
It is a very good effort to bind together all the social activists & make them realise their duty towards society.It enahances confidence & courage in those people who want to do something but hesitate to come forward.Anyway sir keep it up.We are always there to support you.
I SHOULD THANK YOU FOR THE DELICIOUS FOOD THAT WAS SERVED THERE. Though it was a little late I enjoyed talking & meeting people.Thank you once again.
| May 14 (4 days ago) | | ||
Start for preparing an association as unanimously afreed by all
your invitee activists. GR AND OTHER FRIENDS ARE READY
Re: Seasons greetings if u r in Mumbai on 12th May 2012 *
Inbox | x |
| May 13 (6 days ago) | | ||
Dear Alokbhai and others,
It was a brilliant idea by you to have a fellowship meeting of activists.
It was a highly informative meeting wherein all fellow activists could know each other, share their passions, their
field of activism and seek guidance from others on how they are tackling the problems created by the Govt.
I feel :--
1. The tabulated list of participants (their names, contact nos. etc) be circulated so that they could communicate
amongst each other for advice.
2. The agenda and outcome of this meeting be circulated to all other activists who could not attend for
whatever reason so that they realise the advantages of attending such a meeting and thus would be a part of it too
in future.
3. Next meeting should be planned in the coming 4 - 6 months at a little larger venue as I feel that at that meeting
more activists would attend.
Once again thanks for your brilliant idea and providing the Hall FOC, to Shri Bhavanjibhai and Forum for Fast Justice
for sponsoring the dinner and to all participants who thought it fit to attend this gathering.
May God bless you all.
G R Vora
Ph - (022) 24091193 / 09869195785
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