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सà¤à¥€ टिपà¥�पणियां (296)
@samy300c An open mind is a good thing - you are aware that there are potentially different facts or interpretations and if they are presented in a plausible way then you entertain them. But you don't want a sieve for a mind and you must read the 'context' as an aid and apply Occam's razor. It's never a process of 'open up and let someone shovel stuff in.' You need to keep your critical faculties on high alert and in proportion to the 'believability' of the subject. We all do the best we can
@equsnarnd How would you know this is fabrication from a third party's outsider perspective. It is easy to say for some although , do you ever think that you believe what you are persuaded to believe?? The moon landing for example was screened on television , the media is controlled so how are you so that the footage was infact factual???? Don't forget to keep an open mind
Within 10 years America wil collapse. Printing free dollars only works because the Dollar still is the world reserve currency. As soon the world chooses for the Euro or an other currency the USA will fall. Even China is dumping their Dollars. Too much dollars on the market will kill the currency. It is happening! Look at Zimbabwe, or the former Yugoslavia. They all printed free money and within a day the prices increased by 100% or more...
@equsnarnd are you threatened by the truth?
@pistolpete667 maybe its bc the audio is so bad
what are some of "the corporations"?
@addiktion13 yeah but american elite (not ordianary dumb american) will win
RT -shame on you for presenting such gibberish. When this guy says, we 'economic hitmen' you know you're listening to a fantasy of a warped mind. This puppy probably thinks he has a handle on reality but his fabrication is as plausible as our moon landing taking place on a studio lot. His syntax gives him away and he doesn't realize it.
The story as presented is implausible to say the least, offering so few details that Perkins often seems paranoid, and the simplistic political analysis doesn’t enhance his credibility. Despite the claim that his work left him wracked with guilt, the artless prose is emotionally flat and generally comes across as a personal crisis of conscience blown up to monstrous proportions, casting Perkins as a victim not only of his own neuroses over class and money but of dark forces beyond his control.
His claim to have assisted the House of Saud in strengthening its ties to American power brokers may be timely enough to attract some attention, but the yarn he spins is ultimately unconvincing, except perhaps to conspiracy buffs.

@petersz98 The USA is a pawn in a much larger banking cartel. They control more than just the US via its currency but the US is certainly their headquarters.
i wish more americans would watch this. instead theyre content with reality shows and sports and bullshit news