A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 - by Isao Hashimoto

अपलोडर की टिप�पणियां (aConcernedHuman)
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@manelmariarodrigues Exactly! :)
@TuberOnTheLoose you have missed the point completely. You obviously don't get the fact that we put these evil people in power. So perhaps, people stop voting and then these evil people will not exist. Well they would exist but they sure the hell wouldn't have the power they do now. Kinda like with what going on in Egypt. The people finally had enough shit, and now who won?? The PEOPLE!.. It is up to us. Period.
@TuberOnTheLoose It's because of things like that, that we evolve slower
its wierd how everyone likes to nuke themselves but one comes from someone else then....
@SublimeRealityOf64 - These weapons are necessary because there are evil people in the world. Always has been and always will be. Funny thing about evil people. They don't care about rules, laws, or treaties. Sort of like how morons create "gun free zones" and then the only person in that zone with a gun is the evil person who can kill at will because there's nobody to stop him. If the whole world agreed to ban nukes the only people with them would be the evil people. We would be at their mercy.
If there are aliens, or a God, watching us they are shaking their heads in utter pity and disgust. Governments realize that and coined the term M.A.D yet they continue to make them and test them and improve them. Wtf.
@songforamericans the question was where were the explosions going off in the southwest, nevada nuclear test site, yucca mtn.
@blairbushproject ummmm.....ok?

And what have these weapons solved??? Not a bloody thing! The only way these weapons will benefit humanity is if all governments are put into one room and the bomb goes off with them. Put the Illuminati in there too. Then maybe just maybe, humanity can try to salvage what we have left to make this world a better place for our children. But until, greed and monetary gain is not the number one concern for governments, we will continue to see corruption on extreme levels.
@SublimeRealityOf64 Well said!
I new we (the US) loved nukes, but damn...
@DemonicDerek78 That is how i felt after watching this for the first time.