Saturday, December 31, 2011

[rti4empowerment] HAPPY NEW YEAR





  Thanks & Regards

  Prashant Uikey

  Founder - "IT'S MY RIGHT" Forum: CLICK TO JOIN
  Striving For Protection & Successful Implementation Of Citizen's Rights

  Mob: +91 9821936000

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[rti4empowerment] new year 2012 wishes [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from urvashi sharma included below]

- Urvashi Sharma
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838


Attachment(s) from urvashi sharma

1 of 1 Photo(s)

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[rti4empowerment] Fw: [kria] Harassment of RTI Activist


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Grahak Shakti for RTI
Dear All,

K N Jagadish Kumar an young and enterprising enthusiast of RTI has been
arrested a fortnight ago by those against whom he has got information
through RTI. I met him personally when I was moved by a mail on this board
about his predicament. I was stunned and really surprised at the
information he had gathered against the most powerful Corporator, an IPS
Officer in the locality and also several big wigs in the Government.
However, he was least concerned about protection and did not care for his
personal security which to me looked rather strange and funny. I cautioned
him but he wouldn't care. He was very determined to go against the

Earlier they foisted a `Dowry & domestic violence case against him which
fell flat. I even met his wife at their residence and the falsehood was
clear. The authorities also foisted a trumped up charge of `Attempt to
murder' of another local corporator and that too fell flat when the designs
got exposed. He was taken away by goons who ruffed him and beat him bolt
and blue without anybody helping him. And now they have foisted a case
under Atrocities Act which is being widely misused. I am aware that another
activist was also framed on a similar charge and he faced problems.

I stumbled upon this information when I was casually passing through his
area and wanted to meet him.

We need to do something and all of us should join and go as a delegation to
the Police authorities and give a representation and also release it to

Hope this is taken up seriously and not ignored with subjective prejudices
and our own dogmas. It can happen to him, it can happen to anybody except
those who give discourses and conduct Seminars to propagate the RTI Act for
their own vested interests.

With warm regards

Somasekhar V.K
Managing Trustee:Grahak Shakti.

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[rti4empowerment] false deceleration by the Shri.Modi Narendra damodardas contested in MANINAGAR, Gujarat [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from gopala krishnan included below]

1.       The Director General of Police
               Government of Gujarat
2.       Chief Election Commissioner of India
               New Delhi.
                Sub: Shri. Shri.Modi Narendra damodardas of Gujarat- incorrect information furnished to election commission- action under Representation of the People Act and under Indian Penal Code- reg.
            Shri.Modi Narendra damodardas , permanent account (PAN) number AAHPM 8993N of Gujarat has furnished wrong information on the PAN (Income Tax) to Election Commission while filing nomination to the Assembly elections for MANINAGAR constituency  in 2007. The PAN in the affidavit filed by him as found in the website of Election Commission was got verified with the Income Tax Department under RTI Act 2005.
            The PIO has informed that the PAN is an invalid one. Hence it is a clear case of incorrect information to the Election Commission.
            His above act attracts the specific provisions of Representation of the People Act as well as the IPC. He is liable to be initiated with criminal proceeding under Chapter III (electoral offences), Section 125A of Representation of the People Act and u/s.171 (G) of the Indian Penal Code.
            The relevant copies of affidavit and the reply from the PIO of IT Dept. are enclosed.
            Accordingly we request the appropriate authorities to initiate criminal proceedings against Shri.Shri.Modi Narendra damodardas for his act of furnishing wrong information as above.



Attachment(s) from gopala krishnan

1 of 1 File(s)

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

[rti4empowerment] Input for essays on relevance of IITs and IIMs requested



I am writing two long essays on the Assessment, Impact and Relevance of the  Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) on India and the world, including their social, economic, cultural, political, educational, managerial and scientific/technological significance. 

It would also contain personal views and opinions of people (including the Alumni and Faculty of IITs and IIMs and others not exactly associated with these Institutions but having a concern over the matter) on any of the above-mentioned facets. 

Hence, I request all those who want to assist me in this endeavour by providing their valuable inputs to kindly send it at or I would also request those interested in this topic to spread the message far and wide

Amitabh Thakur
# 94155-34526

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[rti4empowerment] Request for membership of Executive Committee of a Consumer Society


Under the consumer protection Act 1986, a registered voluntary consumer association can play a pivotal role. We are also making a small initiation by getting a society registered at Lucknow. With more focus on UP, we would make all possible efforts to shape it as a Pan-Indian group and to be real help and support to the Consumers everywhere, in our own small way.
I request my friends who would like to be part of the Executive Committee of this Voluntary society we are getting registered for the cause of consumer protection under the Consumer Protection Act. The only requirement would be to have some dedication to the cause of consumer protection and some amount of time to be given as per their own situation. It would be a pleasure having active people like you in the Executive Committee.
Such interested persons are requested to contact me at or or at 94155-34526.

Amitabh Thakur
# 94155-34526

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

[rti4empowerment] MAN MANAGEMENT: MIND, BODY AND SOUL By Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant, VSM


Good day Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Its Tuesday, December 27th 2011

Click for Mumbai, India Forecast

An article sent to me and lost in my archives


By Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant, VSM

Every man has an aim in life. To achieve that aim one has to make an effort. It may be an individual aim, that is achieved individually, like attainment of Moksha, that is liberation of a soul from shackles of birth and death or a collective aim like bringing the enemy of the country to a chosen battlefield and annihilating the enemy completely. To achieve a collective aim the supreme commander has to mobilize a mass of men and motivate them to follow the leader through thick and thin. It may even mean laying down lives of many men and women for the national cause. Ultimately the collective aim is achieved, that is establishing superiority over the enemy – achieving total victory.


A country raises an army and trains it for war. In fighting a war, the quality of gun is important. However, the Man behind the gun is more important. It is he who fires the gun and scores a hit on the enemy target. Of course, the gun is upgraded and modernized from time to time. Man who operates the gun, needs better upgradation and modernization of mind, body and spirit to be battle worthy to win the war always and every time. The commander who leads his men into battle is the leader of men who motivates the men he commands to do the most difficult things under the most adverse circumstances and even risking life and limb. However, the leader ensures that the body of soldiers he commands must achieve the predetermined aim.

The same principle and procedure are observed from the platoon level right up to the army level. The rank and file and the leader have to have a perfect understanding and a very high degree of loyalty to each other. It needs no underscoring that loyalty is a two-way traffic. The commander is loyal to the men he commands and the men are loyal to the commander under whom they mount a bayonet charge against the enemy. Loyalty and trust between the leader and the led are built over a period of time through a perfect understanding of each other's needs and requirements.

Looking after the physical, mental and spiritual needs of a soldier both in war and peace to improve his prowess in battle is called Man Management. A good commander who is indeed a good leader ensures that the factors that raise the morale of men are paid adequate attention. Of course, the leader has to take care of himself to make sure that his own morale is always sky high. It is the country that takes top priority, the men under command come next and own safety and welfare come last always and everytime For perfect battle worthiness the most modern bug bear called depression is not only always kept at arm's length but is given a decent funeral at the earliest opportunity. A strong will to live and be an achiever are the most effective antidote to the poison of depression.

Emphasis on leadership in the armed forces is of paramount importance. What is true of war and the forces is also true of the multi-faceted industries because both are run efficiently under the guidance of a good leader. In all spheres of life many a time a leader has to lead his men, now women too, even when the latter are not willing to work for a cause and to make a sacrifice. It is under these circumstances that high quality of leadership comes into play. The leader is himself motivated to achieve the aim in the first instance and later ensures that his command is also highly motivated. It is said that leaders of high caliber are not born but are trained and made to rise to the occasion. The Second World War proved that sons of farmers and labourers drafted into the armies of different countries of Europe, Asia and America displayed a very high degree of leadership under stress because of the training they had received. Perhaps, that explains the age old saying: ``the more you sweat in peace (during training) the less you bleed in war``.

Let us be very clear of the basic qualities that go into the making of a good leader. It is both physical fitness and mental robustness. It is both wisdom and valour. There is liberty to exercise initiative and to make decisions but only a trained mind is capable of making sound decisions under stress. It may be said that leaders of high caliber with the disciplined mind and wisdom, purity of thought and action, devotion to duty and dedication to cause are able to achieve the high aim of victory even when the feeble hearted men whisper - ``impossible – just impossible``.

It is the Brave heart and a leader with a robust mind who turns `impossible` into the possible. Yogeshwar Shri Krishna was a great leader of men and women and a Motivator par excellence. Let us revisit the battlefield of Kurukshetra and see the battlefield where the warring armies of the Kauravas and the Pandavas are poised to attack each other. One just cannot imagine that the commander-in-chief of the Pandavas, Arjun casts his bows and arrows aside, goes down on his knees, perspires and in a very feeble and humble voice informs his friend, philosopher and guide Shri Krishna that he is in no position to lead his men in action. The situation was most perplexing. Arjun`s morale was down in the dumps. The writing was on the wall. The defeat of the Pandavas was a near certainty.

Yogeshwar Shri Krishna was the one not to be non-plussed. He kept his cool and counseled Arjun in a very persuasive manner asking him to do his duty and lead his army into battle. It is the Dharma of a Kshatritya to fight for a national cause and not to turn tail when the chips are down. Shri Krishna succeeded in raising the morale of Arjun to a very high degree by exhorting him ``Na Dainyam Na Palayanam`` - not to exhibit fear or turn tail from battle. Indeed, one may say that Shri Krishna managed the most important man by working on his mind and encouraging him to fight. The great motivator said: ``Rise O son of Kunti! And fight with great determination``. This is what man management is all about.


A man whose mind is liberated and motivated gives proper signals to the body for the right action. It is the mind which has to signal the body to follow the path of righteousness. God Almighty revealed to the entire mankind the divine knowledge, Ved, wherein the Gayatri Mantra, exhorts the individual to train his mind for right action at the right time. The Gayatri Mantra is a poignant mantra prayer – to motivate the mind of the devotee – so that he or she does not go astray. A body of men and women will be able to achieve the most difficult goal by taking hazardous action and effectively tackling life threatening situation if the mind has been trained so over a period of time. Men and women who have trained their minds through prarthana and purushartha have nerves of steel. Display amiable disposition towards friends but nurture a killer instinct for the foe. Through training of minds they become high achievers both in peace and in war. They imbibe the spirit of the mantra – Dhiyo Yo Nah Pracho Dayat  - achieving a very high degree of motivation through an inspired mind. As a part of the man management ,training of minds through mantras and suitable mental exercises is highly desirable.

One may be tempted to give an example of getting a difficult job achieved through the man management of the old school where punishment – just punishment - was the policy of the day. It was all stick and no carrot. It is recorded that the Great Wall of China was built by the first emperor Ch`in Shih Huang Di and other despotic rulers and satraps by mobilizing men through brute force. Indeed, the brute force achieved the aim but the dynasty perished because the men rose in revolt. Man management, as we understand today, was lacking. Mass mobilization of manpower, a quality of the Chinese nation, did achieve results but the cost in terms of life, limb and emotional health was tremendous. In any case the Mongol marauders could not be stopped by the Great Wall and the nomads ruled the civilized Chinese for a little over a century.


The Indian Army today does not comprise men alone. Women have gained an entry into the Corps of officers since 1993. Although the Indian Army`s training in man management is excellent but, of late, cracks in the monolith corps of officers is visible from far and near. It would not be correct to say that lack of suitable training is not equipping the young officers to handle their men properly. The permanent commission officers are trained for two to three years where as the short services commission officers are trained for nine months or so. Indeed, the pre commission training of women officers lasts for six months only. They are suitably trained in the field of man management. Nonetheless something is amiss somewhere. The discipline is not the same as it used to be in the good old days. There are more cases of indiscipline, and more cases of legal cases in courts of law than ever before. Loyalty, integrity and self less service seem to be receding into the background. No wonder, the cases of fratricide, fragging and suicides are ever on the rise.

Counseling at a suitable time and at a suitable level is an important ingredient of good man management. It is the platoon commander or the company commander or in some cases the battalion commander, suitably aided by the battalion Dharm Guru who should know whom to counsel, when to counsel and how to counsel. When a commanding officer assumes the role of a counselor, he rises higher than the father figure that traditionally he is. The army would do well to train senior level officers too in the art of counseling. It is a specialized job and should not be left to education NCOs and JCOs.

The great French general and later emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte, rightly said ``an army marches on its stomach``. Obviously, feeding the rank and file properly and adequately is an integral part of man management. Are those who manage the Indian Army today taking care of this basic need of this 1.3 million strong army? There is more to it than meets the eye. There are scandals galore about the procedure of purchase and quality of food stuff delivered to men both in peace and in war. Obviously the foundation of man management shakes when the men feel that someone is making money by cutting their rations or feeding them inferior rations. Somebody has to address this ever growing problem and solve it.

``An idle man`s brain is a devil`s workshop``. Well said. Does it mean that officers and men must be kept busy even when there is no business. Being busy without business is indeed bad business. It lowers the morale instead of raising it. The fighting man of today is a fairly educated and aware man. He reads newspapers and tunes into news bulletins. He knows what`s going on around him, in the army and in the country. Therefore, transparency in dealings will go a long way in keeping him intellectually satisfied. His family`s welfare including education of children and medication of dependants both young and old are being taken care of. There is room for improvement though.


Bread is important but man does not live by bread alone. He has to have a sense of fulfillment after he has done his day`s work. Above all, it is the spiritual fulfillment that will go a long way in raising his morale and equipping him to face the enemy. If he is spiritually satisfied he may not indulge in maladies of today like fragging or fratricide. Of course, the word fragging came into currency from the Vietnam war where enlisted men who came tired and hungry from patrolling after losing their buddies to the Vietcong guerilla bullets and were received by a dressing down by well shaven, well bathed and well fed officers. The harsh words of officers were answered by enlisted men by hurling grenades at them and killing them on spot. Unfortunately, this malady has crept into the Indian Army too. Bad man management must take the major blame for fragging and fratricide.

Suicides by officers and men, not excluding lady officers, is again a direct result of poor man management and lack of communication between the leader and the led. Barking orders and not looking into the mental make up of young officers and young soldiers is the major cause of goading the feeble minded into taking their own lives. Unfortunately, ``the factor of stress`` has been blamed beyond proportions. It will be interesting to note that in the nine-week-long Kargil war where young officers and soldiers of the army were under constant enemy fire and under stress, not even a single case of suicide, fratricide or fragging took place. Why? The officers and men were highly motivated to fight for a great Cause – Defence of the motherland.

It may be appropriate to high light the role of a commander and the comradeship, the brotherhood, the esprit-d`corps between the leader and the follower. A sharing and caring commander will have the loyalty of his soldiers. Let us share the glory, let us share the honour of victory with junior officers and jawans and look forward to a bright day when the sun will always be shining and both officers and men will ever be smiling.
Brig Chitranjan Sawant, VSM,
UPVAN, 609 (SU) Sec-29, NOIDA-201303. INDIA. +91- 9811173590

Your comments and feedbacks always welcome
at  as well asat

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Working for God on earth does not pay much,    
but His Retirement plan isout ofthis world.
Help someone have a nice day,
With best wishes,
Cybugle@yahoo. com
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without changing the credits
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Sunday, December 25, 2011

[rti4empowerment] Sorry if u feel hurt by but u will feel hurt if you r the beneficiary of this loot , harass, exploit system


see more such warnings on my blog  

Sunday, December 25, 2011

R v Indians and India is doomed 

 and Annaji is trying to save us.... 

"When you know that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men 
who produce nothing, when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods but in favours, when you see that men get rich more easily by graft rather than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them but protect them against you,where courts mean dates after dates,where advocates and other hired professionals behave as they r your boss and while you pay them but even their assistance dictate on you, you  know that your society is doomed."


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[rti4empowerment] Part V - Biting Teeth of Lokpal - What's in it for a common man?


Dear Friends,

To Examine The Biting Teeth that is the Penal provisions of the proposed STRONG JanLokpal / Lokpal ?

Continued Part  V -

  • Escalatory i.e. more stringent penal provisions, against whistle blowers for shielding Lokpal authority itself, at the risk and cost of whistle blowers !
Please Note: Total Numbers of Lokpal / Lokayukta Required:

Central Govt. Subjects = 11 Members
State Govt. Subjects = 300 + Members

So we as a nation are looking for more than ( 11 Central + 28 States X 11 each) = 300 + members of highest integrity
(not to mention a huge Lokpal staff) who can punish both corrupt people in the Govt. as well as frivolous Complainant Citizens.

Now, it is a challenging task to find such a huge number of men & women of complete integrity, and therefore accepting that challenge as a real possibility, people who have drafted the Janlokpal, have prescribed special provisions in their draft to take care of situations where a member of Lokpal itself may turn out to be corrupt !

This special provision has been prescribed under CHAPTER VI Titled - "Accountability of Officers of Lokpal", wherein it has been prescribed that a Complaint against a member of Lokpal will not be heard by the Lokpal itself, but there will be an Independent Complaints Authority for hearing such complaints.

Although theoretically on paper this concept of Independent Complaints Authority sounds very nice, but practically it may unfold in an entirely different way as described below.

Now, consider the following scenario where a citizen complainant may get an unfair decision by a Lokpal:

Suppose in a given case, a complainant has been declared as a frivolous complainant and fined Rs. 25,000/- for the same by a Lokpal.

Now suppose that particular complainant believes that given the prima facie merits of his case, the Lokpal had been biased, unfair and unjust in terming him as frivolous and fining him for the same.

The focus of such a complainant would then shift from - Corruption that he was initially trying to expose > To the person sitting in the chair of Lokpal itself, for being unjust and unfair.

Hence, the said complainant now decides to file a complain against the Lokpal himself !

Then the practical scenario for an ordinary complainant citizen (citizens similar to people who file RTI) would be .....

An Ordinary Inarticulate Complainant Citizen v/s. a person Experienced in discharging Qausi-Judicial functions i.e. Lokpal:

So, an ordinary inarticulate complainant citizen now faces the prospect of being pitted against a person called Lokpal who is an experienced person well versed in the legal field.

Interestingly, and more importantly, the further challenge that lies before the complainant is that he now faces the risk of an additional round of monetary fine (up to Rs. 25000/-) and because the complain is now against a member of Lokpal itself, he faces the escalatory prospect of being jailed ! yes you have read it right, jailed !

And so how many ordinary citizen complainants can take up this daunting challenge? not to forget that a genuine complainant being a whistle blower, maybe a nervous and fearful person in the first place.

Therefore, barring complainants well versed in legal field and confident of their articulation .....

The big question is, are the ordinary citizens capable of fighting a legal battle of complaining against a Lokpal himself, despite the concept which looks nice on paper, that the complain is to be heard by a separate authority, independent of Lokpal ?

The answer is a Yes if a Complainant has a professional backing of a legal team and No if a complainant is an ordinary person !

Therefore the bottom line message to an ordinary citizen complainant would be that if a Lokpal has been unjust in terming him as frivolous, please keep quiet and go back home, please do not try to go further by complaining against the Lokpal himself for being unfair, unless you are experienced in fighting a legal battle, lest one may end up paying further fine & also get jailed !

The concept of penalizing citizen complainants as frivolous and that too at the entry level and without any proper investigations, is a discretionary & arbitrary power which will work as a huge deterrent to whistle blowers with an ordinary background.

And they want class C & D to be included under Lokpal ?

Are these penal provisions (fine & jail) citizen friendly ?

Continued in Part VI - Approaching Lokpal means entering into a room and locking the door from behind, the keys of exit being now available at the discretion of a Lokpal  !

Best Regards,


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