From: Jagdeep DESAI <>
Date: Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 3:45 PM
Subject: Linking Road
2010 NOV 01
Present: From Civil Society: list at the end
To note that wherever it is written "agreed" or "approved", it means that MCGM is prinicipally ok with the concept. NGOs would have to still prepare a detailed note for actual approval.
The order below is the order of the Agenda of the meeting. The detailed clauses are in the enclosed Policy Framework Guidelines which was circulated and is in . The Clause numbers are indicated.
Wherever it is writtten "NGOs to do", it does not mean that the onus is on the NGO sector. It is optional if NGOs want to do that. If an NGO needs funds to do so, it should ask for it.
This is a new way of working on civic issues.
1. MCGM & NGO Sector Co-ordination: Cl 23.
All points agreed. MCGM-NGO Cleanliness Co-ord Committee set up. All new policy changes of MCGM to be run through this committee without obligation on MCGM to abide by the decisions. The idea is that NGO viewpoints be heard early enough in time so as to increase the chances of being incorporated in MCGM policies. It was agreed that dissents between MCGM and NGOs and also of differing NGOs would be minuted as this would be of value in future reviews, etc.
NGOs to do: to send a one-page email on any SWM aspect that they would like to work on - indicating scope of work, time frame, and cost. Point person: Vinay Somani. MCGM will also pay for any papers, projects, plans, reports, consulting assignments, that NGOs would like to do, after due selection by this co-ord comm.
NGOs to do: to inform clearly which various SWM themes / areas / geographical areas they are interested in being involved. Point person: Vibha Singh, Karmayog.
2. Citizen Monitoring and Feedback and Action: Cl 24 b.
a) "Cleanliness Task Force" concept approved. Budget of Rs. 10,000 per month to be placed for approval but CTFs can start right away if they are willing to operate without a budget:
NGOs to do: to inform if they are interested in running the CTF in their councillor ward. Point person: Vinay Somani. Daily reports will be displayed on Karmayog, will be submitted to BMC at various levels (in daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly formats as required).
Each CTF can begin even with one person. Thereafter other Citizen Group reps can be added to reach the total of 5 in each CTF. BMC will inform who is its representative after each CTF is formed and starts reporting. Councillors to be approached after the CTF has done some reporting for a month.
b) "Nuisance Detector" concept: Currently only BMC employees are NDs. It could be possible that citizens could be sort of NDs to collect administrative charges (not fines) but that means that they have to ensure that the area is actually cleaned up. NGOs to do: to think in detail about the ND concept. Point person: Sudheendra Kulkarni. BMC is willing to send NDs with NGOs on specific occasions, during campaigns, etc.
c) Home Guards: BMC willing to involve on specific occasions, during campaigns, etc.
3. Continuing Education, Awareness-Raising and Training: Cl 22
All points agreed. NGOs to do: to submit their interest in training stakeholders and type of training they can give. Point persons: Janet Geddes of CERE with Kiran Madan of Sanskar India. Point persons to compile an overall budget for BMC to consider for BMC's budget approvals for next year.
4. "Saaf Aangan" concept: Cl 20.
All points agreed. NGOs to do: to make a detailed note on how to implement and enforce. Point person: Madhu Sawant of 'I Clean Mumbai'. Basic idea is that every shop and residence to keep its footpath and road gutter clean / ensure it is kept clean.
5. Non-MCGM areas: Cl 20.
Agreed that joint meetings be held with Railways, MMRDA, MIDC, MPT, etc. BMC to organise.
6. Demonstration Precincts for zero-garbage along with Rotary & corporate support: Cl 2 (8)
Agreed. NGOs to do: to take up areas as small as they are comfortable with. BMC will offer full support including staff and vehicle support. Rotary has expressed interest in taking up well-defined projects. United Way of Mumbai has offered that various corporates are willing to take up even entire wards. The basic idea is here is that if various pockets of Mumbai can be cleaned up and kept-clean, it will show the citizens that it can be done and that BMC is serious about doing so. The learning experience for all (BMC, NGOs, citizens) would be invaluable in framing policy guidelines, tender documents, educational and awareness measures, etc. (I think that this too can be a trend-setter idea.)
7. Identifying locations for the various activities in the entire waste-treatment chain: Cl 6.
NGOs to do along with BMC Officials: To identify the following in their localities / wards as acceptable by the nearby public:
- kiosks at near distances where building sweepers, etc., can bring dry waste.
- common treatment areas for wet waste for households, specific markets, etc.,
- sorting areas for ragpickers
- waste receving centres for all wastes
- sites for debris banks and to operate machines
8. Overview of Waste Management: Cl 2 and the Flow Chart (also circulated and online):
BMC is making bye-laws of Municipal Solid Waste rules. BMC will give a draft soon. NGOs to do: To respond to this draft when circulated.
9. Wet Waste / Bio-degradables: Cl 7 & 8
Points principally agreed. Objective is that in due course all wet waste should be composted as far as possible in-situ or at nearby locations by waste generator or service provider or MCGM. Further specific points upon seeing the new bye-laws that are getting framed. One point of difference is that while BMC will pick-up the entire compost but will not pay for compost that is more than it can itself use. This will be discussed further.
NGOs to do: To give detailed notes regarding how each different type of waste-generator should treat its waste e.g. restaurant groups, individual hotels, large complexes, food markets, hawker areas, temples, tabelas, slaughter houses. Point Persons: Vinda Wagh of MEDC for restaurants incl. bio-methanation, Rajul Berde of Orchid Hotel for hotels & hospitals, Jayasimha of PETA India for tabelas and slaughterhouses; Priya Ubale of Clean Sweep Forum for housing societies and big complexes like clubs, institutes; Jyoti Mhapsekar of Stree Mukti Sangathana for hawker areas; Sudheendra Kulkarni for slums; Harshad Gandhi of Excel Ind. for temples; Vinda Wagh of MEDC along with Harshad Gandhi of Excel Ind. for food and flower markets.
NGOs to do: To identify spots for bio-bins for common treatment areas.
NGOs to do: To list the various markets throughout the city.
10. Dry Waste / Recyclables: Cl 9
Points principally agreed. i.e. Dry waste to be taken to kiosks by waste-generators from where ragpicker co-operatives will pick up.
Rag-pickers income will be through sale of the recyclables. No other payment. BMC will not offer floor support price. (BMC does not want to do so, ragpicker orgs also do not want it.)
NGOs to do: To make a detailed note on how this would operate. Also on all aspects regarding waste-pickers. Point Person: Jyoti Mhapsekar of Stree Mukti Sangathana.
NGOs to do: To suggest kiosk design. Point Persons: as above.
NGOs to do: To identify spots for kiosks and for sorting areas for ragpickers. Point Person: as above.
NGOs to do: To suggest how to prevent re-fillable containers getting misused. Point Person: not identified.
NGOs to do: To suggest how to re-cycle / re-use the different materials. Point Person: not identified.
11. Non-segregated Waste: Cl 13
All points agreed. i.e. while segregating waste is to be mandatory, BMC will continue to lift unsegregated waste with daily fines so that everyone moves towards full compliance in due course. Waste will be taken to rag-picker sorting areas for composting and sorting.
12. Construction & Demolition Waste: Cl 10
BMC has formulated a new policy which is online . The last date for suggestions / objections was Oct 31. BMC has agreed to hold up till Nov 10 - 15.
NGOs to do URGENTLY: To give suggestions / objections on the draft Debris Policy of BMC. Point Person: Bejoy Davis of YUVA.
NGOs to do: While all materials can be recycled, it is not clear what can be done in-situ by builders, or in small quantities at in-city locations, with what technology and at what costs to give what end-products. Point Person needed to explore and co-ordinate this.
13. Medical Waste: Cl 11
Agreed: a) To give directions to larger hospitals to make arrangements for receiving bio-medical waste from smaller bio-medical waste generators.
b) Routing plans to be made such that bio-med waste can be picked up from pathology labs, nursing homes, big clinics, etc.
c) Further discussion required with MPCB.
NGOs to do: To suggest routing plan after verifying BMC's list of path labs, etc. Point Person: Mumbai Medwaste.
14. Waste Processing Facilities, Non-recyclable Waste & Landfills / Landhills: Cl 14
Points principally agreed. Waste processing technologies which are environment friendly should be adopted. Technologies such as incineration and waste-to-electricity should not be adopted unless shown to be environment friendly.
NGOs to do: To make list of non-recyclable waste. Point Persons: T. K. Bandopadhay of ICPE (Indian Centre for Plastics & Environment)
NGOs to do: To suggest compulsory facilities at landfills / landhills. Point Person: Almitra Patel, Bangalore, of Supreme Court Committee on SWM Amendments.
15. Hazardous Waste: Cl 15
NGOs to do: To make a list and to respond to BMC new bye-laws. Point Person: Dr. Kishore Wankhade of Toxic Links, Mumbai.
16. Slaughterhouses: Cl 16
NGOs to do: To make a detailed paper. Point Person: Jayasimha of PETA India
17. Beaches: Cl 17
Agreed: To ban throwing anything into the sea including pooja flowers. Specific rules for Ganesh Visarjan, etc.
18. Lakes: Cl 18
To discuss later as we were running out of time then. Point Person: Sudheendra Kulkarni
19. Slums: Cl 21
It was felt that maybe an integrated approach along with sanitation & toilets is needed. It was agreed that a meeting be called along with stakeholders, slum CSOs, and NGOs with grass-root experiences. Point Person: Sudheendra Kulkarni
20. Communication via the Media
It was stressed by NGOs that BMC should do so and to explore ways of using the upcoming Mumbai Festival in January also.
21. Other points in the Policy Framework Recommendations: Cl 1, 3, 4, 5, 19, 25. 26. 27, 28, 29, 30
These were not taken up as these clauses are either of an informatory nature or not needed to be specifically discussed or not of value to be taken up now itself.
22. MCGM's Mission Statement: Opening Clause
It was agreed that there should be one for a Clean Mumbai. It was agreed to develop one jointly.
NGOs to do: To give their inputs. Point Person: Sudheendra Kulkarni
Shri Subrat Ratho
Additional Municipal Commissioner (C
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