Friday, January 30, 2015

[rti4empowerment] "No one caught smoking in public in UP?"


Read Times of India feature by Priyangi Agarwal, TNN | Jan 20, 2015, 09.50PM IST titled "No one caught smoking in public in UP?"

BAREILLY: An RTI activist who sought a reply on the number of people fined for smoking in public in the last five years in the state has drawn a blank. The directorate of local bodies of Uttar Pradesh revealed that they had no information to the effect in their records though a nationwide law prohibiting smoking in any public place was implemented in October 2008. Under the law, a penalty of Rs 200 would be imposed on the person caught flouting the rule.

RTI activist Urvashi Sharma said this reply implies that the fine has not been levied on any person in UP from July 10, 2009 to November 11, 2014. In reply to the same RTI, the department also stated that there is no record of persons found littering at public places.

"Asked on the number of people on whom a fine was imposed for smoking in public district wise in the state in last five years, the RTI reply stated that they have no such information in their records. It clearly suggests that not a single person in any district of the state has been fined during the said period and hence, no record is available in the directorate of local bodies," said Sharma."The motive of filing RTI was to ascertain whether the rule was enforced better during Mayawati's or Akhilesh Yadav's regime. But it appears that no one was interested in it."

However, smoking in public places was prohibited nationwide from October 2008 under the Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places Rules, 2008 and Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA). The public places where smoking is banned include small cafes, restaurants, educational institutions, pubs or discotheques, public offices, airports, hospitals, railway stations and bus stands.

"Even Union government has recently moved an amendment for a more stringent anti-smoking law with radical changes, including ban on sale of loose cigarettes, raising the minimum age of a person buying tobacco products to 21 years from existing 18 years, raising of fine to Rs 1,000 from Rs 200 on smoking in public places, increasing the maximum fine to Rs 1 lakh from the existing Rs 10,000. A person can gauge that how far this new law would be effective through the RTI reply," said Sharma.

The same RTI query also revealed that there is no record of the fine imposed on number of people caught throwing garbage in open at public places in the last five years. "This again suggests that no person in the state has been fined for littering in public places but hoardings and posters have been put up at many places in the state with warnings of penalties for littering in public places. As government agencies have failed to strictly levy fine on people, it also poses a question mark on the success of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'clean India campaign' in the state," said Sharma.


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Thursday, January 29, 2015

[rti4empowerment] CBI inquiry sought in Unnao ( UP ) ‘Floating dead bodies in Ganga ‘ & 'Skeletons-in-Police-Lines-Complex' exposures by Lucknow NGO ‘TAHRIR’ .


CBI inquiry sought in Unnao ( UP ) 'Floating dead bodies in Ganga ' & 'Skeletons-in-Police-Lines-Complex' exposures by Lucknow NGO 'TAHRIR' .

Lucknow based NGO 'TAHRIR' has sought a CBI inquiry in Unnao ( UP ) 'Floating dead bodies in Ganga ' & 'Skeletons-in-Police-Lines-Complex' exposures.

Please find memorandum sent to President of India, Union Home Minister, Governor of UP, CM of UP, CS of UP, DGP of UP & NHRC at


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[rti4empowerment] उन्नाव में पहले सैकड़ों शव और अब सैकड़ों नर कंकाल मिलने के मामलों की सीबीआई जाँच कराने की लखनऊ स्थित सामाजिक संगठन 'तहरीर' की मांग .


'तहरीर' ने गंगा में मिली लाशों और उन्नाव में मिले नर कंकालों के प्रकरण की जाँच मानवाधिकारों के उल्लंघन के मद्देनज़र, प्रदेश की बदहाल क़ानून व्यवस्था के मद्देनज़र और सत्ताधारी पार्टी द्वारा पुलिस संरक्षण में अपने राजनैतिक प्रतिद्वंदियों अथवा सामाजिक/मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ताओं की हत्याओं के परिणाम होने की संभावना के मद्देनज़र सभी जिलों के जिलाधिकारियों के माध्यम से
सूबे के सभी जिलों के बंद पड़े सभी सरकारी कक्षों की तत्काल जाँच कराकर ऐसे सभी प्रकरणों को सामने लाने और इन सभी मामलों की सीबीआई जाँच कराने की की मांग की है ।.



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[rti4empowerment] भारत में मृत्यु दंड की सजा के पूर्ण खात्मे के लिए 'तहरीर' की मांग : इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट द्वारा सुरेंद्र कोली की फांसी की सजा को आजीवन कारावास में बदलने का किया स्वागत

भारत में मानवाधिकार संरक्षण के क्षेत्र में कार्यरत लखनऊ स्थित सामाजिक संगठन 'तहरीर' ने इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट द्वारा सुरेंद्र कोली की फांसी की सजा को आजीवन कारावास में बदलते हुए फांसी की सजा को संविधान के अनुच्छेद 21 के जीवन के अधिकार के खिलाफ करार दिये जाने,पहले जारी डेथ वारंट को भी असंवैधानिक करार दिये जाने तथा कैदी को तन्हाई में रखने को संवैधानिक अधिकारों के विपरीत
बताये जाने के निर्णय का स्वागत किया है. इस मामले में हाई कोर्ट में बीते मंगलवार को सुनवाई पूरी हुई थी और बीते बुधवार को मुख्य न्यायाधीश डॉ. डीवाई चंद्रचूड़ और न्यायमूर्ति पीकेएस बघेल की खंडपीठ ने खुली अदालत में फैसला लिखाया था.

तहरीर के संस्थापक इंजीनियर संजय शर्मा ने मृत्यु दंड की सजा खत्म किये जाने की मांग की । संजय ने कहा कि दुनिया के अधिकांश देशों ने मृत्यु दंड खत्म कर दिया है और अब कुछ देशों में ही मृत्यु दंड दिया जाता है पर भारत उनमे से एक है.संजय ने कहा कि मृत्यु दंड से नहीं बल्कि जीवित रखने से ही अपराधी अपनी गलती को समझ सकता है. संजय के अनुसार सामान्यतया हम यह समझते हैं कि मृत्यु दंड उन
दूसरे व्यक्तियों को हतोत्साहित करने के लिए है जो अपराध करने को प्रवृत्त हो सकते हैं, जो दूसरे अपराधियों को अपराध करने से रोकती है पर यदि आंकड़ों पर गौर करें तो हमें मालूम हो जाएगा कि यह एक विशुद्ध गलत-फहमी है। जिन देशों में फाँसी की सजा नहीं है, वहाँ हमारे देश के मुकाबले कम अपराध होते हैं। संजय के अनुसार हमारे यहाँ भी फाँसी की सजा जिन्हें होती है उनमें से ज्यादातर
साधनहीन, गरीब लोग होते हैं, जो न्याय हासिल करने के लिए वकीलों को मोटी मोटी फीस नहीं दे सकते हैं. भारत में गरीब लोगों को मृत्यु दंड मिलता है, यह बात 1947 के बाद से अब तक प्राप्त आँकड़ों से जाहिर है. इसके विपरीत किसी समृद्ध व्यक्ति को सजा मिलती भी है तो उसे दया माफी मिल जाती है. हमारे देश में आज तक संगठित गिरोहबंद सुपारी किलर्स में से किसी एक को भी फांसी नहीं हुई है.

संजय ने बताया कि पिछले दिनों संयुक्त महासभा की मानवाधिकार समिति ने दुनिया भर में मृत्यु दंड समाप्त करने का प्रस्ताव भी पास किया था. संजय ने कहा कि जीवन को ग्रहण करना और जीवन का जाना प्राकृतिक है और राज्य द्वारा अच्छे काम के एवज में किसी के जीवन-अवधि को विस्तार नहीं दिया जा सकता है, तो बुरे काम लिए उसकी जीवन अवधि को कम या समाप्त कर देना भी न्याय संगत नहीं है. जनतंत्र की
व्यवस्था में नागरिक द्वारा प्रदत्त अधिकार और शक्ति ही मूलतः राज्य के पास होते हैं.जो अधिकार और शक्ति नागरिक के पास नहीं है वह राज्य भी धारित नहीं कर सकता है. यदि राज्य को किसी भी तरह किसी की जीवन-अवधि को कम या समाप्त कर देने का अधिकार दिया जाता है तो उस राज्य के नागरिकों के पास अपनी जीवन-अवधि को कम या समाप्त करने के निर्णय के अधिकार होना उचित हो जाता है अर्थात किसी दूसरे
को यदि किसी व्यक्ति की जीवन अवधि को कम या समाप्त करने के निर्णय के अधिकार है तो उस व्यक्ति के पास भी अपनी जीवन-अवधि को कम या समाप्त करने के निर्णय के अधिकार का होना उचित हो जाता है जो असंभव है. न्याय का बुनियादी सिद्धांत है कि यथा-संभव मनुष्य या राज्य के नियम प्रकृति के नियम स न टकराएँ। न्यायिक मौत इस बुनियादी बात के विपरीत है अतः इसे समाप्त किया ही जाना चाहिए।


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[rti4empowerment] मुस्कुरायें कि यूपी का युवा सीएम और उसका परिवार स्वस्थ है . मुख्यमंत्री कार्यकाल में अखिलेश यादव एवं उनके परिवार के किसी भी सदस्य की चिकित्सा पर राजकोष से कोई व्यय नहीं.


Lucknow/Bareilly.29-01-15.यूपी के वाशिंदों के लिए ये राहत की बात है कि उनका सीएम और उसका परिवार स्वस्थ है. दरअसल इस बात की तस्दीक़ मेरी एक आरटीआई पर उत्तर प्रदेश शासन के गोपन विभाग के जनसूचना अधिकारी और विशेष सचिव कृष्ण गोपाल द्वारा दिए गये जबाब से हो रही है.

मैने साल २०१३ में ०४ अप्रैल को मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा अपनी एवं अपने परिवार की चिकित्सा सुविधा का विवरण और उस पर व्यय की गयी धनराशि के विवरण की सूचना माँगी थी. बीते १८ नबंबर को उत्तर प्रदेश शासन के गोपन विभाग के जनसूचना अधिकारी और विशेष सचिव कृष्ण गोपाल ने मेरी आरटीआई के जबाब में मुझे बताया है कि सूबे के मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव द्वारा अपनी एवं अपने परिवार के किसी भी सदस्य
का कोई चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति संबंधी दावा गोपन विभाग में प्रेषित नही किया है और यह भी कि गोपन विभाग ने मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव एवं उनके परिवार के किसी भी सदस्य के चिकित्सा पर कोई भी धनराशि व्यय नहीं की है.

आज जब उम्रदराज राजनेताओं की बीमारियों की बजह से राजकोष पर अतिरिक्त अधिभार आना रोज की सी बात हो गयी है, ऐसे में यूपी के सीएम और उनके परिवार ने स्वस्थ रहकर यूपी को मुस्कुराने की कम से कम एक वजह तो दी.

Urvashi Sharma


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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

[rti4empowerment] Lucknow based NGO TAHRIR welcomes Allahabad high court’s verdict on Surinder Koli's death sentence commuted to life imprisonment. [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from urvashi sharma included below]

As a growing frontline defender organization for protection of Human Rights in India, 'TAHRIR'( Transparency, Accountability & Human Rights' Initiative for Revolution ) welcomes Allahabad high court's verdict on Surinder Koli's death sentence commuted to life imprisonment.

'TAHRIR' believes that the death penalty is the ultimate denial of human rights. It is the premeditated and cold-blooded killing of a human being by the state. This cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment is done in the name of justice. It violates the right to life as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. TAHRIR opposes the death penalty in all cases without exception regardless of the nature of the crime, the characteristics of the offender, or the method used by the state to kill the prisoner.We, at TAHRIR believe that there have been and always will be cases of executions of innocent people. No matter how developed a justice system is, it will always remain susceptible to human failure. Unlike prison sentences, the death penalty is irreversible and irreparable. We believe that the arbitrary application of the death penalty can never be ruled out. The death penalty is often used in a disproportional manner against the poor,
minorities and members of racial, ethnic, political and religious groups.
The death penalty is incompatible with human rights and human dignity. The death penalty violates the right to life which happens to be the most basic of all human rights. It also violates the right not to be subjected to torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment. Furthermore, the death penalty undermines human dignity which is inherent to every human being. The death penalty does not deter crime effectively. The death penalty lacks the deterrent effect which is commonly referred to by its advocates. As recently stated by the General Assembly of the United Nations, "there is no conclusive evidence of the deterrent value of the death penalty" (UNGA Resolution 65/206). It is noteworthy that in many retentionist states, the effectiveness of the death penalty in order to prevent crime is being seriously questioned by a continuously increasing number of law enforcement professionals. Moreover, Public support for the death
penalty does not necessarily mean that taking away the life of a human being by the state is right. There are undisputed historical precedences where gross human rights violations had had the support of a majority of the people, but which were condemned vigorously later on. It is the job of leading figures and politicians to underline the incompatibility of capital punishment with human rights and human dignity. It needs to be pointed out that public support for the death penalty is inextricably linked to the desire of the people to be free from crime. However, there exist more effective ways to prevent crime.

High Court Allahabad has commuted death sentence of Surinder Koli to life imprisonment on the ground of "inordinate delay" in deciding his mercy petition.A division bench comprising Chief Justice DY Chandrachud and Justice PKS Baghel held that execution of Koli's death sentence would be "unconstitutional in view of the inordinate delay" in deciding his mercy petition.The order has come on a Public Interest Litigation filed by NGO People's Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) which contended that the period elapsed in disposal of Koli's mercy petition was "3 years and 3 months" and, as such, execution of death sentence would be in violation of the Right to Life granted in Article 21 of the Constitution.A petition was filed later by Koli himself, challenging the death sentence on the same ground as the one stated in the PIL, has also been clubbed with it.The death sentence was awarded to him by a special CBI court at Ghaziabad on February 13, 2009.The PIL
was filed on October 31 last year, three days after the Supreme Court rejected Koli's recall application. The death warrant issued by the trial court on September 2 had fixed September 12 as the date of hanging, though its execution was stayed in view of the apex court's decision to hear the recall application. Rejection of the recall application had cleared the decks for execution of the death sentence, but it was stayed by the high court on October 31 when it decided to hear the PIL.After his appeal against the trial court order was turned down by High Court on September 11, 2009 while co-accused and his employer Moninder Singh Pandher was acquitted, Koli filed a petition before the Supreme Court challenging his conviction which was dismissed on February 15, 2011.Koli, thereafter filed his mercy petition before the Governor of Uttar Pradesh on May 7, 2011, which was rejected 23 months later, on April 2, 2013.The mercy petition was thereafter forwarded
to the Union Home Ministry on July 19, 2013 and it was turned down by the President on July 20, 2014.The court had agreed to hear the PIL disagreeing with the Centre's preliminary objection that "the convict (Koli) had not filed a petition (at the time of filing of the PIL) challenging the rejection of his mercy petition"."The proceeding which has been instituted before this court is not in the nature of an appeal on merits against the order of conviction."The petition seeks to question the constitutionality of the execution of the sentence of death in the present case, on the ground of a delay on the part of constitutional authorities in disposing of the mercy petitions," the court had said.


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[rti4empowerment] यूपी - महज 'घोषणा-वीर' बनकर रह गए मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश .


सरकारी छलावा मात्र है मुख्य सचिव की अध्यक्षता में हालिया गठित राज्य इनोवेशन काउन्सिल : संजय शर्मा

सूबे के किसी भी विभाग ने नहीं किया कोई नव-प्रयोग .

Read full story here:


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[rti4empowerment] UP Pollution Control Board unaware about Gomti cleaning : RTI


UP Pollution Control Board unaware about Gomti cleaning : RTI

News18 | Gulam Jeelani | Wed Jan 28, 2015 | 10:35 IST

#Lucknow #Uttar Pradesh The Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) is unaware about any steps taken by the Centre or State to clean the river Gomti, an RTI query by a 13-year-old Lucknow girl has revealed.

Worse still, the pollution watchdog body doesn't even have any information about the laws to keep a tab on people polluting the river, the reply added.

In reply to a the queries regarding expenses (by Centre or State) on Gomti river cleaning, in a Right to Information (RTI) application by Aishwarya Parashar, 13, the UPPCB said that it had no knowledge about the money spent. Instead it asked the young activist to get the details from the state's department of urban development.

"Every one is talking about cleaning the river. But they don't event know how much they have done so far," said Aishwarya, who shot to fame a few years ago after her RTI plea forced authorities to remove garbage outside her school in the state capital. Surprisingly, the UPPCB officials also said that they did not have any information about any laws or directives to stop people from dumping garbage (mostly after prayers) in the river.

The apathy doesn't stop here. The board took one year and three months to come up with the reply to the RTI plea while the RTI Act mandates the reply should come within 30 days. The plea was filed by Aishwarya is October 2013.

Notably, the government had, of late, taken many initiatives for cleaning Gomti. State chief secretary, Alok Ranjan had directed diversion of all nullahs to sewage treatment plant and ban on discharge of effluents directly into the river.

Even Lucknow's district magistrate Raj Shekhar had cleaned the river himself regularly with teams of NGOs and had released some funds for the cleaning of the river.


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Saturday, January 24, 2015

[rti4empowerment] Re: [rti4ngo] Mr. FM, you are barking up the wrong tree


Sir, no idea, but its plenty, almost all of which is wasteful, like for instance, two Punjab netas drinking up more than 10 crores of diesel, and like tens of VIP cars accompanying netas, like free drivers, free water, free electricity, free this and free that, and free everything.
On the one hand the FM, PM, and every other kind of M talking of cutting subsidies to the citizens, but on the other hand there is absolute silence about the huge subsidies to the netas and babus.


From: "AK Bhattacharyya [rti4ngo]" <>
To: "" <>; Arun Jaitley <>; AamAadmi Party <>; Association for Democratic Reforms <>; LK Advani <>; BJP circle <>; Barkha Dutt <>; Goa Bachao <>; Congress 2 <>; INDIA Corruption <>; FastJustice <>; Free Speech <>; GOACAN <>; Goa RTI <>; Voiceofindia <>; JagrukNagrik Sureksha <>; Janshakti <>; Manohar Parrikar <>; Milap Choraria <>; Rahul Gandhi <>; Paranjoy <>; Prabhu Chawla <>; Rajdeep Sardesai <>; "" <>; Sagarika Ghose <>; Sarbajit Roy <>; Transparency International <>; Turning Point <>
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2015 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: [rti4ngo] Mr. FM, you are barking up the wrong tree

Any idea how much it costs to maintain the VIP;s of the country
With kind regards


F.I.StructE (UK), FIE (India), FIBE, FIRT
H-2A, Hauzkhas, New Delhi -16, Ph:011-26854127

On Friday, January 23, 2015 8:31 AM, "Victor Cooper [rti4ngo]" <> wrote:

For 65 years we have been hearing about "raising revenues", but little about cutting wasteful costs.
One recently came across an article in a leading newspaper stating that India's cost-to-GDP ratio is only about 1+%, and in line with world figures.
Well, the concept of cost-to-GDP is incorrect as a measure of governence efficency.
The proper evaluation would be cost-to-revenue, wherein cost would include salaries, perks, benifits, interest cost, overheads (like rents, free electriucity, water, LTA, litigation costs, travel, etc., etc.). If this true measure is taken into account, it would be seen that costs exceed revenues, and that is why there is nothing for infrastructure like roads, electricity, schools, hospitals, etc., etc.
Mr. FM, it is 67 years overdue that you shift your attention away from revenues to costs.



Posted by: Victor Cooper <>
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Friday, January 23, 2015

[rti4empowerment] Re: [IAC#RG] Court pendency behind India's low global ranking:World Bank


I am in full agreement from first-hand experiences that it is even more important to enforce accountability and transparency on the judges. There are many excellent judges, but there are as many low quality, even accomplice types. As a purely hypothetical example, there could, for instance, be some Britto type chap who teams up with the rich and powerful and ignores their criminalities of perjury on oath, destruction of evidence, and connives by overlooking their contraventions of several laws of the land, and by completely ignoring all evidence and facts on record. Such low "judges" need to be ruthlessly weeded out and put in the coolers. It is only in conjunction with such culling that increased number of judges will work.
This writer says, however, that he is very pessimistic on this and other counts, because the system appears to be compromised beyond repair, and we may well be headed for doom in the years to come.


From: Ravindran P M <>
To: "" <>
Cc: Dipak Shah <>
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Court pendency behind India's low global ranking:World Bank

Mr Verma,

Any increase in the number of judges without enforcing accountability and transparency will only be wastage of taxpayers' money. The ground reality is that our judiciary is a 10000 pc failure by the basic rule that justice delayed is justice denied. And is justice denied only through delay? Abs NOT! And why the delay and denial of justice? Incompetence, ignorance and arrogance of judges!

Amoung the three organs of our Constitution the law-makers are controlled by the people, bureaucracy (yes, bureaucracy, because without the active support of the bureaucracy no politician can do any wrong!) and finally the judiciary; the law-enforcers are also controlled by the law-makers and the judiciary. And then there are the ears and eyes of the people- the media waiting to sensationalise every news involving the misdemeanour of these authorities. Inspite of such strict supervision and control all that we can hear these days are about politician-bureaucrat-underworld nexus even though the fact remains that none, worth the name, from this unholy nexus have ever been punished by the holier-than-thou judiciary.

So now think how bad a system can be which is not only NOT subject to supervision but also kept beyond critical observation. Well isn't our judiciary is just that? And do I need to recapitulate that quip: power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?

Please read my blogs:

Lokpal or not- the judiciary needs to be disciplined first at 


On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Dinesh Verma <> wrote:
For reform in judicial system Committee after Committee were formed but, except few ,in general, recommendations were not implemented.
It is well known that vacancies, from top court ,ie Supreme Court to lower subordinate courts ,are not filled up.Cases are piling up.
               Sanctioned strength of Judges is proportionately  insufficient for the cases already pending or to meet the new institutions.Even sanctioned strength is not filled up.This also leads to delay in decision.
                Increase in legislation ,increase in population,increase in peoples awareness for their rights,increase in strikes by members of the Bar,increase in seeking adjournments on various avoidable grounds are other reasons for increase in litigation.
                The sanctioned strength of Judges at all the levels is desired to be increased by four times with simultaneous increase in infrastructure.
                It is for the authorities & for policy makers to consider and take an early action.
Former Judge

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Dipak Shah <> wrote:
I can give you as many as more than 20 of my cases. How they are rattled by Justices . Are they taking oath for such doing business. Without having filed Affidavit in reply by Respondents , having served the notice, dismissed the cases taking own intuition of the subject matter.!!!!!
Relevance of the cases not related to the case under study!!!!
Recently Gujarat High Court has made a rule that Party In Person cannot appear in his case unless Special Committee takes interview and passes him to appear and competent to appear in the case. Otherwise he has to engage Advocate in his case. This is against fundamental rights of a person under Constitution.
I had seen one Advocate of one Justice loitering in the courts to canvass for doing favorable judgment !!!!
In one case Justice G T  Nanavati and other Justice made order immediately after abolition of Controller of Capital Issues office by Manmoihan Singh in Fianance Bill. in 1992. C C I Office was afraud and cash counter to Grant hefty premiums over the share public issue.
Since the office is abolished the petition is dismissed. No Affidavit filed by Controller of Capital Issues!!! How the flow of water gate flows!!!! To fight with this I had to appeal to Supreme Court of India by spending lacs of rupees!!!!
One case may be seen , very minutely. Attached Document, See also relevance of the names and Google Search all and every thing.
How the Cases are being handled. There is no supervisor !! Appeal and Appeal and Appeal till you die.
Shah D J

On Wednesday, 21 January 2015 8:25 AM, Dipak Shah <> wrote:

I can give you as many as more than 20 of my cases. How they are rattled by Justices . Are they taking oath for such doing business. Without having filed Affidavit in reply by Respondents , having served the notice, dismissed the cases taking own intuition of the subject matter.!!!!!
Relevance of the cases not related to the case under study!!!!
Recently Gujarat High Court has made a rule that Party In Person cannot appear in his case unless Special Committee takes interview and passes him to appear and competent to appear in the case. Otherwise he has to engage Advocate in his case. This is against fundamental rights of a person under Constitution.
I had seen one Advocate of one Justice loitering in the courts to canvass for doing favorable judgment !!!!
In one case Justice G T  Nanavati and other Justice made order immediately after abolition of Controller of Capital Issues office by Manmoihan Singh in Fianance Bill. in 1992. C C I Office was afraud and cash counter to Grant hefty premiums over the share public issue.
Since the office is abolished the petition is dismissed. No Affidavit filed by Controller of Capital Issues!!! How the flow of water gate flows!!!! To fight with this I had to appeal to Supreme Court of India by spending lacs of rupees!!!!
One case may be seen , very minutely. Attached Documents, See also relevance of the names and Google Search all and every thing.
How the Cases are being handled. There is no supervisor !! Appeal and Appeal and Appeal till you die.
Shah D J

On Wednesday, 21 January 2015 1:07 AM, Manohar Sharma <> wrote:

I and in my circle has EXPERIENCED how petitions r NEGLECTED and time PASSED to get DEATH of CAUSE of PETITIONS 4 example one see WP @ M-HC/8508/2003.  

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 7:46 AM, sonico sharma sharma <> wrote:
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justice delayed is justice denied

Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 12:51:50 +0530
Subject: [IAC#RG] Court pendency behind India's low global ranking: World Bank

Date : 17-01-2015




1. Hon'ble Shri Pranab Mukherjee
The President of India,
2. Dr.Hamid Ansari
Hon'ble Vice President of India,
3. Mrs.Sumitra Mahajan
Hon'ble Speaker, Loksabha
4. Hon'ble Shri Narendra Modi,
The Prime Minister of India
5. Hon'ble Justice H.L.Dattu
The Chief Justice of India
6. Hon'ble Smt.Sushma Swaraj
Minister for External Affair
7. Hon'ble Shri D.V.Sadananda Gowda
Minister for Law & Justice

Please read The Times of India report dated 17-1-2015 as hereunder, captioned 'Court pendency behind India's low global ranking: World Bank finding: 'Ease of Doing Business'. India was ranked 142 among 189 countries last year. The World Bank suggested that there was an urgent need for reforms in the system of performance appraisal of judicial reforms.

We go on urging for your appointments to discuss judicial reforms but you never care to reply. Now we will be more aggressive (Gandhian ways) an pursuing the mission justice. We will take the issue before the UN and the comity of nations.

I dare you all to sue me if you feel I have defamed institutions or the dignitaries.

(Bhagvanji Raiyani)
Chairman & Managing Trustee
Forum For Fast Justice
Kuber Bhuvan, Bajaj Road, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai – 400 056.
The Times of India report:
Court pendency behind India's low global ranking: World Bank.

NEW DELHI: Large pendency of cases in Indian courts and non-implementation of judicial reforms have been cited by the World Bank as one of the key reasons for India's low rank on the Bank's Index of 'Ease of Doing Business'. India was ranked 142 among 189 countries last year.

In a memorandum to the department of industrial policy and promotion (DIPP) under the commerce ministry, the World Bank suggested linking judges' appraisal with reduction of pendency in courts. Sources said the matter was discussed at a meeting organized by the DIPP recently to refine the performance evaluation system of judges to link their performance to the resolution of specific bottlenecks as suggested by the World Bank.

The DIPP is also coordinating implementation of the 'Make in India' campaign of the Modi government.

Interestingly, the World Bank suggested that there was an urgent need for reforms in the system of performance appraisal of judicial officers in the country to bring about uniformity and infuse objectivity and standardization.

The Bank cited an example from Malaysia where implementation of a reform index for judges improved case disposal rates and reduced backlog by 50% in less than three years. Another example was cited from the United Arab Emirates, where rewards were instituted for the best performers.

According to the memorandum, the liberal grant of adjournments was an often cited reason for delays in court proceedings in India. It recommended monitoring the number of times judges granted adjournments and the reasons for granting them. "This can be done through case management systems and linked to performance management evaluations," it said.

It asked the government to ensure that adjournments were not indefinite by setting a time limit.

Just a few weeks ago, the Modi government had written to chief justices of all 24 high courts to ensure speedier settlement of commercial and other disputes for creating a conducive investment climate and success of 'Make in India' campaign.

"One of the reforms introduced by Malaysia between 2009 and 2011 during the overhaul of the judicial system was the implementation of a reform index for judges," the Bank said, citing how this index, fixed by the judges themselves, was aimed at allowing them to assess and monitor their performance. As a result of this and other measures, case disposal rates in Malaysian courts improved and backlog was reduced by 50% in less than three years, it said. 

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