Sunday, June 30, 2013

[rti4empowerment] Recover fine from official's salary: RTI review panel


LUCKNOW: Fine imposed on a government official for not providing information under the Right to Information (RTI) Act should be recovered from his salary. To ensure action, fine should be recovered at the time of preparing the salary statement. The recovery of RTI fine has been as less as 1% in the state.

The committee has among its members principal secretary/secretary of law department, administrative reforms departmenrt, personnel department, secretariat administration and secretary of UPSIC. The said committee has met only thrice so far - on December 1, 2008; May 7, 2009; and September 22, 2010.

Please find complete details and original RTI papers at given link :



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Friday, June 28, 2013

[rti4empowerment] judges of Madras High court,Governor, Chief minister, minister, speaker, Speaker, deputy speaker, Whip, Opposite party leader, MLA Tamilnadu- not effecting deduction of Income Tax for the perquisites- information to effect deductions- [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from gopala krishnan included below]


--- On Fri, 28/6/13, gopalakrishnan velu <> wrote:

From: gopalakrishnan velu <>
Subject: Fwd: judges tax
To: "gopal yahoo" <>, "gopalakrishnan velu" <>
Date: Friday, 28 June, 2013, 10:28 PM

Your Request/Grievance Registration Number is : PRSEC/E/2013/09792  

Chief Judge and other

judges of Madras High court,Governor, Chief minister, minister, speaker,
Speaker, deputy speaker, Whip, Opposite party leader, MLA  Tamilnadu- not effecting deduction of Income Tax for the perquisites- information to effect deductions-

Dear president,


Sub:- Chief Judge and other judges of Madras High court, Tamilnadu- not effecting deduction of Income Tax for the perquisites- information to effect deductions- reg.



                From the information received under the RTI Act 2005, it is seen that the income received/enjoyed through perquisites by the chief judges and other judges of Chennai high court,  Tamilnadu are not included in the total income as required u/s. 17 (2) of the Income Tax Act. It amounts to serious lapse on the part of the officials responsible for effecting TDS as well as the officials responsible for reporting the value of perquisites allowed to the Ministers.


                                The following are the perks enjoyed by the most of Chief Judge and other judges of Madras High court:


a.       Rent free bungalow with free furnishing (furniture and electrical appliances).

b.      Free electricity and water.

c.       Sweeper, Gardener and Mazdoor.


                The approximate value of the above listed perks is assessed to be more than Rs. 5 lakhs per judger per year. The income tax due to be levied may be @ of Rs. 1.5 lakhs, which roughly works out to Rs.5.25 crores for the past 7 years. In the case of former chief judge y.Iqbal listed perks is  above listed perks is assessed to be more than Rs.10-1 5 lakhs  per year. The income tax due to be levied may be @ of Rs.4.5 lakhs, which roughly works out to Rs.9 lakhs  for the past 2 years.


                Accordingly it is requested to proceed with actions as below:


II)                  Proceed against the officials concerned of Pay and Accounts Office, High court, ch-108 for the lapse.


i)                    Take action to recover the due tax amounts which are left not deducted for the past periods.


Sub:- Governor, Chief minister, Deputy chief ministers, Ministers, Speaker, deputy speaker, Whip, Opposite party leader, MLA of Tamilnadu- not effecting deduction of Income Tax for the perquisites- non-deduction of professional tax- information to effect deductions- reg.


                From the information received under the RTI Act 2005, it is seen that the income received/enjoyed through perquisites by the Ministers of Tamilnadu are not included in the total income as required u/s. 17 (2) of the Income Tax Act. It amounts to serious lapse on the part of the officials responsible for effecting TDS as well as the officials responsible for reporting the value of perquisites allowed to the Ministers.


                The following are the perks enjoyed by the most of Deputy chief ministers, Ministers, Speaker, deputy speaker, Whip, Opposite party leader, MLA:


a.       Rent free bungalow with free furnishing (furniture and electrical appliances).

b.      Free electricity and water.

c.       House Rent Allowance.

d.      Sweeper, Gardener and Mazdoor.

e.      For MLA Rent conscessional rate quarters with free furnishing (furniture and electrical appliances), rent free telephone and Free electricity and water.


                The approximate value of the above listed perks is assessed to be more than Rs. 5 lakhs per Minister per year. The income tax due to be levied may be @ of Rs. 1.5 lakhs, which roughly works out to Rs. 3 crores for the past 7 years.


Accordingly it is requested to proceed with actions as below:


ii)                  Proceed against the officials concerned of Pay and Accounts Office, Secretariat, ch-9 for the lapse.


iii)                Take action to recover the due tax amounts which are left not deducted for the past periods.


Poor Indian Citizen


Attachment(s) from gopala krishnan

1 of 1 File(s)

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[rti4empowerment] FIR sought- Actor Kamal Khan’s denigrating comments on two SC castes


FIR sought- Actor Kamal Khan's denigrating comments on two SC castes

Film Director, Producer, Actor Kamal R Khan has made extremely objectionable criminal comments as regards two Schedule Caste castes in his review of film Raanjhana. 

In the 09.40 minute Video Review uploaded on Youtube on 20 June 2013, other than some extremely improper personal comments against hero Dhanush, Khan also said-"Sir, I don't know whether you are from UP or not, but I am. In the whole of UP, you will find cobblers and sweepers who look like Dhanush but you will not find a single Brahman of such dirty looks as him in entire UP." 

Kamal R Khan's comments are clearly casteist in nature and is an offence under section 3(1)(x) of the SC, ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989. The crime becomes all the more serious because these words have come from highly placed, socially recognized film star in today's twenty-first century. 

Hence I have presented an application for registration of FIR at Gomtinagar police station, Lucknow.
Amitabh Thakur|Lucknow|# 094155-34526

दी गयी एफआईआर की प्रति--
सेवा में,
थाना प्रभारी,
थाना गोमतीनगर,
जनपद लखनऊ  

विषय- श्री कमाल आर खान द्वारा राँझना नामक फिल्म की रिव्यू में अत्यंत ही निंदनीय आपराधिक टिप्पणी के सम्बन्ध में प्रथम सूचना रिपोर्ट दर्ज करने हेतु

कृपया अनुरोध है कि मैं अमिताभ ठाकुर, पेशे से आईपीएस अधिकारी स्थायी पता- निवासी 5/426, विराम खंड, गोमती नगर, लखनऊ हूँ. मैं आपके समक्ष श्री कमाल आर खान पता- बँगला नंबर 7/70, महादा एस वी पी नगर, निकट वर्सोवा टेलीफोन एक्सचेंज, अँधेरी (वेस्ट), मुंबई- 400053, फोन नंबर-022 - 26375425 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30, ईमेल / द्वारा हाल में ही प्रदर्शित एक फिल्म राँझना के सम्बन्ध में एक विडियो रिव्यू में प्रयुक्त किये गए अत्यंत ही निंदनीय, जातिसूचक, आपराधिक शब्दों और टिप्पणियों को आपके समक्ष इस अनुरोध के साथ प्रस्तुत कर रहा हूँ कि कृपया इस सम्बन्ध में तत्काल प्रथम सूचना रिपोर्ट अंकित कर अग्रिम कार्यवाही करने की कृपा करें.

मुझे यूट्यूब पर प्रसारित होने वाले इस विडियो रिव्यू (रिकॉर्डिंग) की सूचना एक मित्र के माध्यम से मिली और मैंने वेबसाईट लिंक पर "Raanjhanaa Movie Review by KRK | KRK Live" शीर्षक यह विडियो अपने निवास पर देखा. यह विडियो 9.40 मिनट का है और यह 20 जून 2013 को लोड किया गया बताया जा रहा है.

इस विडियो रिव्यू में इस फिल्म के हीरो श्री धनुष के लिए अत्यंत ही आपत्तिजनक टिप्पणियाँ की गयी हैं पर चूँकि वे पूर्णतया व्यक्तिगत टिप्पणियाँ हैं अतः मैं उन पर कुछ नहीं कहना चाहता.

जिस विषय को मैं आपके सामने प्रस्तुत कर रहा हूँ वह है श्री कमाल आर खान की टिप्पणी- "सर, पता नहीं आप यूपी से हैं या नहीं है, बट मैं यूपी से हूँ. पूरे यूपी में जैसा धनुष है वैसे आपको भंगी मिलेंगे, चमार मिलेंगे, बट एक भी इतना सड़ा हुआ पंडित आपको पूरे यूपी में कहीं नहीं मिलेगा."

स्पष्ट है कि श्री कमाल आर खान की यह टिप्पणी सीधे-सीधे जातिसूचक है. यह अनुसूचित जाति तथा अनुसूचित जनजाति (अत्याचार निवारण) अधिनियम 1989 की धारा 3(1)(x) के अंतर्गत अपराध है.

इस अपराध की भयावहता इस कारण और भी बढ़ जाती है कि यह टिप्पणी एक पढ़े, लिखे, सामाजिक हैसियत वाले एक कथित फिल्म स्टार द्वारा आज के इक्कीसवीं सदी के समाज में की गयी है और इस कारण से श्री कमाल खान का आचरण पूरी तरह अक्षम्य है.

मैं स्वयं इन जातियों से नहीं हूँ पर एक बुद्धिजीवी और सामाजिक रूप से संवेदनशील व्यक्ति होने के नाते मैं भी श्री खान के इस अत्यंत घृणित और बेतुके टिप्पणी से अन्तःस्थल तक आहत और अचंभित हूँ और इस रूप में इस प्रकरण में सामने आ कर कठोरतम विधिक कार्यवाही संपन्न कराना अपना नैतिक और विधिक कर्तव्य समझते हुए आपके सम्मुख उपस्थित हुआ हूँ. यह सादर निवेदन करूँगा  कि श्री कमाल खान की उपरोक्त टिप्पणी किसी भी प्रकार से अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता अथवा मनोरंजन हेतु दिया गया वक्तव्य नहीं है बल्कि सीधे-सीधे दो अनुसूचित जाति के लोगों पर घृणित और ओछी टिप्पणी है.

अतः मैं आपसे प्रार्थना करता हूँ कि उपरोक्त आपराधिक कृत्य के संज्ञेय अपराध होने के कारण धारा 154 सीआरपीसी के अंतर्गत इनके सम्बन्ध में उपयुक्त तथा विधिसम्मत धाराओं में प्रथम सूचना रिपोर्ट अंकित कर आवश्यक कार्यवाही करने की कृपा करें. मैं विशेषकर निवेदन करूँगा कि अनुसूचित जाति के प्रति किये गए इस इस अत्यंत गंभीर अपराध के सम्बन्ध में एफआईआर दर्ज किया जाना और आज के समय में भी इस प्रकार की घटिया सोच रखने वाले लोगों पर दंडात्मक कार्यवाही किया जाना न्याय हित में नितांत आवश्यक प्रतीत होता है.

पत्र संख्या- AT/Kamal/01                                   (अमिताभ ठाकुर)
दिनांक- 28/06/2013                                                5/426, विराम खंड,
गोमती नगर , लखनऊ  

Copy of the FIR-

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

[rti4empowerment] Fwd: Police Inspector Sanjay Rai had contracted them for killing Maaz, and had paid them Rs250,000 for the job.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: MANI sharma <>
Date: Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 8:16 AM
Subject: Police Inspector Sanjay Rai had contracted them for killing Maaz, and had paid them Rs250,000 for the job.
To: Chairperson NHRC <>

Kindly take cognisance

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

[rti4empowerment] Fwd: SEE THE ITALIAN CHARACTERS


[rti4empowerment] End Criminalization of Politics.



Message placed below may be seen.

We may sign the appeal to the Prime Minister, to build pressure against criminals in political life.

Dhirendra Krishna

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jayashree Gupta <>
Date: Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 9:22 PM
Subject: end criminalization of politics
To: "Jagat Bhushan, F-39" <>

Dear Friend,

Why should our country be governed by those who are ineligible to occupy the lowest position in the employment of the Government? Why should we have double standards?
`Electoral reform within India is integral to the achievement of gender justice.' So says Justice Verma's Committee in its Report on Amendments to Criminal Law. The Committee had recommended that Section 8(1) of the Representation of People Act, 1951 must contain a provision for disqualification in respect of every case where a person has been accused of the offences listed therein where the court has taken cognizance'.

Consumers India has just initiated this petition on Will you join me?

End criminalization of politics
To: Prime Minister of India

The petition is really important. Click here to find out more and sign:

I would also suggest that you share it with your friends and mobilize as many signatures as you can.

Thanks so much,

Dr (Mrs)Jayashree Gupta, President, Consumers India
& Chairperson, Human Rights Group,
SUM, An NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of United Nations,
Former Additional Secretary to Government of India &
Chairperson & Managing Director
Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Limited, A Govt. of India enterprise

E 7/16, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110057
Tel: 91-9871950011 (Mobile)
E mail :

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Monday, June 24, 2013

[rti4empowerment] Can anyone advise on Charity Trust rules ????


I have come across a registered charity organisation in Mumbai who are collecting donations but are not filing balance sheets for years with charity commissioner of office. What are the steps which Charity commissioners office can take against such an organisation? Charity commissioners have not even issued a single notice to them in last 20 years.

Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya,

"My individual freedom to live as I choose, to come and go as I choose, to believe or not believe as I individually choose.  For me every wind that blows carries message of freedom.  It carries it everywhere from sea to shining sea. I decide my freedom and not the society and the puppets of high society." For me Samaj Rachana is for suraksha and not for pleasing haves and maligning have nots. Samaj Rachana is for bringing people of all strata together at same level, to give place of pride to those live and sacrifice for Samaj and not for those who exploit Samaj and then show off status. So live and roar like a lion in samaj and not for wagging tail.  ...........Alok 

• Pl. fwd./ circulate this mail if you think the issues raised here needs wider audience.

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

[rti4empowerment] Fwd: [what they said about Indian Judiciary] My expirience with advocates, their assistants, courts and the hell .............


NOTE: There r sweeping general statement made here. As it applies to 90% cases. But there r definitely exceptions and many Advocates, their assistants, judges, registrars, court staff are gem of a person. ......Alok 

You can curse politicians, rationwala, bania, poor person asking for tips, police, doctors for unethical practice, businessman for adulteration, poor quality, black marketing, teachers for malpractices, media, then why shy off when comes to advocates and police and public prosecutors and even NGO's. Only good hearted will take my honest writings in right spirit and ( take right cue and improve where ever possible ) but  rest may become my enemy but at this age when I have suffered over  30 years and for no fault of mine even at the hands of my own advocates , their staff, their inefficiency and from courts , police who run on taxes we paid from the money earned thru sweating . .......Alok one tells you this except Alok ....

Exploitation of Advocates in Supreme Court by Government by paying just Rs. 7500/- per case? Will professionals not be tempted to be corrupt? You decide. Pl read the enclosed circular. Peons in Bombay Municipal Corporation could be getting more salary per month.
Like · · Share · Sunday at 8:43pm ·

  • Sandeep Jalan No Advocate on Record is compelled to accept this offer. How then there is exploitation...
  • Prakash Ganatra As lay man I feel advocates are considered under BPL category
  • Hasmukh Vora If you want Quality, you ought to pay appropriately.
  • Adv Digvijay R Singh it is a self selected service.....where is the question of exploitation..... if not interested anyone is free to do his own practice...
  • Alok Tholiya A doctor charges Rs 1500/- for consultation in Leelavati and same doctor sees hundreds of patients in V N Desai hospital. There r pvt eye hospitals who declare that if anyone recommends a genuine a poor person of a senior citizens they will do their cataract operation for free where as they charge others 25000 to 1.5 lacs for cataract. I can go on ........I want to see such charity for deserving cases from advocates. Like I have made video on you tube of sharing my experience with police same way I will be sharing my experience with advocates and PP ( who are fully sold out). I can say that even from a tormented and suffering women, old etc their is no story where we find any ( exception proves the rule) human in legal fraternity. Rather the over charging so called senior lawyers make life hell of opposite party with adding false accusations and sections on other party. In my next mail I will be giving experience in appeal court of how Ad D C Mehta so called senior counsel takes ride of court. So if one is not human enough and is not interested in such pittance then can refuse such assignments. I will say let each advocate take only one case at a time of a genuine poor person and help him same way as they would to the top builder . And start some good work.
  • Alok Tholiya IN hospitals we get many facilities be it govt, charitable or private but in advocates office, courts, police , PP 's office , we citizens are given subhuman facilities. Pl. come with me and I will show you attitude, toilets, canteens, parking, typing, and other facilities??? In one Jain temple at Chowpati there are scenes created about how the hell will be. I will be donating them a scene of Indian courts where how ill treated even by clerks of advocates. I had gone for eye operation of my father to a Dr.Shonak Parekhs eye hospital. He charged one lump sum fees and there after everything was on him including good comfortable lobby for patient relative, then tea / coffee served free , TV and magazines etc.. And when I was leaving hospital with my beloved Dad as a our habit to tip I went to a reception with Rs 150/ - and LO I was told by a person there that Thank you sir, but we don't accepted as our Sir pays as well. There r equally bad experience as when we were leaving with dead body of my close relative from Arogya nidhi and we were followed by ward boys for tip. That means they don't only demand but also demand from those who have died in hospital. So there r good and and bad experience from doctors. But from advocates there only bad ones. Even if one has lost a case due to bad handling by an advocate still his staff will ask big tip for even getting order copy ......and so on. The advocates will hardly use courier, email and will ask clients to rush leaving every pressures of life to their chamber where they will be made to sit for hours in uncomfortable way. I am aware that there used to be competition for doctors by their association about how good is a reception and patient area but I have never ever heard if there is any thing which encourages advocate s and courts to give any human feel even while sucking blood. Sp path labs where they draw blood are still better. And I am not expecting all this from a novice struggling advocates but am talking about those using hy fy cars ( but have no laptops), having several peons and clerks but all asking tips and yet ill treating, have bungalows at hill station but no care to courier. ........I want everyone to share their experiences with their advocates,courts and PP without naming them.

Posted By Blogger to what they said about Indian Judiciary at 6/17/2013 05:27:00 PM

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