Dear Friends,
Please read the article that has been published by "India Today" Magazine. It shows the alarming lack of weapons, ammunition and infrastructure in Indian Army and that it wont be much difficult for a confident China to overwhelm our Border positions. This is the very reason why the repeated intrusion by Chinese forces is not being adequately responded to by the Defence ministry Babus.
India today is facing a unique threat of war on two fronts with Pakistan and China at the same time. We all are confident about the bravery of our Indian Troops, but with all due respect, they should not be treated as cannon fodder and should be given adequate equipments to atleast match the standards of China, if not more.
The mess has been created by the lack of will of bungling Politicians and ultra Red tape by the Lazy bureaucrats who simply are more concerned with filling their own pockets instead of National Security.
Thanks & Regards
Prashant Uikey
Founder - "IT'S MY RIGHT" Forum: CLICK TO JOIN Striving For Protection & Successful Implementation Of Citizen's Rights

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