Dear Urvi,
I've been down here at death row, and we just heard the horrific news.
After a torturous delay of more than 4 hours, the state of Georgia has just killed Troy Anthony Davis.
My heart is heavy. I am sad and angry. The state of Georgia has proven what we already know. Governments cannot be trusted with the awful power over life and death.
Today, Georgia didn't just kill Troy Davis, they killed the faith and confidence that many Georgians, Americans and Troy Davis supporters worldwide used to have in our criminal justice system.
Wende, on our Abolish the Death Penalty Campaign team, met with Troy Davis yesterday to convey the support that he has had from all of you. He asked us to deliver this message back to you:
"The struggle for justice doesn't end with me. This struggle is for all the Troy Davises who came before me and all the ones who will come after me. I'm in good spirits and I'm prayerful and at peace."
Let's take a moment to honor the life of Troy Davis and Mark MacPhail. Then, let's take all of our difficult feelings and re-double our commitment to abolition of the death penalty.
Please pledge to continue this fight because it is far from over.
This Friday at 7 pm EST, please join us for a special call to discuss Troy Davis' case, what your work means for the death penalty abolition movement as a whole and what we can do next.
I am Troy Davis. You are Troy Davis. We will not stop fighting for justice.
Thank you for everything you have done to make your voice heard.
In Solidarity, Laura Moye Director, Death Penalty Abolition Campaign Amnesty International USA
| | Not in my name
The state of Georgia may have taken one life tonight, but they cannot stop our struggle for all the Troy Davises of the world.

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