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@spikebus Are you reading what I am writing at all?
Except he didn't 'admit' that computers rig elections nor did he state that it's ever happened to his knowledge. All he said was someone approached him to do it (he never stated that he actually did the illegal act of creating and implementing the code) and he also only stated that in his opinion 'something was amiss' in the Ohio elections. This was a whole lot of maybes what if's and could be's.
This is old news. Google:
Election Hacking - Clinton Curtis Testimony Ohio 2004
Tom Feeney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Clint Curtis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In fact, Google AT LEAST three INDEPENDENT sources for the FACTS before assuming anything about anyone--or before voting on anything... ;-)
Oh yeah. Click the 'Show more' tab at the bottom of this video for more info. :-)
@MengoMango How the Heck do you compare our Republic to the Chinese Republic? What makes you think the word Republic in China means the same thing here in America? Our Republic cannot be compared to any other country. It is unique. That's why it worked. You can't deny it did work. It's coming down now because the powers that be don't want us to be unique and successful. They want us to be like the rest of the world. I see what's going on in the world. I don't want to be there!
@maelstromswake you have no idea what he is talking about or when , do you?
@ThePoliDicksShow hahahaha! what year would that be? sorry, wrong year for Obama.
ummm...isn't sending missile codes to the chinese government....treason?
In September 2006, Tom Feeney (R) Florida was named one of the "20 Most Corrupt Members of Congress" in a report by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington...He was defeated in the 2008 election by Democrat Suzanne Kosmas
Tom Feeney... the Asshat he's talking about is a RETHUG out of Florida's 24th district... You IDIOT SAVANT!
You Teabag types are INSANELY STUPID.
@ThePoliDicksShow - In the year 2000 as he testified? Funny.......

Now we know why Obama had so many electronic votes...
So, this is how OBAMA won the election and why he had the most electronic votes ever.
What a shame.