I am resending this email, because it did not go through first time.
R. Singh From: R. Singh <rsingh631@yahoo.com>
To: aryayouthgroup@yahoogroups.com; branded_indian@yahoogroups.com; bsna_ba@googlegroups.com; deathtoislam@yahoogroups.com; desifellows@yahoogroups.com; desispice@yahoogroups.com; discussing_religion@yahoogroups.com; 4RTI Empowerment <rti4empowerment@yahoogroups.com>; hindinj-owner@yahoogroups.com; hinduism@yahoogroups.com; indianfirst@yahoogroups.com; indianjustice@yahoogroups.com; info@forumforhinduawakening.org; insidejodhpur@yahoogroups.com; interfaithdialoguecenter@yahoogroups.com; issuesonline_worldwide@yahoogroups.com; Janshakti@yahoogroups.com; loksatta_initiative@yahoogroups.com; political_analysts@yahoogroups.com; powerupindiagroup@yahoogroups.com; proudHindu@yahoogroups.com; teachers-guild@yahoogroups.com; voiceofindiagroup@yahoogroups.co.in
Cc: Jay@hafsite.org; Sheetal.Shah@hafsite.org; "singhv@comcast.net" <singhv@comcast.net>; Mukesh Advani <mukeshadvani@yahoo.com>; Saroj Agrawal <saroj_a@yahoo.com>; Vijay Ashar <bhakta711@yahoo.com>; babususeelan@hotmail.com; Subodh Bannerjee <smlwrld@pacbell.net>; Sushil Bhalla <Sush830@yahoo.com>; Chandru Bhambhra <chandrub@sbcglobal.net>; Raj Bhanot <rajbhanot@gmail.com>; Urmil C <urmilc@yahoo.com>; Ram Das Chaudhari <chaudhar@oswego.edu>; Dharam Singh <dharam_s@hotmail.com>; Bhawna Giare <bgiare@yahoo.com>; Rammi Gujral <gujralrammi@hotmail.com>; Mohan Gupta <mgupta@rogers.com>; Arvind Gupta <argned@hotmail.com>; Hindu Samhati <hindusamhati@gmail.com>; whengodlaughs@yahoogroups.com; pshrc_chd@yahoogroups.com; politics_in_india@yahoogroups.com; INDIA_WBA@yahoogroups.com; AgBioIndiaForum@yahoogroups.com; groundroots@yahoogroups.com; change-india@yahoogroups.com; Mihir Meghani <mihir@hafsite.org>; Nilu Gupta <nilugupta@yahoo.com>; Om Kalra <omkalra7@yahoo.com>; S Kalyanraman <kalyan97@gmail.com>; Sunita Kapoor <sunita129@hotmail.com>; Sucheta Kapuria <sucheta@sngenterprise.com>; Inder Kaw <inder_kaw@yahoo.com>; khanderao@yahoo.com; Sukhanandan Kumar <sukhanandan@yahoo.com>; Sudarshan Kumar <skumar0004@yahoo.com>; Anil Kumar <anilk_vhn@yahoo.com>; Lalit/Deepa Kumar <lalitk@hotmail.com>; Manoj Kumar <manoj_kumar6@yahoo.com>; lata_malviya@yahoo.com; Mahendra Lohmor <aumguru@yahoo.com>; mpsethi@hotmail.com; JayPrakash Narain <Narain2@yahoo.com>; Brahmanand Pande <brahmanand@gmail.com>; Dayanand Prasad <prasadd9@yahoo.com>; Ramanand Prasad <rprasad@gita-society.com>; Virendra Rana <ranav101@yahoo.com>; rkbhatia_99@yahoo.com; Jagdish Rustagi <jagdish_rustagi2001@yahoo.com>; sachdevdds@hotmail.com; Shrigopal Sharma <shrivatshalya@yahoo.com>; Kailash Sharma <kcsharma@aol.com>; Bhanu/Rachita Sharma <sharmabr@gmail.com>; SUBHASH SHASTRI <ssshastri@yahoo.com>; Shyam N. Shukla <shuklas@comcast.net>; Aditya/Niru Shukla <ashukla925@yahoo.com>; Sunita Singh <Neeta_india@yahoo.com>; Prithviraj Singh & Family <prsingh91733@yahoo.com>; Neerja Sinha <neerja.gia@gmail.com>; neelabh sinha <neelabhsinha@hotmail.com>; Ashwini Surpur <ashwini.surpur@gmail.com>; Rashmi Tiwari <rashmideep2001@yahoo.com>; Asha Tripathi <asha_tripathi@hotmail.com>; Gautam Verma <gettyv@comcast.net>; Sarwan Wasan <humekro@gmail.com>
Sent: Fri, December 10, 2010 9:08:52 PM
Subject: Fw: Fw: [Branded Indian] It is time to counter a half-baked HAF report based on anecdotes and hazy impressions
I wish to comment on Dr. Kalyanaraman's hasty remarks on "not Cast in Caste" report by Hindu American Foundation.
Dr Kalyanaraman's comments within an hour of the release of HAF report was immature and was not based upon the full study and analysis of this important document. We all know that Kalyanaraman is a great Hindu and a defender of Sanatan Dharma. However, this time he has misjudged the value of this report. As explained below by Dr. Mihir Meghani, this report was produced after five years of in-depth study, research and after consultation with many experts on Hindu religion.
Caste-ism is not a product of ancient Hindu scriptures. Manu-Smriti is discarded as a product of one person. RSS, Swami Dayanand, Chaitnya Maha Prabhu, Ram Krishna Mission, Goswami Tulasi Das, Mahatma Gandhi, and others have discarded caste-ism as a social evil. Every body knows that the Guru of famous Krishna Devotee Mira Bai was a Dalit. Goswami JI has explicitely elucidiates in his Chaupai, "Siyaram maya sab Jag Jani, Karahun pranam jor jug Pani." It means I see SitaRam Ji in everybody, I salute all with bowed head in reverence. Again quoting a part of Goswami Ji's another chaupai, "Ishwar Ans Jeev Abhinasi,..", meaning an atom of Paramatma resides in all of us. When the relation of Atma and Paramatma is established in Vedas, then there is no distinction between one person to another or even gender. Caste-ism is not part of Hindu scriptures, but it has happened due to social stratification of the society over the time. This kind of stratification has taken place in every society to a different degree. However, all international human rights organization blame India for caste discrimination. Presently, some anti-Hindu strident voices have been raised by no other than born-Hindu enemies of the great Sanatan Dharma. I am going to name some of them here, Ram Puniyani, Arunadhati Roy, Teesta Selvad, Anjana Chatterjee, John Dayal, Kanch Ilaiah and others of same group. They are noise makers, and they get invitations to speak at forums to put down Hinduism and Indian culture. Never underestimate the power of these rabble-rousers. They stopped Narendra Modi from coming to USA.
We need to project the correct image of Hinduism in this country and in the world. Christian missionaries are using the caste-ism to convert Hindus to Christianity.
We have certainly made progress in India on caste-ism. Mayavati is a harijan. Nitish Kumar and Narendra Modi don't belong to Brahman or Kshatriya families. Karunanidhi heads a dalit organization. Many high positions in all categories are held by Harijans. Inter-caste marriages are quite prevalent in India today. With education and efforts by service organizations like RSS, Ekal Vidyalay, etc, the situation will improve over time.
Caste problem is complicated and is sustaining itself due to distortions caused by politics, economics, and outsiders. Politicians use caste to get elected, and they want to sustain it. Reservation creates economic interests, and as result, upper caste people are changing their names to get the benefits of reservations. Missionaries and pseudo-secular politicians utilize caste to enhance their ill-considered agenda. The most sorry part of the equation is that elected Harijan leaders are engaged in bribery and loot for their personal gains, and they want to preserve the caste system. For example, Mayavati got elected with the help from Brahmins in UP, but now she is engaged in self-enrichment and statue building.
Hindu American Foundation is a brilliant advocacy group in USA. They are doing a great job in this country in promoting Hindu causes and removing misconceptions. They are doers and go-getters. They are not plain talkers. Many Hindu organizations and scholars have applauded the outstanding work of HAF on behalf Hinduism. HAF has been performing superbly with a meager budget and mostly a volunteer staff. Let's give credit where the credit is due. Please remember we are hurting ourselves by criticizing a great organization. I think HAF is standing in the front line in the defense of Hinduism.
The report, "Not cast in Caste," is not cast in concrete. It has been prepared after 5 years of dedicated study and contributions by many. In due course, if constructive suggestions come, it can be revised or updated. For the present, let's unite and move ahead with it. Let's support HAF. In my opinion, anything less is going to go against our own cause.
Jai Hinduism
Jai Hind
Rameshwar Singh ----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Mihir Meghani (HAF) <mihir@hafsite.org>
To: R. Singh <rsingh631@yahoo.com>
Sent: Fri, December 10, 2010 2:42:49 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [Branded Indian] It is time to counter a half-baked HAF report based on anecdotes and hazy impressions
From: Mihir Meghani (HAF) <mihir@hafsite.org>
To: R. Singh <rsingh631@yahoo.com>
Sent: Fri, December 10, 2010 2:42:49 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [Branded Indian] It is time to counter a half-baked HAF report based on anecdotes and hazy impressions
Dear friends and supporters of the Hindu cause,
We're delighted that the release of the Hindu American Foundation's report "Hinduism: Not Cast in Caste" has generated such vibrant debate before most who have commented have even read it. Dr. Kalyanraman has mass emailed many of you through various email groups with his comments on the report, though we doubt that he read over 100 pages in the one hour from the time the report was released to the time he began posting. We also fundamentally disagree with Dr. Kalyanraman's position that a birth-based social hierarchy is useful or that it is a part of Hinduism. Don't brush aside this report as Dr. Kalyanraman has by saying that the HAF team does not know what it is talking about or that they do not know India - being born in India does not make one a better Hindu - this should be obvious to many of you. Just because he disagrees with us or we disagree with him should not mean there is loss of civility and respect. There are too few of us working for Hindu society to forget the bigger picture.
We'd like to quickly give some short responses, but our first 3 points are READ THE FULL REPORT, READ THE FULL REPORT, READ THE FULL REPORT!
There is a very personal story here.
Most Dalits are Hindu. Several from the HAF team have spent time with these Hindus brothers and sisters - stayed with them, lived in their homes, ate with them. Their stories are true and are compelling. For them, this issue is not about some intellectual debate on a yahoo group, but about a very real issue as to their struggles socially with those from "higher" castes - not getting invited to their neighbor's home because their caste is lower. It is about some of them having problems getting a job or promotion because of their caste. It is about not being respected or honored by some of their Hindu neighbors despite them turning down jobs, money, education and health care offered by Christian missionaries, because they respect the Hinduism they were born into. It is about not about internet-savvy Hindus who travel the world and live well - it is about honoring the Dalit Hindus who are and have always been a backbone of Hindu society. They bore much of the brunt of the Islamic conquest. They are the ones who suffered the most when the British instituted caste schedules. They are the ones who still remain in poverty, and as a tribute to them, despite Christians having spent billions of dollars trying to convert them, most remain true, strong, and proud Hindus! This, at the end of the day is about them.
Read before judging!
The Whys, Whats and Hows to Understanding the Big Picture and the Executive Summary: http://www.hafsite.org/media/pr/casteexecutivesummary
Full Report: http://www.hafsite.org/media/pr/hinduism-not-caste-caste-full-report
Press release: http://www.hafsite.org/landmark_report_on_caste_based_discrimination
Religious and spiritual leaders and organizations statements: http://www.hafsite.org/media/pr/statements-caste-hindu-leaders
The Hindu American Foundation (HAF) understands the complexities and sensitivities of the topic of cast. First, before passing public judgment, we would encourage you to at least read the report. The report is five years in the making and rests on extensive research of both secular and spiritual/scriptural sources; consultations with a diverse and broad range religious/spiritual leaders, thought leaders, academics, advocates and activists; and profound soul searching of HAF team members as devout and proud Hindus.
A second to final draft was shared with a select group of reviewers, including some of you, and their input was seriously studied and considered, and incorporated into the final report. That 13 of today's leading religious and spiritual luminaries submitted statements of support and encouraged HAF to proceed should not be taken lightly or overlooked.
Caste is a complicated issue and we hope that after reading the report, you will understand why we did the report, who our primary audience is, and what we are saying.
Caste is a social problem not a religious one.
Read the report - HAF says that Hinduism is the solution to the caste problem. This is supported by 25 pages of scriptural statements supporting our stand that caste is not intrinsic to Hinduism and that Hinduism, when practiced genuinely, can be the solution to the caste problem. We also have 13 major Hindu religious and spiritual leaders and organizations who say essentially the same thing. Today's caste problem is multi-faceted and major parts of it are due to socio-economic factors, Indian politics and exploitation of caste, poverty, health care, and education by Christian missionaries.
Who worked on this report?
HAF's team spent 5 years working on this report, consulting with religious leaders including Swami Dayananda Saraswati, the monks of Hinduism Today magazine, Swami Chidananda Saraswati, and Sri Sri Ravi Sankar; academics such as Prof. Rambachan, Prof. VV Raman, Prof. Ramdas Lamb & Shiva Bajpai's former student Prof. Chapple; and activists like Vishal Agarwal and Prof Ved Nanda. Again, read the list of acknowledgements and the statements from the 13 religious leaders. HAF also had extensive consultations with Hindu sadhus and swamis, Hindu activists and leaders including some on this list, pro-Hindu professors, and Hindu Dalits. We took the quite variable and lengthy comments and edited the report extensively.
HAF's key message:
Our key message is that while caste is a problem in India, Hinduism is the solution to the problem
Why does HAF have to say something anyway?
We need to say what we are because caste has become a major international issue. With the new US Congress having majority Republicans, many of whom are Christian conservative tea party candidates, caste will be raised again by Christian missionary groups who claim to represent Dalits but only represent missionaries. In the past, the likes of Angana Chatterjee, John Dayal, and Kancha Ilaiah have spoken on this issue at US Congressional, United Nations, and human rights forums, but all are anti Hindu. With this report, HAF hopes to have credibility and standing to speak out and say that yes, jaati arose in Hindu society, but caste discrimination has not been supported by major Hindu religious leaders and organizations, or by Hindu scriptures, and that the caste problem today is exploited by politicians for votes and by Christian missionaries. In fact, Hinduism can be the solution to the caste problem if people follow the Hinduism that you and I know - the religion of the Bhagavad Gita. When people use the Manu Smriti to attack Hinduism, they don't know Hinduism because its not a text that anyone I know has read - have you?
Also, most Dalits are Hindu, yet most spokespeople for Dalits are Christians. That is because Christian missionaries and marxists have ignored Hindu Dalit voices. HAF has Hindu Dalit members and supporters, and we hope with this report to build their profile. Please read the article by one such Hindu Dalit leader - Bhagwati Charan Bhatpare, and another article by an Indian Christian, PN Benjamin, about how Christianity in India has caste and how Christianity is exploiting the problem.
Don't forget the big picture
The HAF team has worked hard on this and has given careful thought to every aspect of the report. Each person reading it may not agree with every point, and that, quite frankly, is not realistic in a 100 + page report. For example, we had extensive discussions about whether, in a specific part of the report, to say Hindu society, Indian society, Vedic society, ancient Indian society, ancient Hindu society, India when it was majority Hindu, or Indian society when it was majority Hindu - you can see there are many permutations of words that could be used. Yet, we think that this report will serve its purpose - explain how caste discrimination is not intrinsic to Hinduism, delineate that Hindus have been working on this problem, quote first-hand from Hindu religious leaders and scriptures as not supporting caste-discrimination and a birth-based hierarchy, clarify that caste in India today is complicated by missionaries and politics, and allow you as a leader to get into the caste debate when you meet your local Congressmen when he votes on Dalit Freedom Network's bill in Congress or when your reporter asks what you are doing about human rights of Hindu Dalits.
What response HAF expects?
This report says what most of us already believe - caste is not intrinsic to Hinduism; the ability to reach moksha has nothing to do with what caste you are born into; caste discrimination is not supported by Hinduism; caste realities in India today are complex and fueled to a great extent by rural economic inequalities; politics in India is a major driver for caste conflict; Christian missionaries are exploiting caste for proselytization; and that while caste discrimination continues in some part of India, particularly rural areas, much progress has been made; this progress is due to the efforts of countless Hindu leaders and Hindu groups over centuries as well as economic progress and government efforts. If you agree with most of the points HAF is making, spread the word and use this report to help frame the debate, which currently is shaped by Christian missionaries.
We hope that with this report, the Hindu view on caste gets greater respect in the media, academia, government, human rights, and interfaith work. We also hope that this report will allow HAF to connect with Hindu Dalits and let them share their perspective in appropriate forum, instead of Christian Dalits, as Hindu Dalits are still the majority of Dalits. We, as Hindu leaders, need to raise the profile of Hindu Dalit leaders.
We as Hindu activists are often busy fighting one of many battles, and we often do not get to applaud our individual or collective efforts. Let me also thank each one of you for the work you are doing and have been doing. Feel free to contact any of us at HAF anytime should you have questions. My email is mihir at hafsite dot org and my cell phone is 510-396-2745 (California time)
We're delighted that the release of the Hindu American Foundation's report "Hinduism: Not Cast in Caste" has generated such vibrant debate before most who have commented have even read it. Dr. Kalyanraman has mass emailed many of you through various email groups with his comments on the report, though we doubt that he read over 100 pages in the one hour from the time the report was released to the time he began posting. We also fundamentally disagree with Dr. Kalyanraman's position that a birth-based social hierarchy is useful or that it is a part of Hinduism. Don't brush aside this report as Dr. Kalyanraman has by saying that the HAF team does not know what it is talking about or that they do not know India - being born in India does not make one a better Hindu - this should be obvious to many of you. Just because he disagrees with us or we disagree with him should not mean there is loss of civility and respect. There are too few of us working for Hindu society to forget the bigger picture.
We'd like to quickly give some short responses, but our first 3 points are READ THE FULL REPORT, READ THE FULL REPORT, READ THE FULL REPORT!
There is a very personal story here.
Most Dalits are Hindu. Several from the HAF team have spent time with these Hindus brothers and sisters - stayed with them, lived in their homes, ate with them. Their stories are true and are compelling. For them, this issue is not about some intellectual debate on a yahoo group, but about a very real issue as to their struggles socially with those from "higher" castes - not getting invited to their neighbor's home because their caste is lower. It is about some of them having problems getting a job or promotion because of their caste. It is about not being respected or honored by some of their Hindu neighbors despite them turning down jobs, money, education and health care offered by Christian missionaries, because they respect the Hinduism they were born into. It is about not about internet-savvy Hindus who travel the world and live well - it is about honoring the Dalit Hindus who are and have always been a backbone of Hindu society. They bore much of the brunt of the Islamic conquest. They are the ones who suffered the most when the British instituted caste schedules. They are the ones who still remain in poverty, and as a tribute to them, despite Christians having spent billions of dollars trying to convert them, most remain true, strong, and proud Hindus! This, at the end of the day is about them.
Read before judging!
The Whys, Whats and Hows to Understanding the Big Picture and the Executive Summary: http://www.hafsite.org/media/pr/casteexecutivesummary
Full Report: http://www.hafsite.org/media/pr/hinduism-not-caste-caste-full-report
Press release: http://www.hafsite.org/landmark_report_on_caste_based_discrimination
Religious and spiritual leaders and organizations statements: http://www.hafsite.org/media/pr/statements-caste-hindu-leaders
The Hindu American Foundation (HAF) understands the complexities and sensitivities of the topic of cast. First, before passing public judgment, we would encourage you to at least read the report. The report is five years in the making and rests on extensive research of both secular and spiritual/scriptural sources; consultations with a diverse and broad range religious/spiritual leaders, thought leaders, academics, advocates and activists; and profound soul searching of HAF team members as devout and proud Hindus.
A second to final draft was shared with a select group of reviewers, including some of you, and their input was seriously studied and considered, and incorporated into the final report. That 13 of today's leading religious and spiritual luminaries submitted statements of support and encouraged HAF to proceed should not be taken lightly or overlooked.
Caste is a complicated issue and we hope that after reading the report, you will understand why we did the report, who our primary audience is, and what we are saying.
Caste is a social problem not a religious one.
Read the report - HAF says that Hinduism is the solution to the caste problem. This is supported by 25 pages of scriptural statements supporting our stand that caste is not intrinsic to Hinduism and that Hinduism, when practiced genuinely, can be the solution to the caste problem. We also have 13 major Hindu religious and spiritual leaders and organizations who say essentially the same thing. Today's caste problem is multi-faceted and major parts of it are due to socio-economic factors, Indian politics and exploitation of caste, poverty, health care, and education by Christian missionaries.
Who worked on this report?
HAF's team spent 5 years working on this report, consulting with religious leaders including Swami Dayananda Saraswati, the monks of Hinduism Today magazine, Swami Chidananda Saraswati, and Sri Sri Ravi Sankar; academics such as Prof. Rambachan, Prof. VV Raman, Prof. Ramdas Lamb & Shiva Bajpai's former student Prof. Chapple; and activists like Vishal Agarwal and Prof Ved Nanda. Again, read the list of acknowledgements and the statements from the 13 religious leaders. HAF also had extensive consultations with Hindu sadhus and swamis, Hindu activists and leaders including some on this list, pro-Hindu professors, and Hindu Dalits. We took the quite variable and lengthy comments and edited the report extensively.
HAF's key message:
Our key message is that while caste is a problem in India, Hinduism is the solution to the problem
Why does HAF have to say something anyway?
We need to say what we are because caste has become a major international issue. With the new US Congress having majority Republicans, many of whom are Christian conservative tea party candidates, caste will be raised again by Christian missionary groups who claim to represent Dalits but only represent missionaries. In the past, the likes of Angana Chatterjee, John Dayal, and Kancha Ilaiah have spoken on this issue at US Congressional, United Nations, and human rights forums, but all are anti Hindu. With this report, HAF hopes to have credibility and standing to speak out and say that yes, jaati arose in Hindu society, but caste discrimination has not been supported by major Hindu religious leaders and organizations, or by Hindu scriptures, and that the caste problem today is exploited by politicians for votes and by Christian missionaries. In fact, Hinduism can be the solution to the caste problem if people follow the Hinduism that you and I know - the religion of the Bhagavad Gita. When people use the Manu Smriti to attack Hinduism, they don't know Hinduism because its not a text that anyone I know has read - have you?
Also, most Dalits are Hindu, yet most spokespeople for Dalits are Christians. That is because Christian missionaries and marxists have ignored Hindu Dalit voices. HAF has Hindu Dalit members and supporters, and we hope with this report to build their profile. Please read the article by one such Hindu Dalit leader - Bhagwati Charan Bhatpare, and another article by an Indian Christian, PN Benjamin, about how Christianity in India has caste and how Christianity is exploiting the problem.
Don't forget the big picture
The HAF team has worked hard on this and has given careful thought to every aspect of the report. Each person reading it may not agree with every point, and that, quite frankly, is not realistic in a 100 + page report. For example, we had extensive discussions about whether, in a specific part of the report, to say Hindu society, Indian society, Vedic society, ancient Indian society, ancient Hindu society, India when it was majority Hindu, or Indian society when it was majority Hindu - you can see there are many permutations of words that could be used. Yet, we think that this report will serve its purpose - explain how caste discrimination is not intrinsic to Hinduism, delineate that Hindus have been working on this problem, quote first-hand from Hindu religious leaders and scriptures as not supporting caste-discrimination and a birth-based hierarchy, clarify that caste in India today is complicated by missionaries and politics, and allow you as a leader to get into the caste debate when you meet your local Congressmen when he votes on Dalit Freedom Network's bill in Congress or when your reporter asks what you are doing about human rights of Hindu Dalits.
What response HAF expects?
This report says what most of us already believe - caste is not intrinsic to Hinduism; the ability to reach moksha has nothing to do with what caste you are born into; caste discrimination is not supported by Hinduism; caste realities in India today are complex and fueled to a great extent by rural economic inequalities; politics in India is a major driver for caste conflict; Christian missionaries are exploiting caste for proselytization; and that while caste discrimination continues in some part of India, particularly rural areas, much progress has been made; this progress is due to the efforts of countless Hindu leaders and Hindu groups over centuries as well as economic progress and government efforts. If you agree with most of the points HAF is making, spread the word and use this report to help frame the debate, which currently is shaped by Christian missionaries.
We hope that with this report, the Hindu view on caste gets greater respect in the media, academia, government, human rights, and interfaith work. We also hope that this report will allow HAF to connect with Hindu Dalits and let them share their perspective in appropriate forum, instead of Christian Dalits, as Hindu Dalits are still the majority of Dalits. We, as Hindu leaders, need to raise the profile of Hindu Dalit leaders.
We as Hindu activists are often busy fighting one of many battles, and we often do not get to applaud our individual or collective efforts. Let me also thank each one of you for the work you are doing and have been doing. Feel free to contact any of us at HAF anytime should you have questions. My email is mihir at hafsite dot org and my cell phone is 510-396-2745 (California time)
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