Here are the 10 points each of which by itself can be a basis for scrapping Aadhaar
Each of these points has benn covered in short to give one a fair idea of the point being made. Elaboration can be achieved with introspection.
1. Violates fundamental rights : Aadhar was introduced via an executive order and completely bypassed the parliamentary process, thus violating democratic principles.
A program that invades ones privacy as blatantly and as massively as Aadhar should never have been introduced without due process.
This is in contradiction to Democracy.
In fact, The severest critic of the entire Scheme has been the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance(PSCF),which deliberated that the Aadhaar scheme is "full of uncertainty in technology as the complex scheme is built upon untested, unreliable technology and several assumptions".
It found Aadhaar to be "directionless" and "conceptualized with no clarity.."T
But The PM's protective wing unequivocally stonewalls all this.
With 2019 Elections coming up, in less than 2 years, can this be the reason for the push to the people into the Aadhaar Scheme, by PMO.
Have you noticed that no political party,
Neither The BJP, the Congress, the Left, DMK, none of them have come out against this threat to privacy and personal liberty under the name of providing security.
2. Lack of privacy leading to psychological damage to an individual and ultimately society.
Right from the school days when writing a test became uncomfortable with the supervisor hovering near you to discomfort in working in an office environment without any private office space, the connection between lack of privacy and output is clear as day to anyone observing with an unbiased eye.
A personal space allows an individual to rest, refresh, recoup and re-enter the mainstream society as a productive individual on a daily, weekly monthly or long term basis.
Privacy allows us the anonymity to confront our embarassments and flaws unabashedly and work on their resolution allowing for individual growth.
Proponents argue that only those who have something to hide talk about privacy.
Well, one can ask these proponents why do they wear clothes?
Are they hiding something? 
3. Religious marker and identifier : Many sikh male children in 1984 escaped genocide by loosening their hair and were passed off as girls. Some even cut off their hair to save their lives. Many muslims who don't keep a beard excaped riots because they couldn't be identified as such.
With Aadhar, this privacy is also lost.
Imagine the scale of killing if the Govt. makes this data available to the rioters.
Targetted genocide becomes easy.
4. Promoted as "voluntary" to escape judicial challenge but was systematically made obligatory by planting rumours that without it, no benefits would be available.
As every compulsory service that the Govt. is serving is becoming conditional : riding on the Aadhaar Card, thus making it dictatorial: and undemocratic. The LPG, PDS Ration, MGNREGA, The Rajiv Gandhi Awas Yojana (RGAY), The Rashtraya housing Scheme, Bhagyalakshmi and the Social Security and pension Scheme all linked to this card.
Also, Passing it off as a money bill. to escape Rajya sabha scrutiny.
There is Section 57 of the Aadhaar Act 2016, which, among other things, makes it clear as the blue sky on a cloudless day that the Aadhaar Act could never have been a Money Bill. It allows private companies to use the UID database for 'establishing the identity of an individual for any purpose'.
The UIDAI claims that access to data will be secure from intelligence agencies.
NO Documents have been signed viz confidentiality/privacy maintenance by the Collectors Abroad.
Have you received any signed document from UIDAI or the Govt. of India to this effect?
5. The fingerprinting and Iris Impression is technically Unsound. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) own Biometrics Standards Committee stated that biometric efficiency for a database of more than one billion people "has not been adequately analysed" and the problem of fingerprint quality in India has not been studied in depth. Thus the Technological basis for the project is doubtful.
UIDAI duplication relies on probabilistic system…they capture finger prints, facial photograph and Iris; but for authentication, they dont compare the whole fingerprint
They take, say 100 points of the finger print, and compare for a match of certain number of those points. All points will not match because of various factors like sweat, dust etc. Same applies for Iris. Result is huge number of authentication failures.
Also, as any video in youtube demonstrates, it is quite easy to lift fingerprints as well capture iris scans using HD cameras. So much for biometric authentication.
6. Privacy and safety breached
Lets say you have a safe that you use at home to protect important documents as well as keep family jewellery and it uses your biometrics to ensure that it can only be opened by you.
Because that same information is now with the government which can access your personal life anytime it wants to.
Now, who will protect you when this government becomes dictatorial?
After all, a government is composed of people and people have agendas.
And that agenda may change from the one under which you gave your biometrics.
What do you do then?
7. Permanently hacked.
If your email account gets hacked or you lose your credit card, you can recover it and change the password.
If your biometrics get hacked, can you change your fingerprints?
Can you change your iris?
Well, then the hack is permanent.
Now your data can be used and accessed as many times as required.
Which is what the news reporter from The Tribune proved.
All that data which has been lost/hacked/violated is now permanently compromised.
Cryptography tales care of this much more effectively than any biometrics
There's a feature in Skype Lite that was showcased by Microsoft at its launch event that could be a cause for concern – Aadhaar verification. It conducted a mock video interview for a job where Skype Lite helped verify the identity of the aspirant using Aadhaar.
At first, it might seem very useful. What can possibly go wrong if a potential employer uses your Aadhaar information for verification on an encrypted network?
Dig a little deeper and that question evolves into: how has your personal identity information that you voluntarily gave to the government instead landed at the doorstep of a tech giant like Microsoft?
The Haste and the Push by the Govt. DEMANDS an explanation, as it reveals a diabolical (devilish) mind at work. Make yourself aware See what you can do and should do as a responsible Indian Citizen.
8. Every taxpaying Citizen of India has a Pan Card, and for address and identification: the non tax paying people have the Voters Card.
The Aadhaar proponents cite that these can be duplicated or multiple ones issued.
And how have they responded to the Tribune hack story?
By introducing another layer of facial recognition.
Can't that be done with Voter ID, Pan Card or Driving Licence etc.?
9. Open air Prison
War against terror is cited as a reason for this card to help identify foreign nationals.
But Govt complicity in bumping off inconvenient people, who spoke the truth, has been openly witnessed by all. Count the number of RTI Activists who have been murdered or are in jail.
This Card is designed to make Every Indian a commodity, a Slave,and Contra to the Constitution of India, and a Violation to the Right to Life. It works on the principle of Open Air Prison to all,
Guilty till proved Innocent.
And finally
10. Sovereignity Outsourced
Aadhaar is giving personal and private information to outsourced collectors. This makes a mockery of the Whole Nation.
This is MOST IMPORTANT: The contract for Data Collection has been outsourced.
The project is contracted to receive technical support from L-1 Identity Solutions (now Morpho Trust USA), a well -known Defence Contractor.
Contracts are also awarded to Accenture Services Pvt. Ltd., which works with the U.S. Homeland Security, and Ernst & Young to install the UIDAI's Central ID Data Repository.
It is impossible to ensure database security when technical providers are American Business Corporations, and the U.S. Law requires them to provide information demanded of them, to U.S. Homeland Security.
Remember, those who sacrifice liberty for security get none
and deserve none.
I can come up with an entire article on each of these points or give you 10 more.
The question is
Are you really asleep or just lying there with your eyes closed?
I can wake the former from the slumber of ignorance,
but the latter will wake only if it wants to
Which one are you?