No one tells you this except Alok : What I hv seen in life:
BP is more amongst those who have unending needs, in reasonable expectations from life ( and specially others), who break laws very often and then live under fear, who try to show off everywhere ( even in social and spiritual organisations when they go they want best of car, best of seat, want to be with best of guest, want muni maharaj (Saints) to acknowledge their presence, can enter in to fight and arguments easily if things are not as per their wishes, are perfectionists, are expecting quid pro quo ( specially those in govt jobs expected that if applicant is benefiting then they must get bribe to reasonable tune where as they are on that post to do that job without harassment and delay) (many in social circle expect that if I gifted / threw party so other one must) , So they are not doing their job for love, as duty, as moral responsibility but with lot of expectations ) which can not always be met and they become frustrated. .....develop this ... and u ll find why every 10 the person in India is having BP and or diabetes, but in social circles rid with show off and competition every 1 person in 7 persons and those in police, municipal corporations and similar govt jobs 1 person in every 4 person will be found suffering with BP and Diabetes.
1. Enjoy outdoor picnics, ras garba, swimming, musical chair, disco, and similar events on Sundays ( on every first opportunity). Do not indulge in show off type groups, cards party, and other stressful sedentary games.
2. Buy Books and CD's of good discourses, mantras, bansuri vadan , Osho dynamic mediation, Sufis, Kabir's dohe etc..
3. Never worry about your car ( rather prefer a walk/ auto sometimes purposely)
4. Never worry about home interiors, dressing sense ( like a hippy / saint be befikar) . Rather Jain muni and naga sadhus move around be-hesitant and bindaas.
4. Where ever u r ( in informal times) laugh aloud, joke, sing and Lo dance if u get an opportunity. But even during office hours laugh silently or with friends while on lunch.
5. Don't compare with others.
6. feel happy that your friends and relatives are rich. They will not come asking for loan.
7. Feel happy that they are rich so they will throw lavish party / marriage events and be slogging while u as a guest should enjoy that event. U never asked for it. They threw it to show off. Be it. But never unnecessarily find faults and spoil your and their fun. Just enjoy.
8. Be humble. Sit in last row on purpose happily. Or need be even on floor. Do some lowly job happily. Remain unrecognized. Refuse to accept flowers, mementos etc or VIP seat in meetings as enough is enough and you do not want to pamper your ego any more. Wait in queue, wait for your turn on buffet dinner table even if u r Ambani/ Rahul/ Bush/ Amitabha. But do all that as a enlightened happy spiritual person and not to show off. See your blood pressure normalize.
9. Cooperate humbly with watchman, security check staff, parking lot staff, traffic police, gatekeeper on events, peon outside a cabin of a person you want to see etc etc who are doing their job in your interest or as per their bosses orders at lowest of salary and in worst work conditions ( most of them are sweating in afternoon heat in open) and do not boss over them. Understand them. Smile. Cooperate. So reduce ego ( VIP giri) and become sane ordinary person and see that your BP and Diabetes becomes normal.
BP/ Diabetes = genetic, lifestyle, angry, egoist, selfish, dadagiri, perfectionist,ambitious, frustrated,jealous,in hurry, madly after name/ fame / money.
So be after happiness, aparigraha, humbleness, be smiling be sweet, be calm, patient, understand people etc etc.
Listen atleast once a month : Chadata Suraj dhire dhire dhalata hei .....
The myth of symptoms
There's a common misconception that people with
high blood pressure, also called hypertension, will experience symptoms such as nervousness, sweating, difficulty sleeping or facial flushing. The truth is that HBP is largely a symptomless condition. If you ignore your blood pressure because you think symptoms will alert you to the problem, you are taking a dangerous chance with your life. Everybody needs to know their blood pressure numbers, and everyone needs to prevent high blood pressure from developing.
There are eight main ways you can control your blood pressure.
They are:
Adopting a healthy lifestyle is critical for the prevention of HBP and an indispensable part of managing it. Think of these changes as a "lifestyle prescription" and make every effort to comply with them.
Whether you have been
diagnosed with high blood pressure, also called hypertension, or are concerned because you have some of the
risk factors for the disease, understand this: while there is no cure,
high blood pressure is manageable.
By adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle, you can:
- Reduce high blood pressure
- Prevent or delay the development of HBP
- Enhance the effectiveness of blood pressure medications
- Lower your risk of heart attack, heart disease, stroke and kidney disease
Here's how to do your part:
- Be informed
Of all people with high blood pressure, over 20 percent are unaware of their condition. This symptomless disease could leave them with substantial health consequences. Are you one of them? If you don't know, see a healthcare professional to be tested. - Do your part to reach your treatment goals
Consider these statistics regarding those with known HBP:
- 69.1 percent are under current treatment
- 30.9 percent are not currently under treatment, even though they know their blood pressure is high
There is no healthy level of high blood pressure. Don't take life-or-death chances with this disease. Instead, take responsibility! Work with your healthcare professional to determine your treatment goals and map out your best action plan for HBP prevention and management.

- Change your life and reduce your risks
Even if your blood pressure is normal (less than 120 mm Hg systolic AND less than 80 mm Hg diastolic) and your goal is prevention only, the lifestyle modifications provide a prescription for healthy living.
If your resting blood pressure falls in the pre-hypertension range (systolic - top- number between 120 and 139 mm Hg OR diastolic - bottom - number between 80 and 89 mm Hg), your doctor will recommend lifestyle modifications. Lifestyle modifications are essential
These changes may reduce your blood pressure without the use of prescription medications.
- Take medication if it is prescribed for you
If your blood pressure is 140/90 or higher, your doctor will likely prescribe medication in addition to lifestyle modifications. Follow your healthcare professional's recommendations carefully, even if it means taking medication every day for the rest of your life. High blood pressure is a lifelong disease, and by partnering with your healthcare team, you can successfully reach your treatment goals and enjoy the benefits of better health.
Once your treatment program becomes routine, maintaining a lower blood pressure is easier. Remind yourself that by managing your blood pressure, you are lowering your risk of heart attack, hearat failure, stroke, peripheral artery disease and kidney disease. Death rates from these diseases have decreased significantly, thanks in part to earlier and better treatment of HBP.
Managing blood pressure is a lifelong commitment; make a
pledge to do so starting today for yourself and for those you love. Listen to your doctor, read the sound medical information on this site, and act on the information to live a heart-healthier life.
Posted By Blogger to
Our Health at 5/24/2013 11:16:00 PM