in the last meeting of the joint drafting committee on the anti-graft
Lokpal Bill ,which comprises of five central ministers and five
representatives of the civil society ,reports are that there was a
deadlock in the talks or they had broken down on the issue of
inclusion of prime minister and higher judiciary within the ambit of
proposed lokpal.
Even the government has sent letters to their sect containing
questions on several issues including: whether the prime minister and
the higher judiciary should be brought under the purview of the
in the wake of latest developments , it is the need of the hour to
express yourself. so please
link to the petition :-
link to sign the petition :
text of petition : To: The Citizens of India including NRIs
Dear all Citizens of India ,
We all know that the Joint Drafting Committee on the Lokpal Bill has
deferred the question of including the office of the Prime Minister
and the higher judiciary to be discussed later . The Joint Drafting
Committee proposes to draft the said bill by June 30.
YAISHWARYAJ is at your doorsteps once again . This time we are before
you with the simplest of the pledges of being the part of the direct
democracy i.e. an initiative / a proposition . Through this
initiative/proposition , YAISHWARYAJ is asking for your opinion as to
whether the Prime Minister and the Judiciary should be within the
purview of LOKPAL or not . All you have to do is just to opine for or
against the said proposal by writing Yes or No. Of course Your
valuable comments shall also be the most welcome and shall strengthen
the cause of the ordinary citizens of India , raised in this petition.
The Undersigned
उर्वशी शर्मा
"सूचना का अधिकार " हेल्पलाइन: 8081898081
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
[rti4empowerment] Your signing the online petition on lokpal is the need of the hour : please take a forward step
[rti4empowerment] Fw: New boss
| |||
Monday, May 30, 2011
[rti4empowerment] MY THOUGHT FOR THE DAY-rabid national rationalisations
Sunday, May 29, 2011
[rti4empowerment] Since these are "the persons of eminence " so is UPSIC " the place of disappointment and disgrace " to the info-seekers
Dear all ,
Now n then, we all hear about almost defunct Uttar Pradesh State
Information Commission. as per YAISHWARYAJ team , the main reason of
inefficient functioning of UPSIC is the team of information
commisioners , many of which lack even the normal IQ to understnd the
cases being put before them .
Since sycophants have managed to become persons of eminence , the
results are before the world.
here we are giving you the five of the resumes as uploaded by UPSIC on
its website . Please go through and share with us as if there is any
bottomline of political selfishness.?
1- Sri Sunil Kumar Chaudhary
श्री सुनील कुमार चौधरी
राज्य सूचना आयुक्त
शैक्षिक अभिलेख एवं कार्य अनुभव
श्री सुनील कुमार चौधरी
पिता का नाम
श्री वी0एस0 चौधरी
जन्म तिथि
जन्म स्थान बड़ौत, जिला बागपत।
टप्/9 मंत्री आवास, विभूतिखण्ड, गोमती नगर, लखनऊ ।
स्नातक लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय, लखनऊ (1990)
एल0एल0बी0, लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय, लखनऊ (1993)
कार्य अनुभव
दिनांक 13.07.2007 को शपथ ग्रहण करके राज्य सूचना आयुक्त के रूप में
कार्यभार ग्रहण किया।
1994 से माननीय उच्च न्यायालय, लखनऊ में अधिवक्ता। अधिवक्ता के तौर
पर कई निगमों के स्थाई अधिवक्ता के रूप में कार्य किया एवं इसके
अतिरिक्त शासकीय अधिवक्ता, उ0प्र0 एवं स्थाई अधिवक्ता, उ0प्र0 सरकार
के रूप में माननीय उच्च न्यायालय लखनऊ खण्डपीठ, लखनऊ में भी कार्य
किया है।
2- Sri Subhash Chandra Pandey
श्री सुभाष चन्द्र पाण्डेय
राज्य सूचना आयुक्त
शैक्षिक अभिलेख एवं कार्य अनुभव
श्री सुभाष चन्द्र पाण्डेय
पिता का नाम
श्री आर0बी0 पाण्डेय
जन्म तिथि
जन्म स्थान शाहपुर, जिला सुल्तानपुर
24 वी0आई मंत्री आवास, विभूतिखण्ड, गोमती नगर, लखनऊ
स्नातक, इलाहाबाद विश्वविद्यालय, इलाहाबाद
एल0एल0बी0, इलाहाबाद विश्वविद्यालय, इलाहाबाद
उ0प्र0 बार काउन्सिल में 1992 में अधिवक्ता के रूप में
कार्य अनुभव
दिनांक 13.07.2007 को शपथ ग्रहण करके राज्य सूचना आयुक्त के रूप में
कार्यभार ग्रहण किया।
15 वर्ष का माननीय उच्च न्यायालय में अधिवक्ता के तौर पर कार्य का अनुभव।
स्थाई अधिवक्ता, उ0प्र0 माननीय उच्च न्यायालय लखनऊ (उ0प्र0 सरकार)
में भी कार्य करने का अनुभव प्राप्त है।
3- Sri Ram Saran Awasthi
श्री राम सरन अवस्थी
राज्य सूचना आयुक्त
शैक्षिक अभिलेख एवं कार्य अनुभव
श्री राम सरन अवस्थी
पिता का नाम
श्री वासुदेव अवस्थी
जन्म तिथि
जन्म स्थान ग्राम- खेरा, पोस्ट- सराय रावत, तहसील- हैदरगढ़, जिला- बाराबंकी।
8/वी0आई0 मंत्री आवास, विभुतिखण्ड, गोमती नगर, लखनऊ।
स्नातक, लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय, लखनऊ ।
एल0एल0बी0, लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय, लखनऊ।
उ0प्र0 बार काउन्सिल में 1996 में अधिवक्ता के रूप में
कार्य अनुभव
दिनांक 13.07.2007 को शपथ ग्रहण करके राज्य सूचना आयुक्त के रूप में
कार्यभार ग्रहण किया।
अतिरिक्त शासकीय अधिवक्ता,(उ0प्र0 सरकार) माननीय उच्च न्यायालय लखनऊ
खण्डपीठ, लखनऊ ।
अगस्त, 96 से जुलाई 07 तक माननीय उच्च न्यायालय में अधिवक्ता के तौर
पर कार्य का अनुभव।
4- Sri Brajesh Kumar Mishra
श्री बृजेश कुमार मिश्र
राज्य सूचना आयुक्त
शैक्षिक अभिलेख एवं कार्य अनुभव
श्री बृजेश कुमार मिश्र
पिता का नाम
श्री अमर नाथ मिश्र
जन्म तिथि
जन्म स्थान जिला मऊ।
616, सेक्टर-3, उदयन-1 एल्डिकों कालोनी, जेल रोड, लखनऊ।
बी0एस0सी0, लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय, लखनऊ
एल0एल0बी0, लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय, लखनऊ
कार्य अनुभव
दिनांक 13.07.2007 को शपथ ग्रहण करके राज्य सूचना आयुक्त के रूप में
कार्यभार ग्रहण किया।
अनुभव वर्ष 2000 से माननीय उच्च न्यायालय, लखनऊ पीठ, लखनऊ में
अधिवक्ता के रूप में कार्य किया, इसके अतिरिक्त राज्य विधि अधिकारी
उ0प्र0 के रूप में भी माननीय उच्च न्यायालय में कार्य किया तथा कई
कम्पनियों/बैंकों के भी अधिवक्ता रहे। इसके अतिरिक्त कई समाजसेवी
संस्थाओं से भी जुडे रहे।
5- Sri Gyan Prakash Maurya
श्री ज्ञान प्रकाश मौर्य
राज्य सूचना आयुक्त
शैक्षिक अभिलेख एवं कार्य अनुभव
श्री ज्ञान प्रकाश मौर्य
पिता का नाम
श्री राजाराम मौर्य
जन्म तिथि
जन्म स्थान
इलाहाबाद- उत्त्र प्रदेश
स्थायी पता
464/2/5-सी रामानन्द नगर अल्लाहपुर, इलाहाबाद-21006
स्थानीय पता
16/VI, मंत्री आवास, विभूतिखण्ड, गोमती नगर, लखनऊ ।
एम0 ए0, एल0 एल0 बी0
कार्य अनुभव
दिनांक 30 जून , 2009 को शपथ ग्रहण करके राज्य सूचना आयुक्त के रूप
में कार्यभार ग्रहण किया।
अधिवक्ता, माननीय उच्च न्यायालय, इलाहाबाद में 8 वर्ष विधि कार्य का
अनुभव प्राप्त
waiting 4 feedback on these five
Rest in next mail
team yaishwaryaj
उर्वशी शर्मा
"सूचना का अधिकार " हेल्पलाइन: 8081898081
[rti4empowerment] Bleeding Hearts
Monday, May 30, 2011
Bleeding Hearts
My heart is heavy, I have just seen the results of a good person being misled by sentiments.
The good person is Medha Patkar, no one doubts her integrity or her compassion. Problem is the application of both of those things.
Sometimes I wonder how difficult it is for people in power like judges or columnists to understand what influence they have over people. One wrong word or interpretation and it sets a very wrong precedent. As I was informing one of my readers yesterday I only write only once I have fully researched a topic since its very easy to be swayed by emotions.
Medha Patkar unfortunately has made the mistake of getting swayed by sentiments. Let us understand the agitation:
Ganesh Krupa Co-op Hsg Society (proposed) ,a society of dwellers formed on encroached lands, wanted to go in for redevelopment. Which means that new shining buildings will come up instead of these encroached shanties, giving current residents compensatory flats and allowing private developers to build a mini city on the freed up land. Located in Khar East, near the airport with highway access, Golibar is prime parcel of 140 acres of real estate.
The society went into a redevelopment agreement with the Slum Redevelopment Authority, and a company called Madhu Constructions. The company finished all the formalities and permission was given to start construction. Then it was suddenly found Madhu Constructions had gone into an agreement with Shivalik Venture, without informing the residents to develop this land.
(Let me explain this agreement between Madhu and Shivalik in all rights may not be illegal since all NORMAL agreements carry the endorsement heirs, assigns, etc where the parties are defined so to all intents and purposes Shivalik Ventures is an assign of Madhu Constructions if this is there in the agreement)
There followed a whole list of irregularities such as allegations of encroachment on 65 acres of conjoined defence land by Shivalik Venture for the land on which the current rehabilitation buildings stand, etc. for which separate cases have been filed.
Medha Patkar stood up and stated some very solid facts such as alleged forged signatures, signatures of a dead uneducated woman in English 3 years or so after her death, etc which have been used to bolster Shivaliks claims.
So she decided to go onto a fast unto death till such time as the Govt agreed to re-examine the whole issue. The Govt. after 8 days of course collapsed and agreed to her demands. Out of 5 demands I agree that she had solid grounds for three of them and I support her 100% on them, its the fourth & fifth I feel she committed a massive blunder on.
The five items the Govt agreed to are:
1) A halt on the demolitions on the 140 acres plot of Golibar slums and report on the issue by two Government appointed Committees. She claimed that the signatures of slum dwellers was forged on letters of consent for the project.
2) Independent enquiry committee to look into SRA projects with history of conflict such as Golibar, Antop hill, etc.
3) Removal of clause 3K of Maharashtra Slum Areas Act 1971 which allows the government to take over land without the requiring the consent of slum dwellers. Patkar also wanted an investigation into all the projects sanctioned under this section.
4) Committee to probe irregularities in the rehabilitation of the members of Ganesh Krupa Co-op Hsg Society (proposed). Implementation of Rajiv Awas Yojna in Mumbai which aims to provide subsidized affordable housing for the urban poor.
5) Declare unauthorised colonies as slums so a to provide them with basic amenities.
Point number 4 has a basic flaw it asks for "subsidized affordable housing". Slum dwellers would be fools…as of now they are getting "subsidized FREE housing". Why would they bother to even pay affordable rates. Point number 5 is plain crazy. The moment you declare UNAUTHOURISED colonies as legal slums, they become eligible for SRA. And under SRA they get free houses….who says crime des not pay.
The second problem I have with her "fast to the death", since the Govt caved in saying that DEMOLITIONS will stop till further action, she has played right into the hands of the manipulative babus. From now on, everytime there is a demolition of ILLEGAL slums, some "social worker" will fast and the babus will get an excuse to halt work.
I personally know someone in Golibar who "purchased" a house from a slumlord almost 20 years ago. It was a ground floor structure and he stayed in it and ran a printing press from one corner. About 12 years ago he came to me to borrow a lakh of rupees since he wanted to add a floor to his house since he was married now and had a small son, so space was now short. I lent him the money which he paid back , but by the time the floor was finished , he was using only half of it and had given the other half on rent for Rs. 4000 per month.
Now comes the fun part. 5 years ago, he again borrowed another 2 lakhs, this time to add a second floor to his house. Now he gets a rent of almost 15000 a month, for the two upper floors and his press is closed since he makes more from rent than he did in the press. ( he outsources his press to others in less lucky slums).
I asked him and he was cursing Medha Patkar since she was standing in the way of him and thousands of others getting legal 3 flats in stead of the narrow filthy laned slums for the cause of some 75 or so families out of which according to him only 26 were legal residents ( read pre 1995 as legal as per Maharashtra Govt.)
Let me understand his logic. he gets 3 flats ( since he has shown family members as resident in each of the floors, almost everyone has done that a fact which even Medha Patkar acknowledges in her speech ). Each of these flats is 500+ sq ft built up area. Rate in that area even for a SRA building would be approx 12,000 per sq ft built up …so he ends up with 3 flats each of potential sale value Rs. 60 Lakhs.
But how can that be you say..doesn't the Govt have safeguards for people not to profiteer. (see an image I found on the net, it clearly shows how ground+2 structures exist).
Of course, our Govt cant be so stupid and has put in a clause which says you cant sell or transfer the property for 10 years. Our punters have of course found a shortcut. They give a irrevocable power of attorney and in a survey it was found that a least 45% of SRA flats are not occupied by the original owners. What did the SRA authorities do, made a token show of issuing notices to a few flat owners, made some clucking noises about confiscation and the matter has gone into endless court litigation.
Folks accept it for a fact, the scam at Golibar is not only from the builders and the Govt side, almost each and every resident is out to line his pocket at the cost of the poor taxpayer like you and me.
In closing let me give you a simple little calculation: 140 acres = 140*44000 sq ft. Taking into account that there are lanes and roads criss crossing and that there are multi-storey structure we can safely assume at least 1 times the are is covered. So we have a potential area of approx 62 lakh sq ft.
Add the municipal and stamp duty built up ratio of 1.2 and the saleable area is approx 74 lakh sq feet. At the basic rate of 12000 per sq ft, approx we are talking about 9000 Crores worth of SRA materials being given FREE to these encroachers.
Picture says it all: (click on image to enlarge)
Folks, I've been asked by India Against Corruption to ask if any of the readers would like to have a meeting in their area, gymkhana / club or any kind of general gathering where their volunteer could come and talk about the Jan Lok Pal Bill and how it will benefit the public.
I am a firm believer in the Bill and if any of the readers would like to have such a meeting in their area, please email me at and I will put you in touch with the volunteers.
For more articles like this one , please visit
let me introduce myself:
I am an person of Indian origin residing in Mumbai who feels that the time has come to speak up or be silent forever. We all see movies like Rang De Basanti or Lage Raho Munnabhai and after walking out of theatre for the next couple of days the effect hangs like a halo around us. A few days later we go back to our old ways. This is my way of keeping the spirit of India alive.
As they say" 100 mein se 99% beimaan phir be India hai Mahaan"
My Mission Statement is:
A lot of people have written in asking why do I write these articles?
My answer is simple.
We meet loads of people everyday. When we stand around talking a lot of issues are discussed, what I hope and see happening is that the next time one of the readers starts a conversation on a topic I have written about, at least they will talk about it from a new viewpoint from the rest.
Which is why I talk about all aspects on life in India be it the Ram Setu Bridge or the Elections or maybe even the latest soap on TV.
I am sending you this mail since you have at some time or the other sent me a joke, an interesting article or some other little snippet or or some friend who has liked my articles has reffered you to me or at the very least you have been a CC on such an article forwarded to me so I feel this may be of interest to you.
I have started a blog under the name indipatriot and am sending you this article and the link to the blog where you can read this and other articles. I would also request you to send me articles and other things you would like me to publish on this blog from jokes to spiritual articles all comments are welcome. The email address for sending articles to is If you feel that this blog is not to your taste and do not wish to receive updates about the same, please send an email to the same address and we shall remove you from the mailing list.
Disclaimer This article is my personal opinion and is not meant to offend or hurt any person or any body of people. The matter is drawn from public domain and no copyright is knowingly transgressed. If any topic is found to be objectionable by you for any reason whatsoever, please do leave a comment and I will be glad to include a clarification in my followups.
[rti4empowerment] Big companies paying bribe OR MAMUL every year to Congress in the way donation in own name or sister concern
I got income returns and Balance sheet for past 10 years of Indian national Congress (INC). In balance sheet i came to know that every year very big companies like ITC, Videcon, Torrent, (soon i will release list of companies, educational trust, PROMOTERS, individuals giving donation amount, date, mode of amount) are giving several crores of ruppess to INC directly through company name or sisters company name. Most of big companies through sisters concerned or NGO runing by the company. some of company running own NGO in name of ELECTION REFORM. 1. What is the reason for giving donation every year several Crores to INC by big companies? 2. whether INC collecting as bribe or mammul from the big companies every year? 3. Why some of educational Trust giving donation to INC? to keep silent about capitation fee? 4. Why same company giving donation more than one time(twice or thrice) in the same year in different dates? whether we can consider as final deal amount? 5. why INC not shown (in balance sheet)all of the PAN of company, individuals, educational trust, etc., given donation to them. 5. why INC has given Rs.5.80 crores unsecurred loan to Journal in year 2001? FINAL HOW INC OR POLITICAL WILL TAKE NECESSARY ACTION AGAINST THEM IF THERE VIOLATION, DEVIVATION IN COMPANY, ETC., V.Gopalakrishnan |
Saturday, May 28, 2011
[rti4empowerment] Police officer not answerable to Minister of Crown
[rti4empowerment] Interrogation in Britain