Thursday, March 31, 2011

[rti4empowerment] PM on CORRUPTION


Dear Friends,


Excerpts from our Hon. PM Shri Manmohan Singh's intervention BEFORE the passage of the HISTORICAL Right to Information Bill, 2005:

Intervening in the debate on the Right to Information Bill in the Lok Sabha today (Wednesday, May 11, 2005), the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, said:

"Mr. Speaker Sir, I am very grateful to you for granting me permission to intervene on a very important and critical Bill, which is before this august House.

I have always believed - all power is a sacred societal trust - that you cannot SIT on power, you have to spend it, but you must spend it taking into account the good of the largest number of people.

We all know ((((in 2005 !!!!)))) that there are widespread complaints in our country about wastefulness of expenditure, about CORRUPTION in matters, which have relations with the functioning of our Government.

This is the guiding spirit behind this new momentous measure that is now before this august House, that is, the Right to Information Bill.

It is this COMMON MAN or COMMON WOMAN who is the fulcrum of our democratic system, as an observer, as the seeker of information, as the one who asks RELEVANT QUESTIONS, AS THE ANALYST AND AS THE FINAL JUDGE OF OUR PERFORMANCE. ((((The preamble of the RTI Act, which is necessary to be understood by the implementing authorities who have been referring to the LITERAL definition of information vis-a-vis asking questions))))

The Bill lays down an architecture for assessing information, which is simple, easy, time-bound and inexpensive. It has stringent penalties for failing to provide information or affecting information flow in any way. In fact, it imposes obligations ((((SEC.4)))) on agencies to disclose information suo motu, thus reducing the cost of access.

Mr. Speaker, Sir, many hon. Members have, during the discussion on the Bill, raised many concerns and questions. They will be answered by the Minister of State, Shri Suresh Pachauri. I would only like to see that everyone, particularly our civil servants, should see the Bill in a positive spirit; not as a draconian law for paralyzing Government, but as an instrument for improving Government-citizen interface resulting in a friendly, caring and effective Government functioning for the good of our people. Sir, it is with this in mind that we have removed the penalty of imprisonment through this Amendment. However, erring officials would still be subject to departmental proceedings. I appeal all civil servants to see this Bill in the right spirit and hope they will only be spurred towards better performance. After all, we, the elected representative of people, bow to the wishes of people and have come to no harm. So will it be with honest, hard working civil servants.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I believe that the passage of this Bill will see the dawn of a new era in our processes of governance, an era of performance and efficiency, an era which will ensure that benefits of growth flow to all sections of our people, an era which will eliminate the scourge of corruption, an era which will bring the common man's concern to the heart of all processes of governance, an era which will truly fulfil the hopes of the founding fathers of our Republic."

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[rti4empowerment] Research Methods and Statistical


Research Methods and Statistical 

The main focus of this online master's in education degree from Ohio University to individuals gain the that is needed for employing cutting edge motivational and instructional techniques to maximize the of their athletes and their teams. And……. 


·        Research Methods and Statistical  

·        Foundations of Coaching 

·        Physiological Basis for Athletic Training 

·        Resistance Training for Athletic Performance 


More to read………… 

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

[rti4empowerment] Fw: Pune



Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 11:02 AM
Subject: Pune

Dear Urvi,

Germany, USA, China and many more countries are reviewing and shutting down nuclear reactors after the sad events in Japan.[1] The Indian government however seems to be sure that nuclear is safe.[2]

You should register for the National Day of Action against Nuclear here.
Last week we delivered over 73000 petition signatures opposing the nuclear plant in Jaitapur, Maharashtra to the Prime Minister's office.[3] Like Fukushima in Japan, Jaitapur falls in an earthquake zone.[4] The technology is untested and the government is downplaying all these risks.

The PM has not yet responded to the demands made by 73000 people. We need to take the next step. April 11th is the National Day of Action against Nuclear, it marks the one month anniversary of the tragedy in Japan. On this day there will be a candle light vigil in Pune to remember those suffering in Japan and ask our government to move away from dangerous nuclear technology.

You should join the vigil against nukes.

This vigil will help show the government that the people of this country take their safety seriously. Lots of people at this vigil and others across the country will also help get media attention and put more pressure on the government to act.

Nuclear energy is expensive and dangerous. The government needs to invest more in clean and safe renewable energy and maximise its energy efficiency instead.

Our safety and the safety of generations together is at stake now. If countries across the world can take a responsible decision and shut nuclear plants,[5] so can India. Tell the government that you value your safety and health.Join the vigil now..

Thanks a billion!

Photo of Karuna Raina
Karuna Raina
Nuclear Campaigner
Greenpeace India


1. Nuclear power plants shut down in Germany, BBC news, March 15, 2011

U.S. nuclear agency plans safety review of reactors, Reuters, BBC news, March 23, 2011

State Council suspends nuclear plant approval, China Economic review, March 17, 2011

2. Are Indian nuclear reactors safe enough? , NDTV Profit, March 14, 2011

3. Civil groups to march to protest nuclearisation of India, and AP, March 25, 2011

4. 20 years, 92 quakes: Ground trembles beneath Jaitapur's feet, Times of India, March 16, 2011

5. Japan crisis forces rethink of the nuclear option, The Telegraph, UK, March 19, 2011
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[rti4empowerment] Emailing: Dog Saved Elderly Lady from Tsunami Care2 Healthy & Green Living


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Dog Saved Elderly Lady from Tsunami?

posted by Jake Richardson Mar 30, 2011 2:02 pm
filed under: Dogs, Pets & Animals
Dog Saved Elderly Lady from Tsunami?

You may have seen the video of the dog in Japan that refused to leave the side of another canine injured by the tsunami. Now another heroic dog story has surfaced, but this time it includes a person. Daily Yomiuri Online has reported a twelve-year old  shih tzu named Babu very insistently led her owner straight away from their home right before the tsunami struck and up a hill. Immediately after taking their place on the hill, a very large muddy wall of water engulfed their house, where they had been just minutes before.

Babu has a particular way of letting her 83 year-old owner, Tami Akanuma, know when she wants to go out for a walk, but there was something a little different about it that day. Babu was more animated, and the lights in the home had gone out, when she bolted out the front door. She headed away from  the normal walking route and instead went towards a hill. Akanuma heard a warning message about a tsunami approaching over the community speaker system, and followed Babu. The dog kept running way, then waiting for Tami to catch up, repeatedly until they had traversed a kilometer. On the hill Tami looked backwards and saw the land they had just crossed covered in cold sea water and mud.

Babu and Tami survived that day, which was the worst of the disaster in terms of the forceful destruction, and are now staying in a shelter with about sixty others. Akanuma's house was about 200 yards from the coast in Taro-Kawamukai. The average life span is about twelve years and Babu just turned twelve. Some believe Shih tzus descended from Tibetan dogs that lived over ten thousand years ago. Modern day Shih tzus are descended from just fourteen that were saved from the Cultural Revolution.

It has been thought some animals can feel vibrations and hear sounds humans can't perceive and therefore are alerted earlier to natural disasters like earthquakes.

Image Credit: Public Domain

Related Links

Dog Refuses to Leave Friend Injured in Tsunami

Rescued Dog Now Saves People

More on Dogs (266 articles available)
More from Jake Richardson (513 articles available)



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27 comments add your comment
gerlinde p.

we should take more heed of our animals. my dogs started barking in the middle of the night, i was a little annoyed because i had finally just fallen asleep,when i heard one of the neighbours shouting fire, someone had set fire in the stairhouse, fortunately noone was hurt. because the neihgbour detected it coming home from work.

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Karen N.

You see what happens when we listen to our animals . . . very nice story.

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Isabel Araujo

This is a great story, thank you.

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Chelsie H.

What an awesome little dog!

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Mara C.
  • Mara C. says
  • Mar 30, 2011 5:13 PM

Perceptive little dog!

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patti ng

Very heartwarming!!!

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Naoko I.

Excuse me for my double posts. The system doesn't work properly.

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Heather L.

What a cute & brave little dog....

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Naoko I.

I posted this on the C2NN directly from the Daily Yomiuri on the day it was reported online in English (Japanese version was reported a day before). And it had been on the front page for a while.

I don't complain but feel uneasy finding this article here. And the photo of the dog here is not of Babu, the hero dog.

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Chloe Foster

This is such a great story and that fact about animals being able to hear vibrations before humans was so cool! This just proves that animals are amazing inspiring creatures!

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